(Karra explores the harmonics of
healing where the frequency of an individual
plays a part in a healing. She describes how
she used harmonics with a guest we had
visiting that was having a split within her
upper and lower self that needed to be brought
closer in alignment. She demonstrates as well
by using a Tibetan singing bowl that
everything has a frequency.)
Karra: okay,
do we have questions or am I going to
just sit here and orate for a while?
Russ: well I've got a few but I don't
want to take up all of them.
Skip: no go ahead, go ahead Russ, go
Russ: all right, if you insist. Karra,
the healing that we did with Paulette
and Sun Par........
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: in a verbal form......
Karra: yes.
Russ: as to bring the two together and
what actually happened and how did it
fix itself up?
Karra: well what was actually happened
was that we took one vibrational
frequency and brought it up and took
the other vibrational frequency and
brought it down so that they matched.
The problem that Paulette was having
is the fact that Sun Par was vibrating
at a higher frequency then Paulette
was so we had to bring and match them
so that they evened out and work
together instead of vibrating totally
Russ: hmm.
John: now is Paulette going to need
another healing?
Karra: from time to time yes but not
that often.
John: not that often.
Karra: just words will be of
tremendous support.
John: and this has to do with what she
calls her bipolar energy?
Karra: that is correct.
John: it is the same thing we’re
talking about?
Karra: yes, is that you have energy at
one level and energy at another level
and you have to bring them together so
they're no longer split. By bringing
them into sync and harmony together,
you create a harmonic frequency that
resonates out of the body between the
entity and the physical and it
vibrates together in tune. For
example, if Russ was to hum at one
(Russ starts humming)
Karra: and I was to hum at another
(Karra hums at a higher note)
Karra: see they don’t sound good do
they? One is higher and one is lower.
If we were to hum the same note on the
count of three…..two, one…..
(Karra and Russ hum at the same note)
Karra: see, our notes are pretty close
John: yeah it’s more pleasing to the
Karra: that is correct. Now imagine
that on a physical and spiritual
level, the fact that you have one at a
high-frequency and one at a
low-frequency, it is bound to cause
some problems because it is not
harmonic. So by bringing them into a
harmonic alignment right, what
happens? The instrument is tuned and
it is pleasant to hear for both
parties and therefore it works much
John: so right now Paulette is
harmonically balanced.
Karra: correct, with Sun Par.
Russ: so this goes back to what Kiri
and I were talking about concerning
harmonics and the matching of
Skip: uh-huh.
Russ: I see.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: but it’s not only just on a
physical and spiritual level,
harmonics play a much bigger and more
important role than people realize.
I’m not fully versed on the
engineering side, you’d have to ask
Miss Mischievous that is standing on
her hands at the moment.
Skip: well then, using the spiritual
and physical harmonics, a healer can
heal themselves?
Karra: yes and other people. You have
to be sensitive to other harmonic
frequencies of individuals. Everybody
has a different harmonic frequency.
Some people are very close together
and other people are quite far apart.
Somebody that irritates you for no
reason whatsoever has a totally
different harmonic frequency that is
Skip: okay, now one further step.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: I’m a gifted healer…..
Karra: yes.
Skip: to begin with.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: does this say that I’m
consciously sensitive to people’s
Karra: yes.
Skip: that’s why I can heal them?
Karra: well you had the ability as
most healers do to fluctuate your
harmonic frequency. You can go from a
high frequency to a low frequency.
There are some people that you can’t
help due to the fact that their
harmonic frequencies are too far out
of your range either way, they're
either too high or too low. For
example that gentleman that you work
with if my report is correct if she
stays upright, there’s a gentleman
that you work with that you find that
you get on with but he’s very
irritating and the problem there is
that his frequency is too far away for
you to match.
Skip: okay, alright.
Karra: that's why you get on well with
most people is that you have that
frequency that you can adjust and
match to match their frequency.
