(Karra goes over the
healing of an addictive nature. Those things she
brings up as addictive to work on are alcohol,
smoking and heroin and the difficulties in helping
someone trying to quit. Most of the healing starts
with self-love to combat the self-destructiveness
that may be at the root of the addiction.)
Karra: okay
now, let us get on to more
serious things. Let me address
a healing issue and last week
we discussed dealing with
mental problems. Now, let us
move along to the next step of
dealing with problems and that
is health problems created by
negative actions, neglect in
essence. Now, why does
somebody neglect themselves?
Well, this occurs for many
reasons. One is they don’t
have the time, they don’t have
the energy, they don’t have
the ability and they don’t
have the cognitive thought
processes to realize that
their behavior is causing the
problem. Now let us look at
addiction as one of the
neglecting factors. There are
certain addictions which are
beneficial, the addiction to
food, the addiction to water,
these are necessities but let
us look at some other
addictions, let us look at the
addiction to alcohol. Now
alcohol is a depressant, it
depresses the system and it
leads to a whole host of other
problems such as cirrhosis of
the liver, stomach ulcers,
intestinal problems, mental
problems, bladder problems,
these are things that can be
dealt with if it is realized
that alcohol is a problem.
Now, having dealt recently
with an individual that
suffers from alcoholism, what
did we learn? Well we learned
that first of all you have to
make the person aware of the
problem. This is only the
first step, making the person
aware of the problem. Hmm,
okay they’re aware of the
problem, now you have to
change their behavior to make
them deal and address the
problem to get over the fact
that alcohol has become a
ruling factor in their life,
that they are destroying
themselves through using
Russ: right.
Karra: but don’t get me wrong,
alcohol is a great release. It
helps you to relax, it helps
you to sleep if it’s needed,
it helps you to lower your
inhibitions so you can
interact if you’re feeling
tense, these are great
benefits. But when it becomes
necessary to use alcohol
repeatedly so that these
functions can occur, you need
to address the root problem
which is not the addiction but
the mental processes which are
involved that make you
hesitant in these situations.
Now getting back to how to
make somebody that is aware
that they have a drink problem
start to address the problem.
Well there are many, many
different ways of doing this
but they’re all hard and it
dovetails nicely with Omal’s
dissertation last week and
this week on self-love. You
have to first of all make them
aware of self-love, that they
are worthy of love, that they
do not need this negative
stimuli and depressant in
their life, that they can
progress further on. Dealing
with alcoholism is a very
draining and day by day event.
Having got them.....she’s
quite correct, that cat does
have big feet.....having got
them to realize that their
problem can be dealt with,
that they can carry on
functioning without this
alcoholic stimuli is something
that has to be reinforced day
after day, week after week.
Most alcoholics stay
alcoholics. The lucky few
forsake alcohol and become
functioning, useful
individuals. Some alcoholics
are functioning, useful
individuals but it must be
emphasized that the health
problems by using this
substance outweigh any benefit
whatsoever. Now let’s move
along to another addiction and
a very interesting addiction.
First of all, on a side note,
there was a lady that died
recently at the age of 122. Do
you know what her addictions
Russ: uh-uh.
Karra: she smoked. The only
reason she stopped smoking was
because she could no longer
see her cigarettes to light
them. I’m not saying that
cigarettes are good, they’re
very, very bad but they do
serve a function. Now, the
channeler smokes, is there
anything good from him
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: which is?
Russ: control of various
problems that would arise if
he didn’t smoke?
Karra: such as?
Russ: tension, stress.
Karra: hmm, I think he could
deal with those without
smoking, he has other ways of
releasing his stress and his
Russ: well it’s been said that
cigarettes are actually both a
depressant and a stimulate.
Karra: yes they are.
Russ: they actually interact
in the system in both ways
depending on how it reads the
Karra: correct.
Russ: very smart substance
Karra: it is. Nicotine itself
does not kill, not unless you
overdose. Nicotine on its own
does no harm to the system
whatsoever. What they put in
there is what causes the
problems. There are certain
byproducts from the tobacco
which cause problems but, let
us say that the host, the
channeler did not have the
need to smoke. There’s no
reason for him to smoke. He is
in his current health
condition, what use would
smoking serve?
Russ: nothing I can see of.
Karra: there is one.
Russ: hmm?
Karra: one medical use for
Russ: hmm?
Karra: do you know what it's
supremely good for?
Russ: what?
Karra: it’s actually the
nicotine that’s inhaled into
the system.
Russ: hmm?
Karra: it controls colitis.
Russ: oh, I didn't know that.
Karra: well it doesn’t
actually control it, what it
does is it takes away the
Russ: oh.
