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(Karra gives a dissertation on nutrition and the importance of getting the correct amounts of vitamins and minerals into the body. In the follow-up questions we focus on supplements and how any extras taken in get flushed out of the system.) 

Karra: okay, let’s get down to business.

Russ: okay.

Karra: and we’ve got all the formal announcements out of the way. Let me see, let’s start off with a thing on eating well and dealing with frustrations and motivations..

Russ: excellent, okay.

Karra: which you’re doing very well there hon.

Russ: thank you dear.

Karra: uh-huh, it’s a team effort though.

Russ: I know, it’s not just me sweetheart.

Karra: okay nutrition, high carbohydrate intakes is not a good thing as a steady part of a diet. Eating a wide variety of foods and low carbohydrate intake is the best way to go to maintain. Fish oils, good for the hair, good for the teeth, they also help with cranial activity so there are a lot of different foods out there which are very beneficial for mental well-being. Bananas, very good for the mind. So get your bananas, your potassium guys. Yes?

Russ: well I'm just making those plans.

Karra: okay, yes Russ, it can be used for other things too. Also kiwifruit which has a lot of potassium as do strawberries but the main thing is to have a wide, varied diet. Keeping low the carbohydrate intake because carbohydrate intakes, they give you temporary energy but they also lay down a very large amount of stored fat which if not used tends to make the skin saggy and all the problems that go along with that later on in life. Also it tends to later on in life also give the skin a liquid look. You know those large people that you see that look like they're retaining a lot of water?

Russ: hmm.

Karra: that’s enhanced by eating too high a carbohydrate diet. We could go on and on and on and about the benefits of herbs. The enjoyment of herbs is also enhanced in the culinary activities connected with the dietary phase. So if you use a lot of rosemary, a lot of sage, a lot of thyme, a lot of garlic, a lot of onions, that will help in your diet and also in your healing processes. Okay let’s answer questions as I see I'm just drifting along, maybe some questions will help to get the topics flowing better.

Russ: okay, on the topic of diet then.....

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: where supplements come in for example, multivitamins and things like that as a way to make up for those things that are lost in case you can’t keep up a good diet or even if you can, are those handy to have or are you overloading on them?

Karra: it depends on the quantities of the vitamins that you’re taking in naturally. If you taking vitamins in naturally, any extras are basically washed out of the system but if there is missing parts in the diet, then the vitamins and minerals can be used in supplements but only if it’s not in the diet and only if it’s a prolonged thing. Vitamins are frequently misused. Your body will absorb only as much vitamins as you need so if for example you need 800 mgs of…..that’s actually a little high…..let’s say 400 mgs of vitamin C, then if you’re taking 800, the 400 will just wash out and you will just use 400.

Russ: hmm, now how’s your body know when to wash them out?

Karra: it does it automatically, it has a certain amount of vitamins that are washed out. For example when you urinate, if you drink a lot of orange juice you will notice that there is a different color but the vitamins don’t affect the color. But when you urinate a lot, you’re flushing out more fluids and the excess vitamins and things that you don’t need.

Russ: okay.

Karra: vitamins are actually colorless, so are the minerals except for the stronger ones which will affect the urinary coloring.

Russ: uh-huh, okay.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: does that go for MSM too?

Karra: uh-huh, your body will only take as much as it needs, that goes for all supplements.

Skip: okay because our body needs that sulfur in our cells.

Karra: yes it does.

Skip: and we’re not getting it through our food or our milk’s anymore.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: I thought bananas had sulfur in them?

Karra: different kind of sulfur.

Russ: oh.

Karra: there are lots of different kinds of sulfur.

Skip: this is from what I understand okay? It’s a sulfur that’s a T-bond for the cells themselves.

Russ: hmm.

Skip: and it washes away allergies, arthritis, pain, makes the skin softer and makes the hair and nails grow more.

Russ: and it’s called MSN?

Skip: MSM.

Karra: stop thinking of MSN.

Russ: sorry, it's a habit.

Karra: it’s an Internet thingy. Okay but Skip’s quite correct that there are certain dietary things that used to be in the diet that aren’t in there anymore where supplements do help but again I will say that your body will only take as much as you need. For individuals it varies on amounts, 400 on the vitamin C is just a number.

Skip: yeah.

Karra: it varies from individual to individual. Some need more, some need less.

Skip: I take a thousand per day.

Karra: uh-huh so therefore any excess is washed out of the body.

Skip: yeah, yeah.

Russ: what’s the…….?

Karra: continue.

Russ: I was going to say, what’s happens if let’s say we haven’t had this MSM for all our lives.......

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: right? And then all of a sudden you introduce it into your diet. Now how’s your body know to integrate that into its various applications?

Skip: because it needs it, it’s lacking it.

Karra: uh-huh, Skip’s correct.

Russ: so it’s part of our genetic makeup.

Karra: correct.

Russ: so how many things are……could there be a lot of things out there that we've never had but our body could really use greatly for if we were to get it all of a sudden in our diet?

Karra: yes but it depends also on your ethnic heritage.

Russ: oh.

Karra: certain minerals and vitamins will work better on one ethnic group as opposed to another.

Russ: oh.

Karra: for example, certain oils and minerals that come from whale blubber that can be got naturally from other fishes but are more digestible for certain ethnic groups than other ethnic groups. If it comes in a way that is not for your ethnic group it will take what it can but it is not enough.

Russ: hmm.

Skip: but MSM used to be in our vegetables and milk before they started homogenizing it and using chemical fertilizers.

Karra: it’s in all unpasteurized milk.

Skip: yep.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: well what is it?

Skip: it’s got a, it’s got a name, chemical compound name but I can’t pronounce it okay?

Russ: oh.

Karra: okay anyway let’s continue.

Skip: all right.

Karra: okay, Skip’s brought up some very good points that we will look into and we will give you a full explanation in the next session.

Skip: okay thank you.

Karra: okay, any more questions?

Russ: not for now, you're the ring mistress so you'll be back.

Karra: I’ll be back probably once more, maybe a few times more, depends on what is going on with other things.

Russ: ahh.