Skip: oh okay and I do that
Karra: it’s a built-in program that
makes you feel comfortable that you’ve
had from an early age. When you’re
very young, you're isolated from other
people’s harmonics and their
frequencies but as you get older, you
get opened up and if at the right age
you learn how to get on with a lot of
people by adjusting your frequency,
then you continue to do that through
the rest of your life. The more
exposure that you have to other people
at an early age, the easier it
Skip: okay that explains something
then because when I was a small boy I
always kind of hung around with older
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: I always did.
Karra: well again older people have a
lower harmonic resonance level than
younger people. As younger people have
higher pitched voices…..
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: they also have higher pitched
Skip: okay.
Karra: the older you get the lower the
note drops.
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: some people don’t lose this
frequency, they stay at a high
frequency and they burn incredibly
bright and very active, very
boisterous, very much like a child in
their boisterousness......
Skip: uh-huh.
Karra: but yet in an adult form. This
is because their frequencies are very
high. In a lower frequency they
can.......an individual can achieve a
much greater range of experiences and
ability. A high frequency tends to
burn an individual out.
Skip: okay, that makes sense.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: thank you.
Karra: oh no problem, glad I could
help. Next question?
John: does light, pure light have a
harmonic frequency?
Karra: everything has a harmonic
John: everything?
Karra: everything. Let me show you.
Handle please? There we go.
(Karra gets a singing bowl singing)
John: I always thought that was a
mortar and pestle. Yeah I mean it's
very similar to your
conventional.....but I had no
idea......it was kinda laying....
Russ: singing bowl.
John: singing bowl till Mark told me
about it which was just recently.
Skip: okay the same thing can be
accomplished with a wet finger on a
crystal glass.
Karra: correct.
John: oh yeah.....
Karra: thank you Kiri.
John: you bet ya.
Karra: needs to be polished.
Skip: hear it?
Karra: seems to have been damaged
here, oh well.
(gives the bowl a nice tap)
Karra: that works just as well.
John: yeah, that has a good ring to
Karra: yes but that has a harmonic
frequency also.
Skip: this is....I think this is why
bells are cast.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: they're not machined, they're
Karra: right, that's because it is
easier to achieve the harmonic
frequency necessary.
Skip: and by changing the properties
of the metals change the tone of the
Karra: correct and it is the same with
people, change the individual slightly
and you change their frequency.
Skip: okay.
Karra: we have just had a revelation
have we not Mr. Healer?
Skip: do what?
Karra: you've just had a revelation
did you not?
Skip: more or less.
Karra: uh-huh.
John: back to my question about light.
Karra: yes, it does have a frequency,
it does have harmonics. It is so
high-pitched that bright light not
only hurts the eyes but hurts the ears
as well.
John: that’s a little bit better than
what you gave me before.
Karra: uh-huh, okay.
Skip: and the darker the light, the
deeper the mood.
Karra: correct.
Skip: it’s the same with colors.
Karra: correct, colors have
Skip: the darker the color the deeper
the mood.
Karra: uh-huh. For example, this is
black is it not?
John: that is black.
Karra: you cannot get much darker than
that. What does black suggest?
Skip: funerals.
(Skip laughs at the humor of it)
John: for me it represents sincerity,
Karra: Russ?
Russ: absence of light.
Karra: see, all different definitions
but all of them…..all those comments
suggest that something a little bit is
darker, not dark as in negative but as
in void of light as Russ put it.
Skip: very few people have seen
ultimate darkness.
Karra: true.
Skip: I have.
Russ: you mean pitch black?
Skip: pitch black where you cannot
Russ: yeah I’ve seen it.
Skip: you have? Okay, there are very
few people that have Russ.
Russ: uh-huh.
Skip: in the mines, when you turn off
your headlamp, it’s ultimate darkness.
Karra: okay, any more questions for
Russ: uh-huh, in the question
of.......we're working right now with
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: and harmonic elixirs.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: the color of the stone that we
use in the elixir matches a frequency.
Karra: correct.
Russ: if we match a sound to that
color with experimentation.....
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: what happens to the elixir?
Karra: I would take away from the
learning lesson, I’m sorry.
Russ: okay.
Karra: okay? Any more questions,
because we have…
Russ: two tapes.
Karra: okay, but we need to be
wrapping up this part.
Skip: thank you.
Karra: no problem Skip.
John: thank you very much.