gets deep into the genetics of his family
and the fact that it was becoming a
dead-end genetically due to manipulations
causing mental aberrations that would make
the line terminal in the long-run. His
intention he describes is to save the
family by beginning a line within the
family that would be from his pure genetic
strain since he was not a part of the
experimentation that began the slide.)
you not be commenting on fact that I
not go to family get-together? You
understand why.
Russ: yeah actually, Karra and Kiri
were both rather......gave me a good
idea on that. I don’t blame you in the
least bit.
Treebeard: no.
Russ: but you are of the side of the
family that would be considered the
well-off side though.
Treebeard: if not being younger
brother I would being of head.
Russ: oh okay. So you have someone
who’s actually…..
Treebeard: no.
Russ: oh.
Treebeard: older brother being gone of
20 of your years?
Russ: oh, so why would that not make
you the head?
Treebeard: because of his being of
Russ: oh, his son's now the head.
Treebeard: that is way works.
Russ: oh I see. Hmm, have you met him,
the son of your older brother?
Treebeard: yes.
Russ: get along okay?
Treebeard: yes.
Russ: oh that’s good.
Treebeard: being very deep of thinking
and reclusive.
Russ: oh, okay.
Treebeard: phrase being of talk
little, think much.
Russ: hmm. Now one of the things that
was brought up if I could bring up a
personal matter on your family is the
fact that according to Bunny, they did
some experimentation because they had
the genetic markers for being super
Treebeard: hmm?
Russ: and they felt that mixing the
genes within the family would distill
it to a point that would bring it out.
Treebeard: that being of correct.
Russ: now being this happened many,
many generations after you were born,
then you weren't part of that
experiment I assume?
Treebeard: no, my daughter, my son
being of group that sat down and
realized what we had being of
potential with other parts of family
and that start of dysfunction.
Russ: oh, so they recognized the
problems that were inherently
Treebeard: no.
Russ: oh, they didn't.
Treebeard: I brought up in family
meeting, they say probable chances one
in million? I differ knowing myself,
knowing my children, knowing my
brother, knowing his children, knowing
my sister, knowing her children, I at
that point being of basic exile.
Russ: oh.
Treebeard: I walk out.
Russ: well, to make a point here, you
were already into plants quite a bit
by then weren’t you?
Treebeard: being of 60 years of time
Russ: then any gardener worth his salt
knows about gene splicing or…..
Treebeard: when being of student I do
much of splicing of plant matter being
of grafting, see what possible. I
know, they not listen. I show weakness
by not staying and being voice of
Russ: hmm, it’s a shame though that
they did not see the wisdom of what
you were telling them because I’m
certain it would’ve made a much better
affect had they listened.
Treebeard: yes, it being something I
should have been more vocal on. I have
purest of possibilities. Reason for me
leaving and exiling is fact of being
latent in only one of?
Russ: oh.
Treebeard: so I would’ve being of
prime candidate to use.
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: having read essay on whole
family of my group being only problem
being of in mind, I may partake in
final experiment with cleanest of
Russ: hmm.
Treebeard: cleanest of family not
Russ: right.
Treebeard: one with sexual
dysfunction, favorite of most of
great, great, great, great, great,
great, great, granddaughter.
Russ: oh excellent, well let’s hope
that works.
Treebeard: being of young and being of
great age, hope time being of right.
Being of old-fashioned, not leave on
Russ: hmm. Well we of course of third
dimensional abilities take it as a
more natural stance in the matter and
understand genetics play a major part.
One thing I keep having questions
though is Ashtar Command and Sirius
and all with the medical standards
they have are able to manipulate the
genes if there’s a problem spotted
early enough in the pregnancy or when
the child is still a small infant to
make the changes necessary to correct
the gene problems that would be coming
Treebeard: that is being of correct
yes but when so many problems, then it
would be lifelong for fixing.
Russ: I see, so it’s been a cumulative
Treebeard: that being of correct. More
and more of family both parts being
more and more unstable. Why I being of
agreeing of new branch is being for
reason of possible saving of family.
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: picking up from Madam
Ambassador, family of great power
dwindled to two individuals?
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: and then reborn.
Russ: right.
Treebeard: I being of seeing that in
own but not being dwindling but being
necessary for reestablishing sanity
and genetic probabilities.
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: but being of genetic
sameness and regenerative…..not being
of right word……..regressive genes
being of problem, then most pure being
possible to save.
Russ: I see. Hmm, now wouldn’t the
introduction of other gene pools from
throughout Sirius and other sister
planets make for a healthy gene pool
at that point?
Treebeard: being of starting new gene
pool ideal yes. I am being working on
house rules?
