debates tobacco and smoking where we look
at many of the benefits and negatives of
smoking. Tobacco and smoking were two
separate points discussed because of
different effects on the body from each.)
Karra: okay,
as I am a healer at heart, let us look
at healing and certain negative
activities that are harmful but have
beneficial effects. For example,
nicotine addiction. Its harmful
properties, lung cancer, stomach
problems, lack of sleep, lack of
increasing in weight, dietary problems
relating to that and a few others.
Okay, benefits from
Russ: oh I know what those are.
Karra: which are?
Russ: relaxation….
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: ease of stress and tension.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: a euphoria first point in the
morning, a relaxant at the end of the
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: oh yeah, it’s both a stimulant
and a depressant.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: so it serves both functions and
the body tells the nicotine….
Karra: what to do.
Russ: or the nicotine tells the body,
one of the two, what to do.
Karra: okay also, it helps to decrease
inflammation of the intestinal areas
and, as far as I can tell but my
research is preliminary and I hope to
continue it, smokers do not suffer
from Alzheimer’s.
Russ: you don’t have many smokers to
study up there do you?
Karra: no. Also, tobacco is a
Russ: hmm.
Karra: it is also able to help to
reduce swelling in a poultice form.
Tobacco also helps to darken the skin
pigmentation for protection like a
Russ: aren't there side effects from
Karra: well it gets soaked into the
Russ: right, wouldn’t you get a
carcinogenic side effect because of
Karra: not any more higher than too
much exposure to sun.
Russ: oh.
Karra: you see the problem with
smoking is not the tobacco but the
chemicals that they put in there. For
people that don’t inhale and smoke
cigars, the increase in cancers is
only about 5% higher than most people.
Russ: really?
Karra: is that acceptable?
Russ: well anything’s going to kill
Karra: exactly.
Russ: as long as you’re having fun
doing it, I don’t see any problem.
Karra: exactly so, by looking at this
persecuted habit, highly persecuted
habit at that, it is you have to look
at things from both ways. For example,
on your planet smokers die sooner than
most people, correct. Smokers tend to
be more reliable work employees.
Smokers tend to be more relaxed and
work harder. They don’t take so much
time off due to ill health. People
that are supposedly healthy on your
planet seem to be more sick than most
smokers. On my estimate a ratio of 2
to 1. Now the fact that they die at a
earlier age and work harder could be a
very useful tool in your government’s
crusade for healthcare for children.
Instead of pocketing the money which
is basically what they’re doing, why
not use the money from smokers that
die early to pay for welfare for
children, healthcare for children? You
see? There’s a big flaw in trying to
get rid and ban smoking in your
country or any country. It’s a good
idea but it’s not thought through.
Russ: well isn’t the fact that
second-hand smoke is 10 times more
deadly than first-hand smoke?
Karra: no.
Russ: if I remember statistics,
something's worse about it though.
Karra: yes but it is not that high.
Russ: okay but at the same time,
aren’t smokers then persecuting
non-smokers by smoking around them?
Karra: yes.
Russ: aren’t they…it’s like an AIDS
victim going out and having sex with
people who don’t have AIDS.
Karra: uh-huh however, however, let us
look at something that is far more
insidious, air pollution by
automobiles. Do you know living in Los
Angeles is the equivalent to smoking
two packets of cigarettes a day?
Russ: oh no I didn’t.
Karra: uh-huh. Living in San Francisco
is the equivalent to smoking one
packet a day. Living in most
metropolises within the United States
is the equivalent to smoking between
half a packet of cigarettes to a
packet of cigarettes a day. But yet
the automobiles aren’t persecuted, the
automobile owners aren't persecuted
for polluting and introducing
something far worse into the air,
carbon monoxide than cigarette smokers
are doing….
Russ: oh yes they are.
Karra: automobiles are…..
Russ: oh yeah, I’m a person......I can
tell you personally that it happened
to me.
Karra: that you’ve been persecuted?
Russ: yes I have.
Karra: okay, let’s hear the story.
Russ: well I bought my Jeep in
California, I registered it in
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: then I had to re-register it in
California. California charged me $300
because I was registering the vehicle
from out-of-state and it hadn't been
smog approved in California when it
was built.
Karra: uh-huh, but that is persecution
by the government.
Russ: state.
Karra: by the state. Smokers are
persecuted by everybody. Now why is it
that one group is persecuted and one
group is not?
Russ: because one group is killing
another group who isn’t doing anything
about getting all the pleasures that
smokers get, they're just being
Karra: because they’re being selfish.
Russ: no, because they’re around
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: oh you mean the smokers are
Karra: the smokers are selfish….
Russ: yeah.
Karra: because they’re getting the
Russ: right and they’re basically
harming people who aren’t getting the
Karra: what about automobiles?
Russ: well they’re the same thing.
Karra: exactly but one group is
persecuted and the other group is not
because one is perceived as not
necessary and the other one is
perceived as necessary.
Russ: well one is seen as a luxury and
one is seen as….
Karra: necessity.
Russ: a necessity, a habit.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: automobile driving is not habit.
Karra: it is a necessity, that is a
Russ: correct.
Karra: which is more healthy, to hop
in your vehicle or walk? Let us say
you want to go to your workplace which
is about a mile and a half away
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: which is healthier?
Russ: walking.
Karra: which is more time economical?
Russ: driving.
Karra: which is worse for you?
Russ: driving.
Karra: which is able to transport a
larger quantity?
Russ: driving.
Karra: so you see?
Russ: right.
Karra: one, smoking is perceived as
harmful however getting back to my
initial starting, nicotine helps to
sooth intestinal problems and they
don't get Alzheimer’s. Now what makes
the smoke from cigarettes so bad?
Russ: well as you said, the chemicals.
Karra: correct. Now, how do you fix
the problem? Take the chemicals out.
Russ: yeah.
Karra: simple. So, which is worse,
smoking or driving?
Russ: smoking.
Karra: both are equally worse, both
are equally harmful.
Russ: you know I’ve got to disagree
Karra: okay.
Russ: for one thing, I don’t live in
San Francisco and I don’t live in Los
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: therefore, I’m not breathing
automobile fumes that would equal up
to a pack or two packs of cigarettes a
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: I’m living in South Lake Tahoe
maybe I’m getting half a cigarette, I
doubt that, maybe a full drag.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: whereas hanging around someone
who smokes a pack of cigarettes….
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: I’m actually getting a pack of
Karra: okay now let’s look at it
slightly differently.
Russ: okay.
Karra: how many people in South Lake
Tahoe have died this year, this 365
day period from smoking?
Russ: I haven’t the slightest idea.
Karra: maybe one or two. How many
people have died in automobile related
Russ: again, I don’t have any idea.
Karra: I can think of……..actually Tia
says that she knows of a friend of
Mark’s that was killed, a young lady
that Mark knew that was killed and she
says that if we hold on she can look
up on the computer but I don’t think
we have time. How’s the tape looking?
Russ: it's getting short.
Karra: okay, I am done.