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(Karra addresses a topic not yet covered which is mental healing. First she looks at the methods on this planet with a professional eye and then explains how in some imaginary scenarios, analysts on the base or Sirius would handle the mental issues being experienced.) 

Karra: okay let’s get on to answering questions, okay? As a reminder, Shane, what do I do?

Shane: what are you?

Karra: I’m a healer, I heal.

Shane: you heal people.

Karra: that’s right, something I enjoy doing that I don’t get an opportunity to do much. Now, healing, there is physical healing and mental healing and spiritual healing. Let us look at the most common kind of healing, mental healing, dealing with mental problems. It is popular in pseudo-scientific circles to blame a lot of problems on repressed or hidden memories. This is tosh and bunk, either it happened or it didn’t happen. If looking at a dysfunction, the analyst comes to the conclusion that there was some kind of abuse whether it was physical or mental and it is being repressed and they talk the person into believing that it's a repressed memory, then you have serious problems. That is something to be careful to watch out for. It is common for people that have the need to talk to what would you call them, counselors?

Shane: shrinks?

Karra: sorry?

Shane shrinks?

Skip: a good listener.

Shane: head shrinkers.

Karra: what’s a head shrinker? Isn’t that a….

Shane: psychiatrist.

Karra: oh psychiatrist, psychoanalyst. Those are some of the shakiest areas because it is a subjective point of view. A psychoanalyst takes what they think they know, analyzes it with the aid of the person, they look at it and they come to a conclusion. Frequently they come to the right conclusion, just as frequently they come to the wrong conclusion. It’s kind of like picking a scab, if you pick a scab, it takes longer to heal. If you pick it occasionally, it's part of the healing process but if you’re picking it constantly, it becomes festered and does more damage. And this is what some psychoanalysts do, they take a possible event and blow it out of all proportion and do more damage in the so-called aid for healing than is actually done. They may heal the person but they destroy the patient.

Skip: well that’s for sure.

Karra: very strange, very strange.

Shane: happens a lot.

Karra: it does unfortunately according to Tia. So there are certain ethical questions of healing when you’re doing mental healing that need to be addressed. One is if you suspect that there's a hidden problem, a repressed memory, is it appropriate to dig at it and find out if it is a real memory or a misinterpreted memory or a fake memory? Most people when they’re in healing sessions that are in a counseling healing session are very open and receptive to suggestions. You can basically turn them into puppets at that point so it is a very strong ethical question on the healer themselves. Is the healer having a bad day, does the healer like the person, does the healer like the person but hates one of the people involved? You have to be very careful when you’re picking at these things and that healers that deal with these kind of thing should be put through a special training course to deal with morals and be able to repress their opinions, their points of view, their thought processes and look logically at the facts. Not what is maybe, what maybe not, just the facts. So that is a way of dealing as a healer with mental problems, the first step, the ethical questions. Any questions?

Russ: hmm.

Karra: I can see I’ve stirred up a hornets nest.

Russ: now one thing I’ve got is, oftentimes a psychologist is digging up repressed memories due to the fact that the person he is analyzing……

Karra: she.

Shane: he or she.

Russ: he or she has got a problem dealing with society where something that would be caused by some memory that is holding them back from contributing or expressing themselves due to the fact that they've repressed this thing and it's eating away at them subconsciously and don’t even know about it.......

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: it makes up a part of their personality and lifestyle.

Karra: correct.

Russ: by bringing it out, you’re effectively changing that personality, changing their lifestyle good or bad….

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: usually bad because everybody involved is usually hurt by it but in their eyes they’re helping, they’re healing that what they call an abnormal or aberrant…..

Karra: behavioral pattern.

Russ: behavioral patterns.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: caused by the fact that something has been repressed for that long.

Karra: sometimes it’s best to not bring up repressed, so-called repressed or real repressed memories because as you pointed out, it does damage. In healing the patient you destroy the friends and you cause more problems. Some psychoanalysts do this and will have a whole string of patients that are all related one after another.

Skip: okay I got a question for you if you don’t mind…….

Karra: yes I do mind.

(Skip starts chuckling)

Skip: okay these patients have learned to live with these memories or events that happened in their lives and they've gone on to build a fruitful life, wouldn’t it be better just to leave them memories and bits and coincidence and stuff alone?

Karra: in most cases I would say yes.

Russ: there’s some cases where you would say no too.

Karra: correct and in the cases where it’s best to leave them alone is if the person is functioning reasonably normally. In those situations if a patient was to come to a psychiatrist up here or psychoanalyst up here, they would talk about well the problem, not the root cause of the problem but how to fix the problem. For example, let’s make up a fictional person. Let's say there is a person that comes to one of our psychoanalysts and has an aversion to short people.