Russ: ahh, good call.
Treebeard: so for new house when I be
of passing it being of ready.
Russ: so in other words you’re almost
like a father.
Treebeard: no.
Russ: ahhh.
Treebeard: I just being of author.
Russ: well good start though. I look
forward to seeing and watching the
progression of this even though it
won’t take place in my lifetime, at
least I'll see the start of it as will
Treebeard: yes I am being of hoping.
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: way of seeing is
introduction of small, new branch
necessary to isolate from old.
Russ: hmmm.
Treebeard: purest being of Huna
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: nearest purest is Leah and
introduction of new genetic material
being of Lyka then being of family
give opportunity for fresh start. If
being of pure as well, then hopefully
not make mistake. Bring in equivalent
material from other sources but
manipulating in way of perfect
genetic, then being of problem on
lacking caring, emotion and
understanding then being back to where
we are present.
Russ: now, right. Hmm, for some reason
though my heart says you’re on the
right track.
Treebeard: I hope not being of as
brother and sister.
Russ: hmm, good call.
Treebeard: but having seen what they
have wrought then I not being not of
making mistake of same.
Russ: well the problem is now, 700
years later, they find out you were
Treebeard: but not being present.
Russ: but not being present right.
Unfortunate and one of those times
when you hate being right.
Treebeard: I wish never having being
of right......
Russ: I know.
Treebeard: I wish have being of wrong.
Russ: yeah, unfortunate but we
ourselves here on our planet have
discovered many of the same traits. My
own family is very much a problem of
that, they're the same (being a
Treebeard: yes, being too much of
making wrong choices.
Russ: correct, correct but I suppose
it’s all something that everybody has
to learn.
Treebeard: yes but wishing that lesson
not having to be lesson.
Russ: uh-huh. Now why does it work so
well in the plant world though?
Treebeard: being because if you see
problem, dysfunction, it is easy to
say not take genetic material from
Russ: hmm.
Treebeard: being of such short time,
it is being of easy to weed out but
not always so.
Russ: as we say the best of the best.
Treebeard: being correct.
Russ: hmm, so when you’re working with
roses let’s say which are very big for
that kind of thing down here.....
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: then you can see pretty much
within a year or so what’s taking
place as far as your splice goes.
Treebeard: being correct.
Russ: hmm interesting. Now we're using
a lot in the way of genetics to grow
our tomatoes and other fruits and
vegetables to be more resilient to
pests, pesticides….
Treebeard: ahh, being of great
concern. Being not knowing of final
outcome and what pests are beneficial
that appear not being of beneficial
then being of great concern is
Russ: hmm.
Treebeard: I be seeing of where you
are going.
Russ: uh-huh.
Treebeard: it is great if watched
closely and analyzed closely but
long-term not understood. You are
recalling of species and genus
Russ: oh that’s right.
Treebeard: tomato being also of same
species so possible outcome being of
condensing of genus back to deadly
form so having to be of great care.
Russ: wow.
Treebeard: but deadly form being a
cumulative in system without notice of
being so.
Russ: hmm, so it would have a
long-term effect?
Treebeard: being of possibility,
toxins building within system.
Russ: wow.
Treebeard: but also possible of great
boon if being of correct choices, but
many choices.
Russ: hmm. So nightshade is a member
of the tomato family?
Treebeard: being of opposite way.
Russ: oh, tomatoes being member of
nightshade family.
Treebeard: being of correct.
Russ: I remember. So in what I’m
wondering about, are we losing
anything in the mineral and vitamin
content doing this?
Treebeard: being of all things
Russ: hmm I see. So we can look at it
but we’re not sure because the
difference I think comes from maybe
instinctual natural versus genetically
Treebeard: being of correct but also
genetically enhanced just natural
process but many time faster.
Russ: hmm.
Treebeard: would happen of end anyway
but just sped up.
Russ: right.
Treebeard: now necessary for me to
answer last question.
Russ: okay. When we're working with
our future and our genes in the way
they’re working with our tomatoes,
again to avoid the problems that we
see in your family and the problems
we've seen with some of our fruits,
what's the biggest concern we should
looking for?
Treebeard: being of mind. Physical
being of fixed or even helping but
mind, you wish for intelligence? You
wish for abilities to grow? Then
necessary to take same. Plan for
family in essence being of good,
condense to point of purity where most
mind being of great potential but
lacking in intelligence for getting
thereof, not understanding that when
ability becomes so strong, mind needs
stimulation or feedback in so not
having ability to stimulate, feedback
Russ: hmm thank you.
Treebeard: being of great use, now
necessary for me to being of dwelling
Russ: okay, I appreciate it, farewell.