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(Karra goes over the horrors of chemical and biological warfare as the weapons inspectors in Iraq were being kicked out before finding what was being produced. She uses analogies of what could have taken place to educate us on why such weapons should never be utilized.) 

Russ: well my dear, I believe you have some information for me.

Karra: yes, why did Tia bring up biological warfare?

(makes a sound like she’s shivering in horror)

Russ: I don’t know but she…..you’re the expert she says.

Karra: you can put in shivers in horror. Biological warfare…..

Russ: what a cheerful topic this is going to be.

Karra: yes. Okay opening statement, the purpose of warfare is to defeat your enemy, plain and simple. Biological warfare is a nightmare. Atomic warfare using lasers and atomic weapons and equipment is horrific but, compared to chemical warfare and biological warfare it's nothing, it is clean, it is tidy. Gives you a rough idea of how horrible biological warfare is. For example, using bacteria and viruses. Tuberculosis is almost eradicated except for a new strain that has occurred that is resistant to all forms of antibiotics that worked before.

Russ: whew.

Karra: smallpox is eradicated, smallpox is horrible. Cholera is almost eradicated, bubonic plague is almost eradicated or easily controllable however, new strains of these are far more deadly and far more nasty than atomic weapons. Now in biological weapons, there is a very, very nasty subcategory, viral weapons. Not bacteria, viral weapons, viruses. Now, let us say……..and this is horrible……..you wanted to wipe out all persons of Native American, German and Irish descent. Now, certain genes from those individuals can be taken, manipulated and turned into a virus that will attack only individuals of that genetic background. Let’s make it even nastier….

Russ: population of the United States practically.

Karra: let’s say you want to eradicate only men….

Russ: eeeeee.

Karra: you can do that. Let us say you want to eradicate only men of Native American descent, Irish descent, German descent with blue eyes, you can do that. You can release it into the atmosphere and it will kill only those individuals. Let us say you want to kill all blonde women of Celtic background, you can do that. Your planet has the technology and capability, that is why I say it is horrific.

Russ: this is a genetic weapon isn’t it?

Karra: correct. Now let us go back to viral weapons…..bacteria weapons. Let us say you take…..

Russ: oh $%^*#@.

Karra: what?

Russ: genetic weapons isn’t a new weapon I take it then?

Karra: no, it’s not a new weapon.

Russ: I know all about genetic weapons then don’t I?

Karra: correct.

Russ: damn it.

(from a past life her and I had shared in Atlantis as geneticists)

Karra: now, let us say you take a bacteria weapon such as bubonic plague, where pustules swell up on the human body and explode. You can deal with that, you have approximately seven days in which to deal with it. However, with a little bit of gene manipulation of the bacteria, you can make it so nasty you can wipe out a city population in the space of 48 hours. Not enough time to respond and what’s more, if you wait long enough, up to three months there’s no trace of it if you do a little bit of gene manipulation. So, how do you deliver such a device? Oh many, many different ways of doing that. From the air, in the water, the most common one, in the water, it’s horrible. Why Tia brought that up is because that’s what the Iraqis are experimenting with. Biological warfare makes chemical, which is very horrific, which is even worse than nuclear weapons is very horrific. Now here’s the really scary, scary part, it’s very hard to detect biological weapons, very hard.

Russ: hmm, people start dying by the millions, it’s not tough to figure out.

Karra: not necessarily.

Russ: hmmm.

Karra: let us take a little mutation. Now I know for a fact that this is not so but there are people out there that might say it is. You take a little animal critter, a primate that is suffering from a wasting disease and you create a mutation in the virus and you set it up in such a way that one individual is bitten by one of these primates that is suffering from this shrinking disorder, this skinny disease and the blood mixes. Blood from the gums mix with the blood from the cut on the human, what have you just done?

Russ: Ebola.

Karra: no, you’ve created an immune deficiency syndrome or……

Russ: A.I.D.S..

Karra: correct.

Russ: hmmm.

Karra: that is how easy biological warfare is. You take a everyday common virus, the common flu virus. A little bit of manipulation and you have a very nasty, virulent virus.

Russ: yeah but the knowledge to manipulate that is not an easy knowledge to attain.

Karra: no, it’s not but any biologist that goes on further in their education can do it.

Russ: well what’s interesting is, is that the resolution within the Security Council condemning Iraq for keeping out these UN inspectors……

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: is passing at record speed through the UN Council.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: I think maybe because of this knowledge that they have also.

Karra: correct. Biological warfare or germ warfare is so insidious, so horrific, so nasty and so uncontrollable.

Russ: why use it?

Karra: why use it?

Russ: yeah. Why…..it seems like what if you get caught? The consequences to your country are devastating.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: well you remember we did read about a book about this…..

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: "Executive Decision" by Tom Clancy.

Karra: yes.

Russ: which described something quite similar using the Ebola virus.

Karra: correct. So you see........

Russ: right.

Karra: biological weapons do what?

Russ: kill mass people.

Karra: uh-huh and what do they make chemical weapons look like?

Russ: toys.

Karra: what do they make nuclear weapons look like?

Russ: bigger toys.

Karra: uh-huh because biological weapons, you can’t detect until it’s way, way too late. Scary huh?

Russ: uh-huh. Well……

Karra: and……

Russ: well the UN is pretty wise to this by now though and with the inspections being held back….

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: they're probably getting an idea of what’s going on and therefore they're going to be looking for that more than anything else.

Karra: okay now here’s the real cruncher on the biological weapons. You can set it up in such a way that certain circumstances have to occur.

Russ: if we're so awesome at getting these genes to do what we want them to do, what if we were to use them all for peaceful purposes? Couldn't we achieve the standards that Ashtar Command has achieved or at least come close to that?

Karra: I don’t know, I don’t know. Okay let us say that the Germans or the Nazis in 1944 were doing gene research right?

Russ: right.

Karra: and they set it up in such a way that by distillation heading towards a common point, a virus can be created and it can take as long as a hundred years.

Russ: hmm.

Karra: or that they introduce into the atmosphere something that is very, very slow to react and works on the principle of distillation? With biological weapons, you can set it to go off whenever you want. You see?

Russ: right.

Karra: okay, any questions?

Russ: on this subject?

Karra: you got lots.

Russ: yeah I know I do but I didn't want to bring them up a whole bunch because it scares the hell out of me to even discuss this matter.

Karra: yes it is scary isn’t it?

Russ: well it just doesn’t seem like we are destined to go that route.

Karra: no we’re not hopefully.

Russ: I mean we’ve got enough problems on our plate.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: but, okay let’s say that there is the financial crash that comes along….

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: Iraq isn’t all that much……well Iraq is affected….

Karra: correct.

Russ: because it depends a lot on its imports.

Karra: correct.

Russ: therefore in its weakened state, they choose not to use that because by using that it would weaken the world economies even more and really bring all their problems down on their heads.

Karra: I don’t know, I don’t know, you’d have to ask our political analyst that is going, “why did I bring up biological weapons? That opens up a whole new can of worms."

Russ: yeah it does. Well we can certainly hope that the inspectors are as good as we hope they are.

Karra: yes and I believe the tape is almost over.

Russ: thank God.

Karra: okay, well, I better depart hon.

Russ: okay darling, I’ll see you tomorrow morning.