(Omal confirms that while
the hieroglyphs that had been inscribed on the
Great Pyramid at one time are visible somewhere as
well as him revealing that the plans for building
it did not come from this planet. That leads to a
question about the Mayans and their language
descended from the Olmecs to which he gives an
excellent look at the birth of the English
language from someone who watched its evolution
okay, do we have questions?
Russ: yeah most of what I was
reading today on the pyramids
of Giza and how our future is
actually written within the
architecture of the pyramids.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: how does that fit in
with what Tia has predicted
and what we’re looking at in
the future?
Omal: hate to disappoint you
but the written in predictions
are predicted by people,
they’re not built in to the
Russ: hmm.
Omal: they are by people that
have looked at the pyramids
and said these are not
natural, they were not made by
people from your planet, they
were made by space aliens
Shane: I have a question.
Omal: one second……which is
accurate and inaccurate. It is
like saying that the Empire
State building was built by
Native Americans. That is
inaccurate, it was built by
Americans that had moved from
another country or a better
way to put it is that the
World Trade Center was made by
Europeans, that is accurate
and inaccurate. The
descendants of settlers from
Europe made the World Trade
Center, not the Europeans. So
by saying that space aliens
made the pyramids and thus
encoded the future in it is
inaccurate, it was made by
people that were born on your
planet from plans from other
sources. Shane.
Shane: okay you know how you
said space aliens?
Omal: uh-huh.
Shane: okay, aliens living out
in outer space still refer to
the aliens then?
Omal: yes, next question.
Skip: I have a question young
Omal: oh thank you.
Skip: the pyramids in Egypt,
okay I’m talking about the
most advertised ones........
Omal: uh-huh.
Skip: were coated on the
outside with stone with
hieroglyphics on them.
Omal: uh-huh.
Skip: since the passing of
time, they have eroded all of
that or 99% of the
hieroglyphics from the outside
of them pyramids……
Omal: uh-huh.
Skip: is there anyway that
they can ever, ever be
recapped or re……..
Omal: recovered?
Skip: recovered or...?
Omal: certainly, the same way
they were covered initially
however, to be able to put the
exact copy of what was on the
pyramids is not impossible but
it’s extremely hard.
Skip: it’d be probably
improbable is what you’re
telling me.
Omal: yes, improbable due to
the fact that you do not know
where to look to find the
hieroglyphics that were
painted on there, they do
Skip: I see.
Omal: they are in public view.
More I cannot say.
Skip: okay, I was just kind of
Omal: whilst we’re on the
subject of pyramids, there is
a famous statement written
inside Chephren or Khafren's
pyramid that is in actual fact
a modern forgery and not even
accurate. Now the Pharaoh was
the sun god Ra when he died.
Written inside Khafren's
pyramid it says quote unquote,
"Khafren, higher than Ra".
Confusion, very
understandable. How can
Khafren be higher than Ra when
in actual fact he is Ra?
Skip: hmm.
Omal: so what does this say?
This says that there has been
tampering with the Great
Pyramid. Even if he had an ego
problem or was mentally
unbalanced, he would not put
himself above himself. After
all, when he died he became Ra
so how could he be higher than
Skip: so somebody’s been
playing games.
Omal: uh-huh, a certain
British Colonel has been
playing games. Next question
Russ: all right, how about the
Mayan calendar?
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: and it’s been decoded so
to say to predict certain
dates that have happened or
are going to happen, same
Omal: pretty much so, things
are open to interpretation.
The Mayan calendar was
translated without aid because
most of the Mayan writings
were destroyed. Very few
writings are around from that
period. Without a device such
as a Rosetta Stone, it becomes
extremely hard to decipher
something. So it is all
opinions, especially with
hieroglyphics. This means
that, hmm, that is a matter of
opinion. Because of a hand in
the Egyptian hieroglyphics
held like this means one
thing, how do you know that
that means something without
such a device as a Rosetta
Stone? It is pure conjecture
and it is the same with the
Mayan calendar. How do you
know? Well there is no Rosetta
Stone so it is what people
assume or what is more
probable and more likely what
something means.
Russ; hmm.
