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(Omal continues a previous conversation with Kiri where waveforms were mentioned so the question comes up on whether he saw the waveforms of the things he manifested.  We get that confirmed and learn the differences in the waveforms between an animate and an inanimate object.) 

Omal: greetings Russ.

Russ: greetings Omal.

Omal: and when Skip gets back, it will also be greetings. It seems to be an informative session tonight do you not think so?

Russ: I totally agree, we're definitely covering a lot of areas I’m not even sure we were planning on covering but definitely getting the job done.

Omal: I think Kiri deliberately has been setting up for this waveform for quite a while.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: yes?

Russ: well with that waveform on that same note, it’s like I never really got answered on the part of how do we see waveforms more though.

Omal: she did answer it.

Russ: yeah, I’m just not sure how we could put it into practical application down here.

Omal: I don’t think Kiri actually knows how you would do it down there.

Russ: oh, well that’s probably why then.

Omal: yeah, it’s something she speculated on on the possibilities on ways to do it but she used Sirian ways that she knows which is understandable. And after all, doesn’t everybody use what they know?

Russ: absolutely.

Omal: yeah try to convert it to things that they are trying to explain to make it easier for somebody and unfortunately as you well know, it can unfortunately blur the issue even more.

Russ: right, now you see waveforms right?

Omal: yes.

Russ: okay, when you manifest, you see the waveform of the whatever you’re…..

Omal: different waveforms, greetings Skip.

Skip: Omal?

Omal: yes.

Skip: oh, thank you. Greetings to you sir.

Omal: greetings.

Russ: for example, when you manifest, do you see the particles of matter coming together in to a solid form……

Omal: and coalescing in that form? Yes.

Russ: right. So when they do that, do they take a certain way of doing that or is it different for every thing?

Omal: it’s different for each item. For example, the proverbial…..

(holds up an invisible penny)

Russ: of course.

Omal: okay, I see the waveform of the penny.

Russ: all right.

Omal: I see the shape, I see how it feels, I can see all the edges, I can see it creating, I can see it in my hand. Heads or tails?

Russ: heads.

Omal: tails. But it is a matter of seeing the waveform. Now the waveform that Kiri was talking about is totally different.

Russ: okay.

Omal: it is a totally different waveform. The penny is an inanimate object.

Russ: right.

Omal: a living object has a waveform that is radically different, appears random if you look at it for a moment but if you watch it for longer you will actually see that there are patterns in it that are repetitive. The penny’s waveforms are steady, repetitive from the get-go to the finish. A thought waveform is different, it will be for example if we use a zigzag, it would be…..see how it repeats whereas a penny would be very much, very similar all the way down through.

Russ: yes but you’re taking matter which is in a form that’s totally random in every which way and you are turning it into a very steady waveform.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: now isn’t that maybe a clue toward the manifestation of a penny?

Omal: no. I am seeing the penny, the waveform comes once the penny is formed into that pattern.

Russ: ohhhh.

Omal: it doesn’t come first, it comes when it achieves.

Russ: there’s a key there somewhere.

Skip: in other words, it’s an inanimate object that has the same waveform no matter how many different ones you see.

Omal: correct, as long as they are identical. 

Skip: uh-huh.
