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(Tia reviews recent news on the base regarding births and deaths, competitions and festivals such as the Salmon Festival. She fills us in on the new ships being delivered to the base including some of the new class of ships.) 

Russ: all right, well let’s go over the news.

Tia: okay, what do you want to know?

Russ: well the stuff you’ve gathered up and saved for me here.

Tia: okay we’ve had the crèche parents of the super operant’s miscarry.

Russ: I don’t want to put that in, that’s iffy news.

Tia: we have a track meet.

Russ: oh that’s good news.

Tia: uh-huh. 

Russ: another one?

Tia: no, just a friendly track meet.

Russ: oh.

Tia: inter-section right? And we went and watched and our defense force with Lyka, Lyka’s team won. I’m not quite sure who won, I don’t think they had anybody actually win, it’s just that they clinched. I think it was like first…..second through sixth which meant that they were overall winners.

Russ: who were they up against?

Tia: they were up against pilots and some technicians and some service personnel.

Russ: against the defense force?

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: that would be a walk away.

Tia: well a pilot picked up first place, he is from C squadron. I think the best way to call him, his nickname would be something like flower man. Okay, we’ve had a massive dump in the Wookie compound. 

(the snowy mountain side of the base)

Russ: hmm.

Tia: also what’s going on? There is a birthday party going to be in the Cubs crèche.

Russ: wait a minute.....Wookie compound.....okay and then a big birthday party?

Tia: uh-huh, not for the Cubs.

Russ: not for the Cubs?

Tia: not for the Cubs, it’s a birthday party for one of the crèche girls, she is going be three years old.

Russ: got a name for her?

Tia: oh, Teena.

Russ: Teenah.

Tia: no not Teenah, Teena. Tee-Na.

Russ: so T.E.E.N.A?

Tia: something like that. Okay, one of my technicians is…..not one of my technicians one of my analysts is out of work at the moment due to the fact that he broke his arm.

Russ: bummer.

Tia: yeah fell whilst rock climbing.

Russ: what was he doing rock climbing?

Tia: well why not? Because it’s there.

Russ: major storm going on and he’s rock climbing.

Tia: different place.

Russ: oh.

Tia: we also have coming up a big Salmon Festival. It’s an excuse for lots of people to get together, get drunk and…..

Russ: deplete the salmon population a little bit.

Tia: or attempt to.

Russ: attempt to.

Tia: uh-huh. Ahh what else? Teela is dying her hair again.

Russ: what color?

Tia: well she wants it green.

Russ: well that will make for a striking color.

Tia: uh-huh, pale green.

Russ: when is the Salmon Festival?

Tia: Salmon Festival? It’s this....... would be your weekend.

Russ: this weekend?

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: and when’s the birthday party?

Tia: I believe that is Friday.

Russ: Friday okay.

Tia: uh-huh. Also what’s happening? Oh Treene beat her mother in straight sets in racquetball. 6-0, 6-0, 6-0.

Russ: someone’s in better shape than someone else.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: Treene beat Teene.

Tia: yes, Treene beat Teene okay. We have new cadets training for our ground control.

Russ: oh yeah, let’s work on that.

Tia: I don’t know what they're up, all's I know is there’s a new class.

Russ: no, no. I mean the new ships coming in.

Tia: oh the new ships?

Russ: yeah.

Tia: uh-huh, well we have 24 of the older craft coming in right? But we only have 12 of the newer models.

Russ: so 36 altogether?

Tia: well 36 of the level that we have and then 12 of the older class.

Russ: huh? You said 24 of the older version and 12 of the newer class.

Tia: yes but the 12 that are coming into the newer class are going to replace 12 of the older class.

Russ: oh I see.

Tia: how about a cup of tea? We’ll save it for Mark when he gets back.

Russ: okay, what else you got?

Tia: that’s about it.

Russ: that’s all the news? That’s a lot anyway.

Tia: yeah that’s a lot apart from Pegasus is a dad again, we're going to snip him soon. 

(a cat at Tia, Kiri’s and Mark's apartment on the base)

Russ: should’ve snipped him a while back man.

Tia: well he’s had about eight litters.

Russ: well I know that, that’s what I mean, he’s a little due isn’t he?

Tia: yeah, I should say he’s more than a little due but I can’t do that.

Russ: who’s the expectant mom?

Tia: oh one of the cats from the other end of the base.

Russ: little guy gets around huh?

Tia: uh-huh, oh boy does he get around. Uh-huh, I mean he’s all over the place. I mean, I think he can smell.....

Russ: he used to be a kitten when I first got up there. When I first went up there, he was a kitten, he didn’t even have balls yet. What happened to him man? He turned into King Kong of stud city or something?

Tia: no, he’s learned how to be ferocious.

Russ: I guess, he was a timid little thing at first.

Tia: he’s grown.

Russ: that's true.

Tia: anyway tape’s almost over.

Russ: yeah, couple of minutes.