Omal: it is like code
breaking, you do not know
exactly what has been said
until you have something that
can confirm what has been
said. You can say with a
certain amount of probability
but you cannot say accurately
and to say accurately that
these predictions are so is
inaccurate because there is no
Rosetta Stone to aid in the
Russ: hmm, now five years ago
and I might be mistaken here
but I believe it was Korton
who said that there was a
Mayan pyramid that had been
discovered which had the
codices within it that would
allow the translation to be
Omal: actually three and half
years ago.
Russ: ahh thank you. Whatever
happened to that?
Omal: they are being analyzed
and looked at by scholars and
because they have not been
released into the general
populace and I think if you
look carefully, you will see
that the dates on the
predictions to what has been
supposedly translated from the
Mayan calendar is prior to
'94. So therefore before the
decoding these were written
which means that there was a
strong probability that these
are inaccurate.
Russ: so we might get some
updated predictions from the
Mayan calendar at some point
in the future?
Omal: possibly.
Russ: okay. Hmm, excellent.
Omal: next
don’t all talk at once.
Russ: okay, alright. Now
besides the Mayans, we had the
Olmecs prior to them.
Omal: that is correct.
Russ: now we’ve always said
that the Olmecs were the
fathers of the Mayan
Omal: yes?
Russ: have we translated
anything from the Olmec that
you know of?
Omal: not that I am aware that
you have not translated, not
that I’m aware of.
Russ: ahh, okay so the
language theoretically then is
completely different, it would
be tough to really say that
there was much in the way of a
connection then of where did
the Mayans get their language
Omal: no.
Russ: okay, how would we work
this out?
Omal: it is very, very simple.
If you look at English now and
go back 200 years….
Russ: okay.
Omal: it is different than
from what is now. If you go
back 400 years to the
Renaissance period, it is
different than what it was 200
years ago than what is now.
Russ: but it’s recognizable.
Omal: but hard to follow and
understand. It is the same
with the Olmecs and the
Mayans, it is the same
language but spoken
Russ: well would it be fair to
say then that the Olmecs maybe
perhaps had an outside
influence from another race of
people on the planet who
might’ve then evolved into the
Mayans which would kind of
explain what’s been going on
Omal: that is a possibility.
You see evolution is something
that goes on all the time. If
you take a language and look
at its historical progression,
let us take the most widely
spoken language on your
planet, English. 1,200 years
ago it was spoken very, very
differently from what it is
spoken now, the medium that we
communicate in at this moment.
If you go back a further 200
years, it is very, very
different but yet
understandable to a certain
extent. Originally the English
language was a Germanic
tongue. If you listen to
Germans communicate, you
understand basically what they
are saying. It is very
difficult and sometimes the
words are very different but
basic keywords are the same.
So there is a root link in the
Russ: hmm.
Omal: why would a small tribal
language become so widely
spoken? It is definitely not
because it is the easiest
language in the world to
learn, it is certainly not
Russ: well it was spread so
quickly. I mean the Huns and
barbarian tribes basically
took over much of the known
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: back then.
Omal: but if you look at the
English language, you will
find words that weren’t
originally in it that in
actual fact have influences
from other countries. For
example, okay, what does that
Shane: all right.
Omal: one definition.
Russ: acquiesce.
Omal: Skip?
Skip: that you’re feeling all
Omal: three different
explanations, two of them very
similar. Where did the word
okay come from? I believe it
is from a Nigerian language.
It was brought over with the
slaves to your country. A
small tribal area introduced a
new word that is acceptable
and used in everyday
conversation. It is easier
than saying, "I am doing well,
how are you doing?" "Ahh, I’m
(Shane chuckles)
Omal: "can I do something or
would you like to join us
whilst we do something?"
instead of saying, "I would be
delighted to", "okay".
Russ: so if we look a thousand
years ahead…
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: when we can then say
that our language might not
be……it will be recognizable as
a root for that language but
it probably would be quite
different from what would be
spoken then.
Omal: correct, your language
is constantly evolving, a
language that is stagnant
relates to a stagnant society.
If you take a language and the
language does not change for
hundreds of years…..
Russ: well like Latin?
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay.
Omal: who speaks Latin?
Russ: doctors.
