(Kiri acts as translator
for the soon to be bond mate for the President of
Sirius who is also Kiri and Karra’s father. This
being her first visit to the base to meet her
future family, she is as interested with our
planet as we are about her life on Sirius. We get
the physical characteristics of Sirians along with
their average heights. This is the definitive
channeling about life as it happens on a higher
dimensional planet.)
Russ: how’s
it Gonzo?
Kiri: Gonzo is doing fine.
Russ: good.
Kiri: where do you start?
Russ: uh-huh.
Kiri: question.
Russ: uh-huh.
Kiri: what is it like to live in a
different, cold climate?
Russ: hmm……well, shovel a lot of snow,
clean off the windshield of our cars.
Kiri: explain cars.
Russ: personal mode of transportation
Kiri: ahh, she understands.
Russ: ahhh.
Kiri: what we’re doing Johnny is I’m
acting as the voice for a very shy
person who wants to ask a whole load
of questions and also answer a whole
load of questions.
John: okay.
Kiri: yes and she doesn’t speak much
in the way of English.
John: right.
Kiri: so instead of…..
John: does she have a name?
Kiri: well everybody calls her Gonzo.
David: Gonzo?
Kiri: yes Gonzo.
John: is that in reference to her
Kiri: she does have a little bit of a
nose but it is in actual fact a
shortening of her name.
John: which is?
Kiri: Gorozky.
John: okay. Well any questions you got
for me ask away.
Kiri: she wants to know what is it
like in a high desert?
John: what constitutes a high desert….
Kiri: uh-huh.
John: is the lack of rainfall
basically and high deserts range from
your vegetarian, vegetable matter that
grows on the Earth is your biggest
basic difference and there’s different
parameters…..I mean you can have a
high desert with large trees or large
cactus or you can have…..there’s a lot
of high desert with virtually no trees
and cactus and very limited
Kiri: what is cactus?
John: cactus is a plant that grows
very good in desert areas and it's
very unique. The saguaro cactus of
Arizona, the trees of the desert and
there’s many different varieties of
cactus and succulents and other
usually very hardy species. Cactus are
hardy species, they grow best under
harsh conditions.
Kiri: describe the appearance of a
John: it would be cylindrical and
spiny. They vary dramatically, there’s
different varieties and different
species. They’re thorny........
Kiri: describe the one that you
John: and they're hardy.
Russ: well saguaros grow about 15 feet
tall sometimes but average around 10.
John: oh yeah but they grow a lot
bigger than that if you don’t mess
with them.
Russ: oh sure and they basically have
a single stock about maybe a foot,
foot and a half across that goes up 15
feet with a couple arms that break off
from it that go…..
John: the unique feature of a saguaro
cactus for it to grow an arm, it needs
24 hours of continuous precipitation
and usually that comes in snow where
it will snow on the cactus and the
moisture……inevitably the next day
usually the snow will melt because of
the ground temperature rising but with
this unique property and getting 24
hours of continuous moisture allows it
for an arm to grow. They’re a
slow-growing, hardy species,
spiny…..there’s many with some
medicinal qualities.
Kiri: what color are they?
John: green as a general rule, most
usually green.
Russ: some will flower like the
saguaro will flower.
Kiri: what color flowers?
John: most all of them will flower.
Russ: yellow.
Kiri: okay. Questions, do you have any
for Gonzo?
John: any cactus?
Kiri: questions.
John: oh….
(the phone rings)
Russ: I got it.
John: no, not right off hand. Do you
have cactus on Hades?
Kiri: we don’t have them on Hades Base
and Gonzo is saying that there are
semi-succulent plants but none that
match that description.
John: yeah, succulents and cactus do
have some similarities.
Kiri: ahh.
John: could you put in a greenhouse
and grow cactus on Hades Base, are you
capable of doing that?
Kiri: on Hades Base yes but Gonzo’s
from Sirius, she’s visiting.
John: okay and would it be possible to
grow cactus on Sirius?
Kiri: no because it’s not a native
John: could you introduce it in any
kind of way?
Kiri: it is forbidden.
David: what do you do for kicks on
Kiri: on Sirius, Gonzo says she hikes,
she likes to eat flowers which have a
narcotic effect but are non-addictive.
She likes to ski, she is not very good
at it because it is far for her to
travel to ski. It is about eight hours
for her to get to where she can ski.
She likes to drink and read.
David: do they have the same…..like I
don’t know, it's a different planet,
what do they…..
Kiri: what do we do for fun?
David: no, not really. Are there any
things up there for fun that are like
totally impossible to do on Earth or
are there things on Earth that’s
totally impossible for them to do
Kiri: Gonzo says she likes to free fly
which is she straps on a pair of wings
and feathers on her feet and she can
fly like a bird. I believe that is
impossible on your planet due to the
fact that the gravity is too high. As
opposed to things that you have on
your planet, Gonzo says she would like
to drive one of your combustible
propelled vehicles in a competing
John: like drag racing or something?
Kiri: something like that yes, I think
I know what drag racing is.
John: what does Gonzo look like?
