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(Kiri shares some of the ways justice is handled on Sirius from a conversation that started from how to discipline a child here on the third dimension. That progresses to how it is done on Sirius with their children all the way up to how adults reform in a society without police, judges or lawyers. One of the keys to the system is that everybody is telepathic.) 

Kiri: okay, any questions for me?

Skip: I asked my question.

Kiri: Judy?

Judy: hmm?

Kiri: I always find that a quick backhand works for that.

Judy: oh yeah?

Kiri: yeah.

Judy: he’s getting a little bit big for that. He's bigger than I am.

Kiri: who here likes pain?

Skip: likes what?

Kiri: likes pain.

John: pain.

Skip: nobody.

Kiri: and if you do something wrong and it's painful, you’re not going to do it again.

John: well you try not to.

Kiri: yeah.

John: I mean I burn myself at work, I don’t intentionally ever try and burn myself……

Kiri: no that’s different, that’s an accident.

Skip: that’s an accident, no we’re talking about intentionally…..

Kiri: yeah. For example, let me see, if I was to break a window on purpose then I would expect to pay the consequences and I would try not to break that window because I know that paying the consequences would be painful.

Skip: that doesn’t seem to matter to this……

Kiri: no it doesn’t. I can’t comprehend……

Russ: what about taking away privileges?

Skip: that doesn't seem to work with this young man.

Russ: that always seem to work with me........no? Oh.

Kiri: well there is the other option is that what you do is you take away everything, clothes everything and just leave them with bed, sheets, blanket, that’s it and when he does something good, you give him something back.

Russ: that’s a Sirian thing, that’s what they do on Sirius.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Skip: that’s right.

Kiri: it’s a sixth dimensional way, you take away all privileges.

Russ: I know, Karra gave me that one in my head one time a long time ago.

Kiri: yeah.

Russ: but just now that you said it, it went clicked in going, “where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, it was in my.......”

Kiri: yeah well you take away everything and all he has is his bed, that’s it and if he wants clothes, you give him the clothes that you want him to wear right?

Russ: yeah, that’s a Sirian deal.

Kiri: and if he does something good, he gets his drawers back right?. Doesn’t have anything in it, but he gets his chest of drawers. If he does something else good, he gets the clothing that goes in that drawer. And then the next drawer and the next drawer and so on. Does something wrong, he loses that particular thing that he just got. Works great on Sirius.

Russ: yeah it does.

Kiri: because kids like to wear what they want to wear but if they don’t have any clothes and you’re the one telling them, "you're wearing this today."

Russ: yeah, checkered pants with a paisley shirt.

John: that’s cruel, now you’re getting to the point of being cruel and unusual.

Kiri: that is cruel and unusual punishment.

John: yeah but so is Russ.

Kiri: but on Sirius, it works very well. Now you just remove everything, lock it up so so that they can’t go and get it. And when they do that good thing, that they get it back, the chest of drawers, then you make a big hoo haw out of it and that is an incentive that makes them realize they’ve done something good and want to do something else good right? But also when you take that privilege away when they screw up, you make a big hoo haw out of that so that they remember that. Now it can be very hard to do but on Sirius it works very well. I never had anything taken away, I was a good little girl, most of the time. Well you never know. But anyway, yeah that’s the way we do it on Sirius. Our legal system or law system, we don’t actually have a law system. If you mess up against society, you’re sent away for reeducation, you live with that horror, day after day, week after week, month after month until you realize that what you’ve done is wrong and you atone for it. And it’s a reeducation system, you point out what you’ve done wrong, you live with those consequences for however long it's necessary until you learn that that was wrong and then atone for it.

Russ: it's very effective, I’ve talked to someone on Sirius once that was in their penal system.

Kiri: it’s not a penal system, it’s a correctional facility.

Russ: well I call it a penal system.

Kiri: reeducation facility.

Russ: whatever, I talked to this guy who was in there because I wanted to know more about it and the guy was like totally happy with the system, says it worked great and he was changing his ways and he realized what had happened was wrong, the most happy criminal I’ve ever seen in my life.

Kiri: uh-huh, but you have to remember one important key, we do read each other’s minds.

Russ: well yeah, there is that.

Kiri: uh-huh, but only if you want to and if you’ve done something wrong, you have to let people in to have a look to examine what you’ve done wrong and they will only examine that particular thing that you’ve done wrong.