Karra: it depresses the
Russ: well what if they just
took the nicotine out and made
it just the nicotine as a
substance to be used?
Karra: in a pill form?
Russ: well a pill or liquid, I
mean they’ve done it with a
hundred different substances.
Karra: uh-huh, do you know
what’s the quickest way into
the system?
Russ: eyes?
Karra: no.
Russ: mouth?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: a drop of that on your
Karra: no, it has to go down
into the intestinal tract, it
has to be digested by the area
or passed through the area
that is damaged. Actually, it
will pass through there, the
end product, right? It takes
anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes
for the drug to interact. Now
what is the quickest way to
get into the blood flow?
Russ: in smoking form?
Karra: correct. Do you know
how long that takes?
Russ: seconds.
Karra: 15.
Russ: yeah I know, from my old
Karra: correct, 15 at the
Russ: so if you inhaled it?
Karra: sorry?
Russ: I mean as in like a
gaseous form.
Karra: yes, that would work.
Well that’s what he’s doing
when he fires up a cigarette
Russ: yeah but like if it was
in a gaseous form added with
like oxygen or something?
Karra: that would work.
Russ: hmm, interesting.
Karra: uh-huh. But you see
that a harmful addiction….
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: does have a use.
Russ: right.
Karra: and sometimes people
are immune to the effects. The
offspring of this 102 year old
lady that passed away
recently, they probably have a
much higher tolerance to
carcinogenics and cancerous
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: having lived that
length of time, that is like
living a thousand years for
us. Those people are special,
you see?
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: so harmful addictions
sometimes can serve as a
purpose in an indirect way.
Certainly cigarettes are very
harmful and I would prefer it
if nobody took it up but,
there are benefits sometimes.
Something that I am a prepared
to admit even though I have an
intense disliking for
cigarettes and the harm that
it does, there are benefits.
There are benefits to
everything. There are benefits
to alcohol in moderation. It
is fun, I drink but somebody
that drinks excessively to the
point of obliteration serves
no function whatsoever. You
might as well hand them a
handgun and say get it over
and done with. They are
killing themselves but the
occasional glass of wine, the
occasional tipple is
beneficial as is.......I would
much prefer that he smokes
cigars than cigarettes, there
are less harmful chemicals in
Russ: hmm.
Karra: but it’s his choice.
Okay let us look at some other
addictions, food. Glorious
food, wonderful food, we need
it, we have to have food, it
is a necessity but it can also
be an addiction. Too little
food and you starve and die,
too much food, you become
overweight and you die. The
right amount of food is
perfect. What do all these
addictions have in common?
Russ: you get pleasure.
Karra: yes, that is one thing
but not the thing I’m looking
Russ: oh.....hmm......
Karra: okay let’s look at
getting pleasure.
Russ: okay.
Karra: okay, what happens when
you get pleasure?
Russ: you feel good.
Karra: uh-huh but what goes
on, what is the process that
makes you feel good?
Russ: your brain relaxes.
Karra: endorphins are released
to give pleasure. A chemical
reaction takes place, that’s
what I was looking for.
Russ: ahh.
Karra: a chemical reaction.
Now, each one is very, very
different, each one is a
necessity. Chemicals are
released to give pleasure,
each one has a positive and
negative affect, each one
serves as a lesson in
learning. But how do we
address them when they become
Russ: well, usually the best
way is to replace them with
something positive and
something helpful.
Karra: yes but you’ve got to
be very, very careful. For
example, let us take
alcoholism as that is the one
that we started with.
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: what would you replace
that with?
Russ: something to do with
learning or entertainment.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: a hobby.
Karra: hmm yes, that can work
but there is a much better and
easier way.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: and when I say easier,
it is hard, all of the
substitutes are hard. You have
to address the root problem.
As with drinking and eating,
not so much with smoking,
smoking is a very hard one to
deal with but the principles
can be used. You have to first
of all diagnose why the person
has the desire to drink to
Russ: well it’s a question
between self-destructiveness
and self-love.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: there’s a lack of one
and an overabundance of the
Karra: correct, so you have to
activate the self-love. The
same with eating disorders,
you have to activate the
self-love. Smoking as I said
is a difficult one because
yes, if a person continually
smokes, chain smokes, that
then does become a mental and
psychological situation that
needs to be addressed but when
it’s the occasional cigarette
and I mean the occasional
being every so often, not
continuously, then it is not
so much of a mental problem
but of an addiction, an
addictive nature where they
actually need the cigarette at
predetermined times. It's
self-medication in a way. The
same with alcohol and food, it
is self-medication. Learning
to control that
self-medication is the first
step. You see the addiction
for alcoholism is subtle, you
don’t notice it until it’s too
late and then it’s got you. To
get off of it has to be dealt
with one of two ways, cut off,
no more forever or through a
subtle way that it is
gradually replaced by
something else where the
person doesn’t notice that
they’re not drinking as much
at first and when they do
realize that they're drinking
less, they are rewarded by
feeling better and good by
themselves. So it is a
communication that needs to
transpire and it comes back
very nicely I think to
self-love and the growth and
development. Now any
Russ: hmm, I can see where
something that would make a
person feel more self-love
would be the best bet so
knowing the person as well as
one could would be the first
step in being able to treat
that problem.