Omal: very few doctors speak
Skip: churches.
Russ: they have to learn it.
Skip: churches used to.
Omal: used to.
Skip: yeah they’ve evolved
into the spoken language of
the population.
Omal: uh-huh.
Shane: why do doctors have to
learn Latin?
Russ: many of the herbs and
things they use have Latin
words for them.
Omal: uh-huh, they do not have
to learn Latin, they just
learn what particular words
Russ: ahh.
Omal: metacarpals, tarsals,
Skip: and yet we’ve absorbed a
lot of Latin words into our
Omal: correct but the language
itself is dead, it is
stagnant. A language that was
once spoken by a lot of people
is dying. What happened to the
group of individuals that
started that language?
Russ: they were overrun.
Skip: well they’re gone.
Omal: correct. So a language
that becomes stagnant means a
society is stagnant. As long
as a society is evolving, it
evolves. For example, a word
that is evolved that was a
kind of an insult, is even
more of an insult and a
disgusting insult in most
circles. A word that was used
at a famous battle in your
planet’s history. The word,
pluck yew. Pluck as in
pulling, yew as in a tree.
Pluck yew was used as an
insult to say that we had the
yew that could beat you.
Meaning English longbowmen had
the bow made of English yew
that could beat the French and
did. So the term pluck yew
became an insult and it later
evolved into a word beginning
with F. So a word that was
used as a direct insult has
now become a word that is not
used in acceptable society.
That is evolution.
Russ: hmm. Okay one more
question for you I’ve got. The
evolution of our language from
that point has evolved into a
blending of English spoken
through most of the populace
world as we know it. Is that
then symbolic then that people
of the world are now working
closely together as one?
Omal: well they have to,
everybody has to work closer
together. After all, your
planet is not as big as it
once was in a communicative
scale. There are now many,
many places that are just a
click of a button away. You
can talk to any part of your
planet instantly.
Russ: that's quite true
Omal: that is correct, it is
quite true. And being able to
communicate over such a vast
medium at such high speed
means that there has to be a
common language. After all, if
one area spoke one language
and another area spoke another
language, then you would need
specialized individuals and
specialized programs to act as
a translator from one to the
other which is a lot of work
but, learning a language at an
early age so that it becomes a
second language is relatively
easy. Shane, in your schools
do they teach Spanish?
Shane: not until you get in
like the upper grades.
Omal: but if you wanted, you
could learn Spanish.
Shane: my choice.
Omal: correct. You can say
that communication is
important. Many people
communicate different ways.
For example, I can sit here
and talk and explain something
in a language that you do not
know what I’m talking about.
Shane: sign language.
Omal: no, kind of. A language
that I picked up that if I was
facing a individual that spoke
the same language that was
originally very indigenous to
your continent, in actual fact
indigenous to the plains of
your continent, they would’ve
known what I just said.
Skip: American Indian sign
Omal: correct. What I said is
three people on a
horse......on horses....by the
sun.......down low by the
moon. Four people……how would
it go? Four people of pale
skin on horses.
Skip: it’s just like when I
was a young man in this 3-D
Omal: uh-huh.
Skip: the second language
taught predominantly in
schools was French, not
Omal: uh-huh.
Skip: because French was a
real predominant language
throughout the world when I
was younger.
Omal: yes it is and still is,
in Europe believe it is taught
in most schools. English or
French are the two main
languages that are taught.
More people on your planet
speak English but the country
with the biggest population
does not have one language.
Mandarin, Cantonese, Shuishel.
So they have a common language
that some of them speak but
mostly people speak English as
a language. Not necessarily as
a first language but as a
language. What people need to
know English? Bankers…..
Skip: statesman.
Omal: statesman, scientists……
Skip: stockbrokers.
Omal: stockbrokers.
Shane: doctors.
Skip: doctors don’t need to
know English.
Russ: military personnel.
Omal: military personnel. So
that is why one language from
a tiny, tiny island nation is
spoken all over the world
because it is a language that
has been forced upon people. A
language that is evolving and
changing. Any more questions?
Skip: uh-uh.
Russ: uh-uh.
Omal: live long, prosper and,
I’ll be back.
Russ: thanks.
Skip: thank you Omal.