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(Lyka goes into great detail about the pregnancy that has been achieved by conception through artificial insemination. Due to the pregnancy, we learn she won’t be going to the ski races that year but is getting an honorary gold medal for her previous dominating races. We go over her cravings and the other restrictions placed on her because of the delicate nature of the pregnancy at that stage.) 

Russ: hey Kiri.

Lyka: let me talk first thank you.

Russ: oh sorry, yeah I was wrong.

Lyka: God, enlisted personnel.

Russ: well, well, well.

Lyka: no Skipper?

Russ: no, Skip couldn’t make it tonight.

Lyka: oh dear. I’ve got an announcement to make.

Russ: ahh excellent.

Lyka: I will not be able to compete this year.

Russ: no way.

Lyka: for health reasons.

Russ: oh no.

Lyka: an experiment that I tried succeeded…..

Russ: okay.

Lyka: sooner than anticipated. First time we tried it it succeeded which is wonderful but I won't be able to compete.

Russ: are you pregnant?

Lyka: yes.

Russ: oh well congratulations.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: that’s excellent.

Lyka: it was just a test actually.

Russ: well it’s a great test if you got pregnant on the first time, I’m happy for you.

Lyka: first time. Yes......

Russ: any idea what it is?

Lyka: well there’s only one thing it can be.

Russ: a girl.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: of course.

Lyka: of course.

Russ: wait this is between you and….

Lyka: uh-huh, our genes.

Russ: I’ll be danged.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: that is a great experiment, congratulations big time.

Lyka: thank you, thank you.

Russ: for both of you in fact…

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: all three of you.

Lyka: yes and we will be having our bonding ceremony, we're going to officially bond.

Russ: congratulations, this is great news.

Lyka: we will be going to Leah’s estates…..

Russ: excellent.

Leah: after the races.

Russ: oh you will be attending the races then?

Lyka: yes.

Russ: excellent.

Lyka: I’ve been requested when I let my team know that I would be unable to compete due the fact of my condition. I’m also taking a leave of absence as I have to be monitored and watched very carefully.

Russ: I assume all your competitors threw a big party upon getting the news.

Lyka: actually I received from all the competitors from Centauri and Sirius their relief and the fact that they want to award me an honorary gold.

Russ: well fantastic, excellent. Will you accept?

Lyka: to not accept would be an insult.

Russ: oh, you’re quite right, of course. But you won’t be doing anything.

Lyka: no I won’t be.

Russ: it would be almost be like getting it for nothing.

Lyka: well actually I will take one run.

Russ: oh you will?

Lyka: but I will ski standing up straight and slowly.

Russ: no tucks, no jumps.

Lyka: no nothing.

Russ: no nothing.

Lyka: so….

Russ: well you’re in a very delicate condition at this very point.

Lyka: uh-huh very because of the very nature of the experiment.

Russ: what are the odds of getting nailed on the first time?

Lyka: about two million to one.

Russ: not, well congratulations doubly so then, that’s fantastic.

Lyka: well we were at it pretty much all night. We had enough of the artificial substance, not the artificial substance, the genetically altered substance to be able to do it all night.

Russ: excellent, excellent.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: well that’s great news and I think you'll have a great time at the races anyway cheering on the Hades Base team.

Lyka: oh of course, of course.

Russ: and of course your biathlon team right?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: and you’re not competing in that then either.

Lyka: no.

Russ: oh, I’m sure your teammates are a bit let down on that one.

Lyka: uh-huh and my commanding officer was quite upset actually……

Russ: I can imagine.

Lyka: because I did not consult correctly so my military status is a little shaky at the moment but I don’t mind.

Russ: oh no not with this in mind, this is a priority over everything else.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: so…..well I should know, I have a similar situation myself going on.

Lyka: yes you do don’t you?

Russ: uh-huh, a little bit closer to the event than yours but still nonetheless it still is exciting.

Lyka: six weeks so….

Russ: well so big congratulations…..

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: I am very happy for you.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: and of course Leah too, I mean this is something that you've both been working on for a while.

Lyka: oh yeah and my sexual arousal state is coming back to normal.

Russ: excellent, has Bunny heard about this yet?

Lyka: she was there at the conception but she hasn’t heard yet.

Russ: well I’m sure the news will get to her pretty quick here.

Lyka: well she’s still at college and she's not answering mail at the moment.

Russ: oh big into her studies and such.

Lyka: yes, I believe so.

Russ: well that’s great.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: boy. Hmm, so any idea on names yet or is it still early?