Karra: well sometimes that
doesn’t work.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: sometimes you can offer
and you can offer and you can
offer. For example, with the
alcoholic that we mentioned to
start off with…
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: you offered and you
offered and you offered and
what happened?
Russ: the addiction was too
Karra: uh-huh. When Mark tried
to help, even though it was
for a brief period, there was
a brief glimmer there. You
see, sometimes it is necessary
to be very subtle. You can
offer and you can offer and
you can offer but first of all
it has to be accepted and be
made aware that the offer is
being made but it has to be
done sometimes subtly.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: and it takes a long,
long, long time. Sometimes you
can do it the other way, by
making them cut off
totally.....what’s your phrase
for cutting off totally?
Russ: cold turkey?
Karra: doing it that way.
Sometimes, and this is one of
the more effective ways, it is
best to do it first of all get
the self-esteem going and then
cut off, the subtle approach
with the harsh approach at the
appropriate time. This is
certainly a very effective way
that works quite well. More
questions please?
Russ: what about with…..
Karra: she has big feet.
Russ: yes she does. Giving
them a…..because you don’t
want them to depend on you,
you want them to depend on
themselves more than anything
Karra: to start off with they
may need to depend on you.
Russ: true but then that just
replaces the addiction there.
Karra: yes but it’s a much
easier addiction to deal with.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: something that by
taking away the harsh
addiction and having an
addiction of depending on
somebody is better than having
a destructive addiction. That
is the first step, you take
away the destructive one for
one that is less destructive,
that is easier to deal with
and address and you keep on
progressing up and up and up.
By replacing the addiction
with the addiction of needing
somebody's company is the
first step. An example is,
let’s say you have somebody
that relies on you that that
you’ve replaced their
alcoholic addiction from......
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: and they want you
around 24 hours a day.
Russ: uh-huh.
Karra: and you say to them,
"look, I’ve got to go to the
shops to buy food otherwise we
don’t eat, come with me". You
take them to the shops, you're
getting them out and you're
getting them interested and
interacting with other things.
Supposing they don’t want to
go to the shops? You go, "okay
you stay here, I will be back
as quickly as I can, I promise
you I will not leave". You
arrive at the shops, you call,
"just wanted to check and make
sure you’re alright, I’ll be
home as quickly as I can, I’m
just going into the shop right
now". As soon as you come out
you call, tell them, "got the
groceries, got you something
special, got you a bar of
chocolate, got you a video to
watch, got you some music to
listen to, got you your
favorite food, got you your
favorite coffee brand, got you
your favorite soft drink".
First step and you can go
through this and gradually you
increase the time that you’re
away. You call frequently to
start off with and then
gradually less frequently and
less frequently and you’re
getting them to rely more and
more on themselves. It may
take two months, it may take
six months, it may take a
year, it may take even longer
but you are weaning them off
of the second addiction.
Russ: well right now it seems
that there is more social
pressure on addictions,
especially smoking than there
ever has been before.....
Karra: oh yes.
Russ: to where I know very few
smokers who haven’t tried or
aren’t trying to quit.
Karra: uh-huh. Yes, it’s a
very addictive substance. Do
you know what is more
addictive than cigarettes?
Russ: heroin.
Karra: uh-uh.
Russ: hmm.
Karra: heroin gets you hooked
Russ: you mean cocaine?
Karra: heroin.
Russ: yeah I know but more
Karra: there is nothing more
Russ: really?
Karra: uh-huh. The failure
rate of people getting off of
heroin is lower than people
quitting smoking for the first
time. People trying to get off
heroin the first time succeed
at a higher rate than
first-time smokers trying to
Russ: hmm, I didn’t know that.
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: so actually this thing
we were talking about, this
nicotine and air mix or
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: that could be a viable
product in the future to
Karra: it could be, could be.
So, let us round out on this
Russ: okay.
Karra: and this discussion.
Okay, let us address
addictions, they’re bad. No
two ways about it, they’re bad
but, sometimes they do have
benefits if they are
controlled. To help somebody,
you have to do things that are
hard. To go through the
experience is hard but they
serve a purpose of learning
how to deal with situations.
The key to dealing with the
situations is listening and
offering and self-love,
creating that self-love.