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(The discussion starts with the past and Tia explaining how the history of civilizations has been a series of cycles that keep repeating going all the way back to Atlantis. We switch planets at that point to Sirius and the original colonists who brought their style of government with them possibly still being used today.) 

Tia: okay, greetings and welcome to this channeling session on the night of March the 10th.....

Russ: 11th.

Tia: 11th, 1995 at.......

Russ: seven.

Tia: (swears in Durondedunn)

Russ: we're in a time warp here, one day back two years ago.

Tia: (swears again in Durondedunn) which I won't translate.

Russ: right, we probably got one from that date.

Tia: yes if you insist. Okay, now let's get down to business.

Russ: okay. All right.....

Tia: welcome to this channeling session on March the 11th, 1997 at 8:15 PM. Okay, let us continue.

Russ: all right, anyway, this is in attendance Russ and Karen....

Tia: uh-huh and Tia.....

Russ: and Tia of course.

Tia: (says hi in Durondedunn)

Russ: alrighty, now then, one of the things I want to go over here is the future and possible futures.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: okay. Now I was discussing with someone about Japanese feudal society.....

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: as compared to the European feudal society back in the early.....part of the late dark ages.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: coming up into the Arthurian age and the Japanese feudal system in the Shogun era.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and the differences between the two are not that many, they're quite similar in many respects. 

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and I'm wondering if the future is....or the past is a possible reflection upon our future there.

Tia: well things do go in cycles.

Russ: correct.

Tia: and the cycles can be very, very big or very, very small. Fashion for example I've noticed on your planet goes in circles. I believe polyester suits and disco are making a comeback.

Russ: bell bottoms never made it back.

Karen: no they didn't.

Tia: well that's very fortuitous isn't it?

Russ: I never missed them.

Tia: so why not history? And in fact history does go in cycles, much bigger cycles. Let us go back approximately 2,000 years where you had......no let's go back nearly 3,000 years to a democratic society which would be where Russ?

Russ: democratic society 2,000 years ago?

Tia: well, nearly 3,000 years ago.

Russ: 3,000 years ago would be Greece.

Tia: correct and let's compare it with the opulent society and a democratic society that you have now.

Russ: okay.

Tia: you have this democratic country with lots of states and city states that send people to their capital as a way of paying tribute to the democratic system. Eventually it grows and it gets corrupted and it falls to pieces and then it becomes history. Along comes another society which is slightly feudalistic that still has a Senate and a house and is still democratic to a certain extent being the Roman Empire. That grows opulent and then corrupted and fat and bloated and all that entails and it has a leader that becomes the Emperor of the Empire and then that passes away. There is a complete circle there. Go from a society that was feudalistic that becomes a democracy, it fades away and along comes a new one and the circle is completed. Now with a crash like that, that happened at the end of the Roman Empire, they descended into what they called the dark ages correct?

Russ: correct.

Tia: and I'm being coached here. The dark ages followed where there was.......literacy went to the....went out the thingy and you had a period of struggle and strife and so on and then you had a new Emperor arrive and become leader and you maintain the feudalistic type society. Now it's possible that you've gone into the democracy stage right?

Russ: right.

Tia: and it may be a bigger, longer loop than the last one.

Russ: okay, now all this stems back from originally Atlantis.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: but before that it would be Sirius because we see that same situation now with the democratic society of Greece in place in Sirius with the Council and its leader of the Council.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and apparently they have reached the utopia that the settlers of Atlantis were attempting to create.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: now instead of creating the utopia they wished, I'm sure that Atlantis, we could see similar signs of it in now where they had a democratic stage of which Maxxus and Naxxus were part of..... 

(Editor's note: brothers who had migrated from Sirius and had been Mark and myself in a former life)
Tia: correct.

Russ: which we've already seen examples of.......

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: going into the corruption stage which we saw with basically the technology and the religions coming and clashing. And then we see the final destruction of Atlantis with the dark ages to follow being circled into Greece where we start the whole cycle again.

Tia: correct, pretty much so. I'm not really the person to answer. I mean it does fit in with my predictions.

Russ: well we're working on the future and you're the person I talk to on future. I was kind of skipping around from past and trying to find the circles so it's kind of a joint effort here I think.

Tia: yeah well it's more going to be along the lines of all three of us learn at this point. 

Russ: okay.

Tia: now the future is set by certain factors that are going to occur.

Russ: correct.

Tia: in the past it was warfare that destroyed the empires.

Russ: correct.

Tia: in today's global society, I think it's going to be more social and economic problems that are going to destroy the empires. And I'm not referring to the countries as empires but of corporations such as let me see......the Hanson Corporation, one of the biggest on the planet.

Russ: never even heard of it.

Tia: it owns quite a few businesses believe you me.

Russ: okay.