Lyka: it's still too early besides she’ll pick the name when she’s ready.

Russ: that’s true.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: so obviously it’s someone with a past life associated with both you and Leah.

Lyka: we hope so.

Russ: hmm, so at least one of you but I’m sure they’ll be somebody that will bring you both joy and good learning experiences for both of you.

Lyka: uh-huh I hope so too, I hope so too.

Russ: excellent, so what are you going to do with your time off now?

Lyka: study.

Russ: study what?

Lyka: military science.

Russ: oh really?

Lyka: uh-huh, I thought I would take one of your earth courses and see how quickly I go through it. Well actually even though I’m on a leave of absence, I'm still going to continue my studies.

Russ: excellent, excellent.

Lyka: uh-huh because I’m not officially, even though I hold the rank of captain, I’m not a full captain because I’m a student.

Russ: oh, so this will be a step toward getting that full captaincy then.

Lyka: uh-huh, even though in every aspect I am a full captain except for the fact that……better would be probationary captain?

Russ: correct, yes.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: wow, this is great news. What kind of things are you going to study? Like ancient history as in like Babylonian……..

Lyka: well I’ve got to work on my ballistics and trajectory still.

Russ: oh, so a bit higher up in the….

Lyka: uh-huh, so I’m going to be working on that, that is one of the courses I need to brush up on.

Russ: again still huh?

Lyka: still.

Russ: oh.

Lyka: I’ve got a work of my maths. I passed my explosive chemistry courses but I just scraped by on my physics so I’m going to brush up on that.

Russ: well you'll have some great time to do so.

Lyka: uh-huh and I have a leave of two years.

Russ: two years?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: wow. So who’s the new captain?

Lyka: actually it’s a lieutenant.

Russ: oh.

Lyka: and he is currently on Sirius and I’m still making my inspections but even though I am officially on leave, I don’t have any formal functions other than the fact that I make inspections and I can continue studying.

Russ: oh.

Lyka: my doctor told me that I can still work out but every time I work out I have to go down and report to her…..

Russ: excellent.

Lyka: which is once a day. I can’t ski competitively, swimming is something that they say I don’t have to go and get checked out afterwards unless I do diving.

Russ: you can’t go in the dolphin pool.

Lyka: no, that’s a big out.

Russ: nope.

Lyka: I can continue to be active they say up until I'm about eight of your months.

Russ: hmm okay.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: gestation period’s the same, nine months…..

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: as I remember. So you're....

Lyka: pretty close to nine months…..

Russ: you’re not showing yet.

Lyka: a little over actually.

Russ: but there is no showing, no nothing like that, you can feel this mind inside of you?

Lyka: not yet.

Russ: oh you can’t?

Lyka: not yet. Yeah, I’m learning all sorts of new things about it. I’ve learned that it’s very common for a first-time mother, both on your dimension and my dimension to actually go late.

Russ: ahh.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: excellent and so this is something you’re going to be kind of getting more skills and experience as you go through the whole body changes and all.

Lyka: uh-huh, yeah.

Russ: any mood swings, morning sickness, cravings?

Lyka: morning sickness in abundance.

Russ: ooohh, what a shame.

Lyka: uh-huh although it started to lessen the last three or four days.

Russ: oh that’s good.

Lyka: I’m no longer doing projectile vomiting.

Russ: a bit of cramps though and….

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: oh my.

Lyka: yeah.

Russ: oh so you feel the body changes taking place and all.

Lyka: uh-huh. I had some bleeding but my doctor assured me that that was perfectly normal.

Russ: yeah.

Lyka: yeah I’ve already got my diet planned out, got my activities planned out….

Russ: ahh excellent.

Lyka: for various stages. I’ve had some great…..I got a visitor……actually I was just coming out of my exam….

Russ: uh-huh.

Lyka: hated that kind of exam, being prodded and poked and pried at.

Russ: ahh of course.

Lyka: came out and a friend of mine that has had many children, she goes, “well we need to talk.” I was sort of like, “oh what about?“ And she goes, “well this is your first.”, Sort of like, ”yes it is” so we sat down and talked for hours.

Russ: oh you’ll be getting lots of talks like that.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: Kiri and Tia and Karra, everyone you know is a mother practically.

Lyka: uh-huh. Well actually Tia said that she can’t be of much help due to the fact that hers was very unusual.

Russ: yeah it was a bit unusual but she did go through many mood changes and things like that you'll be experiencing.....

