(Karra gives us an inside look
at the duties of an ambassador of Sirius to
the base. Some of those duties include
greeting new arrivals to the base and helping
them feel more at home. They include as well
her issues with those suffering from
homesickness for Sirius, hard to believe
anyone wouldn’t want to be a part of this
exciting time in our planet’s growth.)
okay hon, let’s
relax and unwind and
let's just relax.
Russ: deal.
Karra: okay? No
topics, let’s just
talk about whatever
springs to mind.
Russ: okay. Well,
how is everything
going with you love?
Karra: I have
created, as you
might of noticed,
there is a period
each day where I
drop out of your
mind, maybe an hour,
maybe two hours,
that is my
Russ: oh.
Karra: that's when I
have no duties to do
with ambassadorial
stuff, my office is
closed and I go off
and either I
Russ: hmm.
Karra: or I go for a
walk along the beach
or I go up into the
hills. Nobody to
bother me.
Russ: excellent,
what do you do?
Karra: I walk, I
think, I stop and
smell the flowers.
Russ: good deal.
Karra: uh-huh.
Skip: what’s the
Karra: sorry?
Skip: what’s the
Karra: what's that.
Russ: oh, Kiri was
referring to a pot
earlier. Stirring
the pot I guess.
Karra: what shall I
do with my sister?
(Skip burst out
Karra: what has she
done this time?
Skip: she's just
Karra: she’s always
been like that you
Russ: I know.
Karra: this is
happening, that’s
happening I'll need
to address but I
will need to deal
with her.
Russ: well what
happened before you
became ambassador
dear? Would you do
with all these
questions, just send
them all to Omal?
Karra: yes, pretty
much so.
Russ: poor guy.
Karra: uh-huh.
Karra: I mean for a
whole entire month I
did not see one
positive incident.
Skip: oh boy.
Karra: it was all
negative, all
negative, all
negative. Do you
know how draining
that is?
Skip: yes.
Russ: I’ve find that
surprising though
for sixth dimension,
you wouldn’t expect
that much
Karra: no, you
wouldn’t but it's
not the negativity
that you would
perceive as
negativity, it is
demands. We need for
this complex, we
need for our
happiness here on
the base, we want
for our happiness in
our department, we
want to be able to
communicate more
quickly with our
families back home.
We want, we want, we
want, we want, I
want, we want.
Skip: yeah.
Russ: it seems like
you guys had the
perfect system
already. Why change
something that’s
already working so
Skip: because
individuals are
Karra: it’s not so
much selfishness is
that they are not
thinking of what
they're actually
Russ: that goes
against sixth
Karra: people work
together as a group
fantastically but
it’s when they have
the free time to
relax and unwind and
how can you make
their lives better.
Remember, we're
always striving to
make our lives
Russ: right.
Karra: now how do
you do that?
Russ: by always
trying to improve
Karra: uh-huh, and
if you can get stuff
from Sirius to make
yourself more
comfortable here on
the Hades Base?
Russ: but aren't you
always trying to
think so many ways
ahead of how many
ways this particular
thing is going to
affect this?
Karra: yes it is but
sometimes they
don’t. They make up
their minds, "okay,
we need to make
ourselves more
comfortable here, we
need a particular
bush to put in our
living room that
would make it more
like home.
Russ: bush?
Karra: I’m giving an
Russ: okay.
Karra: it’s a little
fruiting bush that
gives off little
fruits that taste
real nice and it's
very exquisite and I
would like one. But
this couple that
have been on the
base for years, they
missed it so much
that they thought
the only person that
would be able to get
a hold of it for
them would be me so
they researched it
and yes it
does......it is
capable of growing
up here. Yes it is a
very exquisitely
tasty little bush, I
would love one
dearly but they
don’t travel very
Russ: oh.
Karra: so the best
that I could get was
seeds for them.
Russ: and how could
they grow it?
Karra: exactly.
Russ: oh.
Karra: but they
would like it now
sooner than later
because they really
do miss the flavors
and you can't blame
them really.
Russ: right, I
Karra: but instead
of going to
Treebeard and
saying, "look.....",
they went to the
person at the top,
the one person that
they could think
would do it and be
able to pull it off.
Russ: and what'd you
Karra: I got ahold
of seeds for them
and I told them
that, as ambassador,
they owe me a favor.
What I didn't tell
them was that
instead of getting a
dozen seeds I got
Russ: oh, so you
saved some for
Karra: no, I have
one that hopefully
will grow for myself
and the rest I put
on storage.
Russ: excellent
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: living for
three hundred years,
you'll have plenty
of time to wait for
that little guy to
Karra: 300 years?