Shane: to what?

Skip: short people.

Karra: short people. Now how would you overcome that problem? And the analyst would discuss it with the subject and look at the fear and say, “well it’s an irrational fear, little people cannot hurt you.” But maybe a long time ago the person as a child was beaten frequently by somebody that was short in stature, frequently….

Skip: uh-huh.

Karra: but has repressed that memory, very unlikely up here but I’m taking it as a hypothetical situation.

Skip: yeah go-ahead babe.

Karra: so how do you address and fix the problem that this person has an irrational fear of short people? What you would do is introduce them to somebody that is sitting behind a chair, behind a table at the same height as they are and they would be introduced and talk to each other regularly in the same setting.

Russ: hmm, makes sense.

Karra: now the person would get up and maybe the person’s taller, maybe the person’s shorter, preferably the person’s taller to start off with and then after let’s say 12 sessions there’s two people there sitting side-by-side behind the desk appearing to be the same height as the person that they’re talking to and at the end of the session the person leaves and this goes on for another 12 sessions where at the end of that 12 sessions both people get up and one is tall and one is short.

Shane: uh-huh.

Karra: and that is approaching the fear that the person has been getting to know somebody that they don’t know whether they're tall or short on a one-on-one and then from there a new person would be introduced that maybe is a little bit shorter than the second person so that they get used to dealing with short people so therefore the problem is addressed. Now it doesn’t always work. For example let’s take a subject that has an irrational fear but an irrational fear that is grounded in fact and in certain environments is a healthy fear, arachnophobia. Some spiders serve a very useful function, in fact all spiders do. However, some spiders carry a deadly toxin and having a fear of those spiders because spiders are unpredictable is healthy. How would you cure somebody of that fear? Expose them to spiders? Could be dangerous, not only in an emotional level or a heart level, but in a health level as well. Could be terminable. So fears like that, do you address them or not?

Shane: you could teach them about spiders.

Skip: no that won’t work.

Karra: no it’s a very tricky field to deal with.

Skip: I think the best way to go with that darling would be to educate a person to what is and what isn’t a deadly spider.

Karra: yes I agree, I agree but it still doesn’t address the fear.

Skip: no I understand that.

Karra: there is somebody I would like to discuss this with but I don’t think they would cooperate because their irrational fear of spiders goes......it's one moment it’s high and the next moment it’s low. It’s like Tia’s analogy on the stock market, it fluctuates……

Skip: uh-huh.

Karra: one moment it climbs, the next moment it drops, it stays stable, it climbs a little bit, it drops a lot, it climbs a lot, it stays stable and so on, that’s fluctuation.

Skip: the same with people’s fear.

Karra: yes and I would really like to talk to the subject but I know for a fact that the subject would not cooperate because of the fear of spiders.

Skip: uh-uh.

Karra: and I know the subject knows it’s an irrational fear, I know that the subject knows what spiders……..he’s probably more well-informed about spiders than most people on your planet but the subject still has an irrational fear. Okay, any more questions?

Skip: uh-uh.

Karra: okay.

Skip: not on that end of it.

Karra: well questions in general on healing.

Skip: well I’m running into a reverend is her title that’s doing a spiritual, physical healing on me.

Karra: uh-huh, she’s the one working on your chakras correct?

Skip: I’m sorry?

Karra: she’s one working on your chakras?

Skip: yes, yes and aura……

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: and evidently from what I’ve read, the college that she went through, she can read auras and chakras okay?

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: and she’s……I’m getting back to being my old self.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: because from what I’ve studied and read from the lady that established the college that she went through, the auras and different colors and different patterns around a person shows what their problems are…..

Karra: uh-huh yes.

Skip: physically, spiritually and emotionally and she’s dealing with all these things on me.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: and it seems like I’m getting more benefit out of this type of healing than anything I’ve run into before.

Karra: yes, uh-huh.

Skip: I was just wondering, I feel good about it, I just wonder if I’m doing the right thing? I think I am.

Karra: well if you’re feeling good….

Skip: yes.

Karra: well there’s your answer.

Skip: yeah but sometimes you wonder…..

Karra: wondering is good.

Skip: if maybe it’s just a hype……

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: you know what I’m saying.

Karra: well if it’s working and making you feel better…….

Skip: yeah it really is, I feel better about myself which I was pretty down on me for a long time.

Karra: well you have some very good friends.

Skip: yes, yes I do, some excellent friends.

Karra: okay next question?

Russ: yeah when you’re dealing with a psychoanalyst and the patient role, how closely should you be following up on the karmic end of that? For example if you’re bringing up these repressed memories or something, you’re going to be creating karma that’s going to affect you, them, the people that did it whereas otherwise if you had left this alone, then it would’ve happened at all.