Lyka: yes she told me.

Russ: yeah.

Lyka: everything from throwing heavy projectiles using PK to stealing blankets and sheets and towels.

Russ: oh yeah, oh yeah, I remember that one.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: making little nests and stuff.

Lyka: yeah she still doesn’t understand the instinctual side of that.

(Tia's genetic roots are feline based)

Russ: right. Well this is great news….

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: congratulations and I look forward to the progressive state of this as it goes along.

Lyka: I am actually, I’m really looking forward to it.

Russ: wow.

Lyka: motherhood from what I’ve heard is very exciting.

Russ: uh-huh. Do you guys practice Lamaze also up there?

Lyka: La....what?

Russ: Lamaze, it’s a breathing exercise you start studying at like I think we do it at our seventh month. I have to go training tomorrow where you practice with the expectant mother, well at least the father as in me, goes and we practice various stages of breathing that you go through during the labor process.

Lyka: nope, you’ve totally lost me.

Russ: oh well the parents are very important here where when you’re in labor, it’s a matter of being able to breathe and control the contractions to a point where it lessens the pain and it speeds the delivery along or at least assists it in how you breathe….

Lyka: ahh okay.

Russ: and the husband or the mate goes along to help coach….

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: in the breathing process while it’s all taking place and takes an active part in the birth process itself.

Lyka: that’s preprogrammed.

Russ: oh is it?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: well that’s kind of handy, we have to take six weeks of courses for it.

Lyka: it’s a past life thing.

Russ: oh silly me, of course.

Lyka: it’s actually muscle exercises and stuff.

Russ: right yeah, that’s it.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: yeah pushing and breathing….

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: and so on and so forth. Well I don’t know, I'll find out all about it tomorrow but that’s good, so Leah will kind of be your partner to the birth process.

Leah: uh-huh, yes she doesn’t have access to her past lives, mine have seemed to have accelerated which I think is part of the pregnancy and according to my doctor I am still a little young.

Russ: yeah, you don’t come onto them for another three years right?

Lyka: sorry?

Russ: oh I’m sorry, I thought you were a little younger. Oh I'm thinking Bunny.

Lyka: uh-huh, I was about to say I am 21, I will be 22 in a few weeks.

Russ: right, well I get these mixed up sometimes.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: well anyway, congratulations for all that I’m glad the past lives are coming along too.

Lyka: uh-huh, they normally fully……get full capability of all past lives by 25 so I’ve been looking at the ones that I need.

Russ: motherhood?

Lyka: uh-huh, at the moment so I’m learning.

Russ: excellent.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: wow, this will be a good change.

Lyka: oh yeah, I’m looking forward to it and I’m looking forward to getting back to somewhat of normality. I’m glad that my projectile vomiting is over or pretty much. I didn’t this morning but I did yesterday morning and the morning before I didn’t and the morning before that I didn’t, just felt nauseated those previous two mornings and this morning I felt pretty good actually.

Russ: excellent, well pretty soon the cravings will start.

Lyka: pretty soon?

(Russ starts laughing)

Lyka: try rose petals.

Russ: rose petals? I haven’t tried rose petals.

Lyka: you also ought to try......actually rose petals and the hips kind of have a unique taste to them.

Russ: hmm, I'm wondering if I have seen those.

Lyka: uh-huh. What else have I had? Oh something I really do love at the moment, in fact I’m craving it right now is salmon liver.

Russ: salmon liver?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: you mean like a pâté?

Lyka: no it’s….

Russ: or actually liver of the salmon.

Lyka: it’s liver of the salmon.

Russ: oh, okay. I guess you could make a pâté out of that then also.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: interesting.

Lyka: I absolutely love that.

Russ: what’s it taste like?

Lyka: it’s very smooth, silky taste….

Russ: not fishy?

Lyka: yeah it tastes a little fishy.

Russ: hmm, well I'll be damned, I have to admit I haven’t had salmon liver in my life.

Lyka: I like it raw, very high in iron.

Russ: okay. Actually that would be a good craving for you then.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: it’s very important for your….

Lyka: yes, most cravings from what I’ve learned are beneficial, they're something your body needs.

Russ: yeah, vitamin C, iron…..

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: definitely. I don’t understand the pickles and ice cream part of it yet. I’m sure there’s something…..

Lyka: you won’t.

Russ: there’s a calcium I’m sure that comes in handy, I don't get the pickle part but.....

Lyka: it’s a flavor thing.

Russ: oh is it?