Russ: well for
Karra: we live
closer to eight,
nine hundred years.
Russ: oh that’s
Karra: we’re not
Durondedunns you
Russ: three hundred
per rejuvenation.
Karra: thereabouts.
Russ: yeah.
Karra: and then
there's the people
that are new to the
base that don’t like
being underground
and get cramped and
they want to go
home. Unfortunately
we got I think about
fifteen new people
the other day and
two of them already
want to go home.
Russ: really?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: bummer.
Karra: so
unfortunately what
I'm going to do is,
before people are
assigned here, I
would like to see
their records and
their psychological
profiles and all the
necessary data so I
can if necessary
veto them. Since
I've been
ambassador, I have
had six people
request to return
home to Sirius.
Russ: well can I
make a suggestion?
Karra: uh-huh.
Russ: is there a way
you could......they
could do like a few
days or a week-long
session on Sirius in
similar conditions?
Karra: no, it’s not
the same because you
know at the end of
it you’re going to
be outside.
Russ: that’s true.
Karra: uh-huh.
Besides, if you’re
an astral traveler,
even a weak astral
traveler, you can
look outside the
underground caverns
on the planet’s
surface and see the
view here. One thing
that I've noticed is
that they're weak
Russ: hmm.
Karra: they're not
even medium astral
travelers which
means that they can
get off the planet
and cruise around in
the local
neighborhood. That’s
one thing that I’ve
Russ: okay.
Karra: secondly,
they’re all from
sparsely populated
areas where there's
lots of walking
room. Different
areas on the planet.
Russ: oh.
Karra: so I am
starting to see a
Russ: yeah,
interesting pattern.
Karra: uh-huh,
they're all highly
intelligent which is
the reason why they
requested and got
accepted to come
here. They’re not
all young, they're
not all old, they're
a wide spectrum of
Russ: so a couple
good points you can
narrow down.
Karra: uh-huh,
that’s two to start
off with. I’ve gone
through quite a few
records and I see
individuals that are
very similar in
their profile that
are very, very happy
here and think of it
as home so it
doesn’t hold up.
Okay, let me put on
my ambassadorial
hat. Okay, official
forgot....we are
delighted to host
the....the name I
not going to mention
because it's a
Sirian name but the
translation is Baron
Squadron. It will be
composed of the
elite pilots from
the pilot schools.
They will be the top
pilots, not in our
sector but
throughout the whole
entire sectors that
are covered by the
Blue Guys. This is a
second elite
squadron, there is
only one another
elite squadron. The
individuals, once
they have been
selected, will serve
permanently within
that squadron until
they either reach
retirement age or
cease to function.
Russ: hmmm.
Skip: great.
Karra: however if
they fall below the
necessary standards
of that squadron,
they will be asked
to leave.
Russ: those coming
to serve here on the
Baron Squadron are
selected and
probably volunteer
to serve permanently
on that squadron on
Hades Base and
they'll be living on
Hades base. Why?
Because they’re in
the top elite
squadron in the
whole sector but now
these people coming
from Sirius, they’re
not coming to stay
in the elite base
out of all of Ashtar
Command, it’s just a
base in Ashtar
Karra: that’s
Russ: so they don’t
feel as special as
these pilots are
going to be feeling.
Is there a way to
make these people
coming to feel more
special that they….?
Karra: it’s a
different mind
processes, you’ve
got to remember, one
thing about the
Russ: yeah, they're
Karra: to serve in
the ultimate
squadron regardless
of where it is. You
could stick it on a
frozen planet and
they could live in
frozen cold huts and
they would be
delighted to be in
the elite squadron
on that planet
because it’s not the
place, it's the
Russ: right.
Skip: uh-huh.
Russ: the people
coming from Sirius,
seems like if they
were given a reason
to come and stay
that's special for
them. Like once they
get here they want
to leave, be
reminded of what a
special place this
is to be at and what
an honor it is to be
Karra: I try but
when somebody makes
up their mind….
Russ: well at least
before they get
there kind of let
them know that this
is very special for
Karra: oh they come
thinking that it is.
Russ: oh they do?
Karra: and sometimes
they just don’t
realize what they're
getting themselves
into. Don’t forget,
they can't go home
for the first year,
they've got to work
a year here before
they can.
Skip: oh yeah, yes.
Karra: okay, here’s
a blessing for you.
(Karra passes on the
blessing promised by
Kiri which almost
sounds Sirian)
Skip: okay.
Karra: that is a
thank you blessing,
that's literally
what it means. Okay,
let me put on the
next speaker.
Skip: okay.
Karra: uh-huh.