discusses recent fluctuations in the stock
markets and the added anticipation of the
coming of the end of century when things
really get interesting. She next goes into
depth about the Kosovo war after a Chinese
embassy is bombed even though hostilities
are soon to cease.)
(Tia says hi in
Russ: hi Tia,
Skip: hi babe.
Tia: hello. Hello, is this
microphone working?
(Laura came to the session
with a throat issues and
whispers something)
Tia: ahhh, you speak softly.
Laura: not by choice.
Tia: I understand. Okay, where
do we start, where do we
start? Markets, markets,
markets and wild fluctuation
and financial entertainment.
Well for those of you who've
been watching the markets with
some interest and trepidation,
you may be noticing that it
has reached a plateau where it
rose above 11,000 and hung
there for a little while and
dropped back down. The reason
is that the economy is
obviously going reasonably
well, there is now currently
some concern of the rising in
the interest rate of the Fed,
also the economic outlook is
supposedly starting to slow
and inflation is starting to
increase. The policies that
have been enacted for the past
seven years are starting take
a toll and are starting to
cause fluctuation. However, I
do not see it dropping back
below 10,000 within the next
few months, in fact I see it
increasing and approaching the
staggering figure of 12,000.
Now if you've been watching
the markets overseas, they are
doing very much the same sort
of thing of fluctuating and
losing up to 2% of the value
in one day and then regaining
their losses gradually over a
period of days where they
reach a new high level
whereupon they promptly drop
back down below losing another
2 to 3% and then climbing its
way back up to where it once
was a few days prior. This is
still a sign that the Asian
flu is very much in appearance
however in Asia it is starting
to weaken its hold but there
are more entertainment to
come. As been referred to,
July looks like an
entertaining month. It is in
my opinion a time where you
will look back and say,
"that's when it started,
that's when the economic
change started to occur".
However, I mentioned the
amazing figure of 12,000 on
the Dow making that point and
that is yet to come but will
occur probably towards the end
of the summer getting into the
period of fall. Once it
reaches fall, then the market
will be worth watching with
some great interest for the
roller coaster ride that is to
come. As we get closer to the
end of the millennium and the
year 2000 and the quote,
unquote 2000 bug, that is
going to also have some
interesting effects on the
gyrations of the economic
markets overseas as well as
your own country. There was a
time long ago where one
country did not affect
another, now they all do as
you have seen with the
occurrences starting in Japan
and Hong Kong and Shanghai
working its way through
Europe. How a domino effect,
although gradual and uneven,
does occur. Okay moving along
to the more immediate matters
at hand and the fiasco in the
province of Kosovo, this area
is undergoing some rather
dramatic changes and it has
been rumored that Slobodan
Miloševic will be calling for
a cease-fire here shortly. Now
the fact that Apache
helicopters have been sent to
the area and the fact that
they are so famed is also a
political ploy on the part of
NATO. These weapons are feared
and rightly so however they
can be unreliable as was seen
in the Persian Gulf conflict.
Another misconception that is
floating around is the fact
that the situation in Kosovo
is a war. Has anybody seen a
declaration of war? If I seem
to recall correct with US
policy, there cannot be a war
without the declaration and a
vote by the house and the
senate. Has anybody heard of
such a vote in either house?
Russ: no.
Skip: nope.
Tia: okay......yes?
Laura: I'm agreeing with you
on that.
Tia: oh okay, I thought you
were going to say something.
You sound a little bit like a
small horse.
Laura: like a what?
Tia: umm small horse, pony?
Laura: okay.
Tia: no, I've got it all
wrong. I don't understand your
wording phraseology sometimes.
Russ: she meant small pony,
you sound a little horse.
Laura: sorry I'm blonde.
Tia: yes I noticed that but
you are not blonde as in the
usage that you are using it
Laura: I'm being silly.
Tia: ahh, okay I see. I am
aware of what silly is, I can
be silly too. Incy, wincy
spider sat down on the
pot..Incy, wincy spider really
got......nevermind. Where was
I? Oh yes, in a development
that is about to occur in the
situation with Kosovo, there
is a lot of political
jockeying going on and I hate
to bring puns into horses and
little ponies but there is
jockeying going on for
positioning in taking the
credit of what is about to
occur with the possible
cessation of quote unquote
hostilities and the withdrawal
of the forces that are under
Slobodan Miloševic. Now,
getting back a little bit
closer to the ground and the
refugee crisis. The flow has
seemed to have dropped
dramatically recently which
suggests one of two things.
Either there aren't any more
Albanians left to leave the
country or the fact that they
feel safe. Whichever is the
two possibilities gives rise
for possible interesting
conjecture. The one is that if
they feel safe, then what do
they feel safe from? Obviously
not Slobodan Miloševic or
another possibility that I've
just thought of is that
they're afraid to travel on
the roads and if they're
afraid to travel on the roads,
why? Well just recently a lot
of mishaps have happened with
wrong targets, targets being
hit that weren't supposed to
be where they are such as the
Chinese embassy incident which
in itself opens up a can of
worms which may be interesting
to peruse at a much closer
level when we have more time
and opportunity. But, with the
refugee problem ceasing to be
a concern of crossing the
border or as in quantities,
the other possibility is that
there aren't that many ethnic
Albanians left to leave the
country, then NATO has failed
in its policies and if that is
so, then why are they still
involved in the situation
where they've obviously
failed? The reason why it's
failing is that there are no
clear objectives. To stop the
hostilities towards the ethnic
Albanians is not an objective,
that is a part of the process.
To make Slobodan Miloševic's
forces withdraw, well that
hasn't happened either. So the
objectives are not being
achieved because there is no
clear, concise objective. Also
the terrain in those areas
that are being attacked by
NATO air forces is a very
hilly, difficult terrain so
accuracy becomes a little bit
more difficult and
unfortunately I don't have the
technical skill or data to be
able to say exactly why the
accuracy ratio is as low as it
is. But, another factor that
has to be conjectured is that
with the deployment of the
Apache helicopters and their
feared reputation, then that
will be triumphed as part of
the reason of the withdrawal
of the forces under Slobodan
Miloševic. And our scribe's
going to have a hell of a time
translating all the Slobodan
Miloševic's but unfortunately
that's part of the report.
Okay before I bounce out of
here and go and play with the
Cubs before they get time to
go to sleep, any questions?