Describe her physically, all her
physical features head to toe.
Kiri: okay head to toe, well she’s
about 6’1”, she has brownish hair, she
has a hook nose but not too big. She
has greeny eyes.
John: green eyes?
Kiri: greenish.
John: greenish eyes. Is there any
white pupils to them?
Kiri: yes uh-huh.
John: does she have eyelids?
Kiri: yes.
John: and as far as getting back to
her hair, her brunette hair, what
length is it?
Kiri: shoulder length.
John: what length does she wear it?
Kiri: shoulder length but at the
moment it’s tied in a ponytail I think
you would call it, pulled back.
David: does she have big old like one
inch thick strands of hair like
Kiri: no. Put it this way, if she
walked down your street, the only
thing that would strike her as
different is the fact that she is
David: oh, they look like humans up
there on Sirius?
Kiri: yeah I look…..I’m very humanoid
and I come from Sirius, in fact I’m a
little bit short for a Sirian.
John: arms, legs…….
Kiri: yes.
John: and how about her reproductive
system, is it similar to the humanoids
in this third dimension Earth?
Kiri: very compatible, very compatible
apart from we tend to be a little bit
more fluid in the vaginal line,
vaginal fluids.
John: and would Sirians be considered
mammals how we consider humans mammals
on our planet?
Kiri: uh-huh, yes. We’re very……if you
were to do an autopsy on a Sirian, the
only thing that would be different
would be a lighter bone structure, the
appendix work and I believe the heart
is angled slightly differently. Blood
pressure is higher of course……
David: why?
Kiri: because we’re bigger, we’re
taller as a rule.
David: oh, what is an average man
Kiri: average height for an average
man runs at about at 6’1” to 6’3” so
6’2” would be about the average.
David: women?
Kiri: women? Again about 6’1” to 6’3”.
David: so there’s not a big height
difference between women and men?
Kiri: no, no. As I said, I’m 5’11”, no
I’m six feet and I’m short. However
there are people taller that go as far
as 6’6”. There are some people that
are 6’8”, 6’9”. The tallest person on
our planet was 8’3”.
John: do you guys play basketball?
Kiri: what’s basketball? We both want
to know, Gonzo and myself would like
to know.
John: well it’s a sport that we do for
a pastime, some of us participate in
it directly……
Kiri: we have a image up here on the
computer of a male negro about 6’1”
with big, thick glasses strapped to
the side of his head…..
Russ: Kareem.
Kiri: and he’s also......another
picture is being popped up of him
wearing a pilot's suit carrying a
basketball, is that correct,
David: 6’1’ man, Kareem’s taller than
that…. 6’9”.
John: yeah Kareem’s taller than 6’1”
Kiri: 6’9”? Well it’s hard to say
looking at a hologram but he’s wearing
a blue flight suit in one picture and
the other one he has......Lakers?
Russ: uh-huh, Lakers.
Kiri: why is he a pilot…..is he a
pilot professionally and plays
Russ: no, it’s a movie that he was in.
Kiri: oh it’s a movie? Tia’s giggling.
John: yeah it’s a fictional….
Kiri: ahhh.
Russ: comedy.
John: a fictional production that we
do for entertainment, it’s one of our
forms of entertainment.
Kiri: oh yes we are aware of the
John: along with watching these black
people bounce balls. Now you referred
to him as a negro?
Kiri: uh-huh.
John: do you have different….
Kiri: yes we do.
John: species on your planet?
Kiri: we have different colors.
David: is green one of them?
Kiri: (laughing) no.
David: do you have what we would
consider a Caucasian?
Kiri: yes, I am white and there are
people that are of very dark skin,
almost black, ebony in color would be
a better description. We have people
that have a yellowy tinge to their
skin and a red tinge to their skin.
David: that covers us too.
Kiri: uh-huh but we don’t have any
people of short stature on our planet.
Short stature….
David: no midgets?
Kiri: no short people.
David: not even like 5’5”?
Kiri: no, only children.
John: on Earth, the ratio of land to
water is approximately one third
landmass to two thirds water…..
Kiri: uh-huh.
John: how does that compare to Sirius?
Kiri: I should say it’s actually more
on Sirius about fifty-fifty but we do
have lakes…..we have a lot more
drinking water available to us.
Instead of 1% of our water, it is
actually 4% of our water is drinkable.
John: is there life forms that live in
these bodies of water?
Kiri: yes uh-huh, dolphins, orcas,
pinnipeds. We have oh vast, different
varieties of fish. We have a fish very
similar to your salmon apart from it
doesn’t die at the end of its life
cycle. It will keep going and keep
going and keep going and keep going
and my father when I was little
girl.....and Gonzo is telling me that
I’m hogging all the time......caught
one that was huge. It was about that
big and about that fat and it took him
about ten and a half hours to catch
and he had a very thin line that was
test weighted to I think it was five
chee which is a measurement of weight.
Russ: hmm.
John: is Sirius a third dimensional
Kiri: no, not anymore, we're sixth
John: okay, well I mean I….