Lyka: yeah. Things that are bad that I’m going to miss is tea.

Russ: oh no tea, that’s right….

Lyka: uh-huh, yes the caffeine is absolutely terrible.

Russ: yeah, yeah.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: oh what a pity.

Lyka: what else can’t I have? I think that’s about it actually. I’ve got to cut down my meat intake.

Russ: well that’s not bad.

Lyka: no that’s not bad but I always have enjoyed freshly sliced, almost raw steak.

Russ: hmm.

Lyka: but again, iron in that is good.

Russ: now how is Leah going to be helping you with the pregnancy at all being as it’s a rather unusual kind of situation?

Lyka: unusual in what way?

Russ: well in normally you of course in sixth dimension it's different completely but down here it’s where the male part of the two people would have a role as far as once the baby is born taking care of…..

Lyka: I don’t see any different…

Russ: actually I think you’re probably luckier.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: two women would probably be way easier to raise the child.

Lyka: well there’s also Mark is there that he can help if we need the male influence and I've got a whole entire platoon that I can use.

Russ: that’s true.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: so will this be a future Oath Keeper you think?

Lyka: don’t know but there is one negative side to it.

Russ: what’s that?

Lyka: I was talking to Treene about her daughter.

Russ: yeah.

Lyka: because Treene and myself are very much alike…

Russ: correct yeah because Treene has the same one.....

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: or the same kind of situation.

Lyka: now what is Treene’s daughter?

Russ: Treeny.

Lyka: no she’s totally…..Treeny.

Russ: oh yeah, she’s totally into women.

Lyka: no, no, no, no.

Russ: well she’s sterile……

Lyka: yes.

Russ: if that’s what you mean.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Lyka: and she’s also got a third dimensional life expectancy.

Russ: oh she does?

Lyka: uh-huh. My daughter will be 100% female, female in every aspect. Not any of male chromosomes at all.

Russ: is that what maybe messed up Treeny?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: interesting. So it would all be, is it X?

Lyka: yes, I think so, you’d have to talk to the geneticist that helped to brew up the combination.

Russ: all X, I can see where that might be a little……well I’ll admit, I can’t say.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: we don’t have any history of that down here whatsoever so there's no way to….

Lyka: we really won’t know how much the chromosome imbalance is in there until the fetus is a little bit bigger.

Russ: hmm.

Lyka: but according to the geneticist if I remember correctly, they tried to blend or change Leah’s chromosomal setup which made her very aggressive when we were experimenting, when we were doing the first lot of tests when apparently I got pregnant, she was very aggressive with me.

Russ: hmm.

Lyka: in fact I had bruises and hand prints on my butt and my legs…..actually it was quite enjoyable.

Russ: I can imagine. Don’t women have a bit of the male chromosome in them?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: and that’s gone from when you finally got together on this?

Lyka: yes.

Russ: interesting.

Lyka: uh-huh but there was some manipulation and they're using gene therapy on Leah when we were doing it or on the genes that we had put into the seed so we don’t know how stable those genes are.

Russ: ahh.

Lyka: if they are unstable and revert back to X chromosome, then the child will be 100% female and probably be very much like Treene’s daughter.

Russ: hmm.

Lyka: if they stabilized and stay in the Y configuration, there may be enough there to be able to do gene therapy as she grows older.

Russ: hmm.

Lyka: but we don’t know but it's a risk that we’re prepared to take.

Russ: absolutely. Hmm, well it was done with a lot of love so your child will be definitely someone who is…

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: conceived in love and raised in love.

Lyka: whereas Treene’s daughter was done to fulfill Treene’s desire for a child.

Russ: right so that might have a lot to do with it.

Lyka: uh-huh. She really wanted a child so she did it that way.

Russ: like I say, that could be a major factor.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: so no more sword fighting huh?

Lyka: at the moment I can.

Russ: oh you can?

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: excellent.

Lyka: but I have a big, red patch on my outfit that it reads, “No hit”.

Russ: ahh. Well we can always fence using Mark’s body......just kidding.

Lyka: even in my pregnant state I will kick your butt up here.

Russ: I have no doubt of that. Especially that big no-hit area, I have all-hit area.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: now you’ll still be kept up-to-date and everything with what’s going with the platoon and all?

Lyka: oh yes, with my company.

Russ: yep, excellent.

Lyka: uh-huh. Anyway, I think I better hop off, we have one last speaker who has woken up.

Russ: ahh excellent.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: farewell then and congratulations Lyka.