Karra: well it’s something you need to approach very carefully as I said, it’s heading to a goal, an objective. If you do bring up repressed memories and you’ve got to remember that a person is very susceptible to suggestion at that point......

Skip: uh-uh.

Karra: that you could bring up a memory of your own by accident and without meaning to implant it onto them and they think it’s a repressed memory so you have to be very, very careful when you're doing that. But, let us assume that you bring up a repressed memory that is a true repressed memory. Again you do it gradually little by little addressing each little aspect and nuance at a time in one session. You bring up one little thing and you address and look at that and you may spend not only one session but many sessions dealing with that one problem, that one little nuance. You talk it to death and you look at it from all possible aspects. You look at it saying, “well what would the person be thinking if they were doing that? Why would they do that?” Maybe it’s not as we think it was because after all, we see one thing but it may be something totally different.

Russ: hmm.

Karra: for example, you see a child pick up a handful of dirt and throw it at another child. Well, what caused the child to do that?

Shane: experimentation or something else.

Karra: could be many different things. Could be the fact that the child asked, "throw dirt at me", it could be the fact that the child saw something in the dirt and went to grab it and the person goes, "hey throw that here.” Many, many different possibilities. So you’ve got to look at a situation from all possible angles and by looking at them, you talk them to death, you talk them out of existence. What was the person thinking, why were they thinking that, well what else could they have been thinking? You see?

Russ: uh-huh, okay, thank you.

Karra: next question?

Skip: that’s the theory of Dianetics.

Karra: it’s an old theory up here, old and ancient.

Skip: that’s the theory of Dianetics.

Russ: catching on down here I guess.

Skip: yeah, Dianetics has for several years, I just think that they’re approaching it the wrong way…..

Karra: another way of wording it is that it’s their interpretations, the person that is analyzing it…..

Skip: there you go.

Karra: is interpreting it in their limited experience.

Skip: that’s it exactly and I believe that’s wrong.

Karra: oh it is very wrong, very wrong that I could have any one of you down on the couch and I could implant a thought into your head and you would think that it was your own thought and I could do that without thinking, being totally distracted. Our analysts up here are trained with the ability to block out their emotions, they're a very, very odd bunch up here because they seem very unemotional.

Skip: that’s how they seem, yeah.

Karra: yes but in actual fact……

Skip: very unemotional.

Karra: they’re very emotional people.

Skip: but they have to block it all out.

Karra: yes they’re very empathic, they feel everybody’s emotions but yet they have to block them out, you're quite correct. Okay, last questions.

Skip: no more from me darling.

Shane: no.

Russ: of course I’ve got one. When you’re working like say as I am when I’m working with my counseling with the past life regressions…..

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: I’m not putting anything out to them as far as anything that I might add on to their experience, I’m merely letting their guides take them through and all I’m doing is providing the impetus to get there but even so, their own memories might be coming into that play even if they’re not like deep down memories that are coming out and making themselves known. For example Mr. (name has been edited) who had the, I think it was him, yeah who had the…….

Karra: werewolf fixation?

Russ: yeah that’s the one. Now I'm going to have a tough time unless he’s from just another planet believing that he was a full-on werewolf and going around and scarfing on people and living with all these other werewolves. Now it sounds like something coming out of Dungeons & Dragons or something like that, one of those role-playing games and it's forcing itself upon his consciousness......

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: but he sees it is real. He leaves the session going away thinking he was a werewolf.

Karra: to him it was real.

Russ: I agree but is that a conscious moral wise for me?

Karra: for you it was not real, for him it was real. It was his experience as a werewolf, whether or not it was a past life or not is besides the point. The fact is that it was real, it is unlikely that it would be on your planet if it was on a planet. It is his subconscious interacting in a way that it comes and dominates the regression process. In doing so what happens is that his creativity side comes out and goes, “oh party time, let’s have fun. Okay let’s play Dungeons & Dragons.” You see?

Russ: right.

Karra: and in that happening it becomes very real for the subject, it really did happen for him......

Russ: oh yeah.

Karra: but it happened for the first time in the past life regression. That was a past life for him because it was a past life regression and behavioral patterns are involved in that. The lifestyle, the hierarchy, the mindset are all part of......

Russ: it was very detailed.

Karra: of the lucidness of the regression and that in itself is a key point to looking at somebody’s life. For him it was real, it happened, it really did happen. You see?

Russ: uh-huh, I see.

Karra: okay, I’m also filling in a little bit as Tia and Mark are dealing with a problem child.

Russ: oh.

Karra: okay, catch you later.

Russ: bye love.

Shane: good luck.

Karra: thank you.