Kiri: sorry, yes, I didn’t mean to
sound upset.
John: I’m curious, but would you
consider yourselves more evolved than
the human planet?
Kiri: spiritually and psychically yes,
physically no.
David: what’s the crime rate?
Kiri: what’s crime? I know what crime
is, Gonzo is saying what is crime?
David: crime is actually an idea not
Kiri: doing something that is not
acceptable by people’s standards.
David: yeah.
Kiri: but we do not have….
David: sometimes immoral.
Kiri: what is immoral?
David: immoral is....it's something
other than what is usually perceived
Kiri: correct by the people.
David: yeah, just the right way to do
things or the right way to live and
treat each other.
Kiri: uh-huh, the concept of taking a
life is unknown to us. It is not
unheard of, it happens, most the time
it is accidental. Those that have
committed murder and I believe there
is a grand total maybe five on the
planet that did it intentionally are
kept separate and incarcerated and
helped. Rape is unheard of, assault is
unheard of. Fighting is heard of and
it is normally between very select
individuals that are the equivalent to
your army and it is encouraged between
them but they are encouraged very
strongly not to hurt people that do
not participate in their lifestyle.
Russ: Kiri?
Kiri: yes?
Russ: has Gonzo acclimated herself to
her new position yet?
Kiri: she’s blushing and saying no.
She’s got her hands on her face going,
Russ: (laughing) does she ski?
Kiri: not very well.
Russ: well good, neither do I so….
Kiri: Mark is taking her up the slopes
tomorrow and I’m coming along too,
taking a day off.
Russ: oh good.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: well I’ll be coming up tonight
so I'll just come on over and say hi.
Kiri: okay.
Russ: does she like Earl Grey tea?
Kiri: she’s still learning about tea.
Okay now any more questions for Gonzo
as I hogged all her time?
Russ: is she excited about the
marriage coming up?
Kiri: very.
Russ: good, has she seen her wedding
dress yet?
Kiri: not yet, she’s going to be
trying that on tomorrow morning.
Russ: ohh good.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: well from what I heard about it,
it’s going to be something to see.
Kiri: uh-huh.
John: is there a population of Sirians
on earth right now?
Kiri: ................yes.
John: are they in the third dimension?
Kiri: yes.
John: are they any kind of threat to
the human race?
Kiri: yes and no. Russ, are there any
Sirians in your room, ancestors of
Russ: yeah all of us.
Kiri: uh-huh, you’re all a threat to
each other unfortunately so yes they
are a threat and no they are not a
threat, very convoluted but I’ve got
to apologize, I’m hogging all the time
for Gonzo.
Russ: well that’s all right, will she
able to come by every once in a while
for our channeling sessions?
Kiri: it is unlikely, it is unlikely.
Russ: what is she going to be doing
while she’s up there, besides being a
Kiri: well she’s going to be doing the
tourist thing.
Russ: ohhhh.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: well that will be fun.
Kiri: yeah.
John: what exactly is Russ’s role with
Kiri: a teacher.
John: on this premarital…
Kiri: teacher.
Russ: right, I was talking to her
about Earth the other day when she
first got up there.
Kiri: yes, they teach each other.
John: so she's curious, is Gonzo
Kiri: very curious, yes.
Russ: because it’s a part of the
family now and she doesn't understand
that part of the family….
Kiri: yes.
Russ: but explain to her I’m kind of
sorry for being so ghost-like and
fading out there at the last.
Kiri: she says that is all right.
John: will Russ and Gonzo have
physical contact, will Russ be able to
solidify himself?
Kiri: the only person that can answer
that question she is saying is Russ.
Russ: that’s right but yes it is very
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: it’s how much effort I can get
to it.
John: and Russ will be visiting Gonzo
on Hades Base while she’s visiting
Hades Base?
Kiri: she says yes.
John: and then after her marriage
she’s going to return to Sirius?
Kiri: that is correct.
John: can she visit Earth?
Kiri: no, she’s not permitted to.
John: is she capable of doing it?
Kiri: if she was to hop aboard one of
our patrol ships she could certainly
come down to your planet, walk down
the street, nobody would raise an
eyebrow apart from as I said her
height. However, the reason why she
won’t come to your planet is the same
reason as I’m not allowed to go is
because I do not understand money, I
do not understand your customs, I do
not understand your taboos, I do not
understand your laws, I do not
understand things you would call
common sense. For example, when you
cross a street you have to stop when
there are vehicles, they don’t stop
for you. The few vehicles we have on
Sirius, they stop for you. Even if it
is a very busy area with maybe one
every 30 seconds, they have to stop
and let you cross…..
John: what form of transportation are
you referring to, does it use an
internal combustion engine similar to
Kiri: no, no.
Russ: gravity.
Kiri: uh-huh, it’s a gravimetric…..do
you want me to explain how it works?
John: sure.
Kiri: okay gravimetrical….
Russ: we have about three minutes of
tape left.
Kiri: how many?
Russ: three.
Kiri: and Tia is shouting, "no".
John: can we talk about this some
other time?
(The tape comes to an end)