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(Omal describes a meta-concert and the various positions that make up one plus how each functions to make it work. This was the session where we got in some actual practice on controlling the flame of a candle with a group of four people.) 

Omal: now meta-concert, meta-concert is a group of minds that work together for a single purpose. It is set up in a organized form where you have an executive who focuses and fires the energy. Then you have a conductor who is the person that collects and sends the energy to the executive. Behind the conductor, you have the primary or primaries if there is more than one. He is the person that collects the energy from the secondaries and then transmits it to the conductor who in turn transmits it to the executive who uses the energy. I take it he is already awake?

John: yes sir, he's on his way down.

Omal: okay, I believe Karra was able to roust the sleeping one.

John: yes, he woke up as soon as I let him know you were here.

Omal: and finally the secondaries, they are an energy source that send the energy to the primary and from the primary so on up the line. Now each part is very important. You can do without the secondaries and primaries but the energy supply is not as strong and the conductor and the executive kind of act as both the primary and the secondary. They supply much more of their own personal energy and is therefore tiring for them. Now, as a secondary, there are sources of energy other than your own surrounding you. There is the earth energy which I believe you are fully versed on Ryan, is that correct?

Ryan: what's that now?

Omal: earth energy.

Ryan: yes.

Omal: it is the energy from all around you, from the ground, from the birds, the trees, the rocks. Sound a little bit like Yoda the Hut or is that just Yoda?

Russ: just Yoda.

Omal: oh you do have a voice do you not?

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: a little creaky there but it is definitely a voice.

Russ: I'm just trying to get over something here before it catches me.

Omal: I think it has caught you, how you deal with it is up to you but back to the meta-concert. Okay, we have candles lit I note.

John: yeah I've got a candle lit.

Omal: okay if you could bring it over and place it where the executive can see it.

John: okay, is Skip going to be the executive tonight?

Omal: that's correct. Okay as our conductor is a little bit on the woozy side...

John: would you like me to fulfill that task?

Omal: that is what I was going to suggest.

John: thank you, I knew that.

Omal: okay now unfortunately, because our normal conductor is very woozy, he is not very functional as a primary either.

Russ: I'll take secondary.

Omal: okay so you have secondary, so if you could switch places with Ryan. Okay now Ryan, what we wish you to do is you will feel Russ' energy coming towards you, is to wait a few seconds and I will tell you when to release and pass it on to Johnny. Now it will come in a small fine stream and I believe you've misplaced the piece of paper have you not?

Russ: no, I've got it upstairs.

Omal: don't worry about it. What we want you to do Ryan is to project at Johnny a thin stream of energy and you will project that at Johnny and Johnny will hold it until he starts himself to feel ready to release it. I will be monitoring him from here so that we will know when he is ready to release and I will tell him to do so he does not release prematurely or too late as a beginner conductor. Skip you're fully versed in what you do as an executive aren't you?

Skip: yes I am.

Omal: okay.

Skip: are we going to put it out tonight?

Omal: you want to try?

Russ: let's light it.

John: putting it out is easier then lighting it.

Skip: how about we put it out?

John: I mean Omal, should I use my crystals?

Omal: yes, if you will get the....

John: I've got them right here.

Omal: okay, if you'll give the male to Skip.

John: oh beauty. I was asking, I was wondering about that.

Omal: uh-huh. Okay now, Ryan you are now fully aware of what a meta-concert is correct?

Ryan: yes.

Omal: okay, do you have any questions on the meta-concert?

Ryan: no.

Omal: okay, now Russ, are you fully.........no you're not fully coherent.

Russ: I'm there.

Omal: count from ten down to one.

Russ: (counts down from ten to one)

Omal: now, take a deep inhaling breath. Hmm, you do have a little bit of a headache don't you?

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: okay now inhale again. Now exhale. Okay do you have the energy crystal kicking around?

John: it's beneath your body..

Russ: no.

John: oh, oh, excuse me, I misunderstood.....

Omal: that's the healing crystal.

John: that's the healing crystal, I'm sorry. This one here, next to the wizard?

Omal: yes that's the one.

Russ: yeah that's the one.

Omal: okay we're going to use that as Russ' energy source. It is something that is not normally done and you will need to put that out on the full moon to recharge it.

Russ: okay.

Omal: okay now, Russ are you ready?

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: ready to draw the energy out of the crystal?

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: okay on my mark, five, four, three, two, one, send the energy to Ryan. Okay now stop sending the energy to Ryan. Ryan, did you feel that?

Ryan: uh-huh.

Omal: okay, now again Russ on my mark, five, four, three, two, one, send the energy to Ryan Russ. Okay on my mark Ryan, five, four, three, two, one, send the energy to Johnny. Okay on my mark Johnny, three, two, one, send the energy to Skip. Skip on my mark, three, two, one, fire..............okay Russ, power down. Ryan, power down and relax. Skip, power down, Johnny, power down. I didn't mean fall over. It's a different experience, isn't it Johnny?

John: uhh yes, I haven't been in this position before.

Omal: okay.

John: it felt good.

Omal: but very strange.

John: yes, yeah it's....I'm not accustomed to it.

Omal: okay, now we'll take a quick break whilst you gentlemen recharge and unwind. Skip you did well.

Skip: thank you.

Omal: the only one that seemed sure of himself was Skip at the moment. Russ is too wiped out.

John: and what was my problem?

Omal: lack of experience. And Ryan you did well too but I think the rigor mortis is setting in.

John: yeah these crystals are really heavy.

Skip: no they got hot.

John: oh yeah, yeah, yeah I mean.....

Russ: anyone want some tea real quick?

John: I've got the water on the grill, you've just got turn it. Yeah, you just got to turn it on, it's very full water.

Skip: Omal?

Omal: uh-huh?

Skip: question, why did the crystal get hot in my hand?

Omal: because there was more energy pumping through. You see, you're focusing hotter energy, you are using a manifestation energy.

Skip: my hand starts sweating.

Omal: Mark's hands do it whenever he uses crystals.

Skip: yes they do.

Omal: okay gentlemen, are you nice and relaxed?

John: yes, we're ready.

Omal: Ryan are you relaxed?

Ryan: uh-huh.

Omal: are you alive down there?

Russ: oh yeah, I'm fine.

Omal: are you sure? You do not need a wooden box with a lid? About 6 1/2 feet long?

Skip: no not tonight.

Omal: okay, when you're ready Russ.

Russ: okay.

Omal: okay right, on my mark. Five, four, three, two, one, send the energy to Ryan Russ. Five.......on my mark Ryan, five, four, three, two, one, send the energy to Johnny. Johnny on my mark, three, two, one, send the energy to Skip. Skip on my mark, three, two, one, fire..............okay Russ, on my mark, three, two, one, disengage. Ryan, on my mark, three, two, one, disengage. Skip on my mark, three, two, one, cease-fire, Johnny relax.

Skip: we had it going.

Omal: certainly.

John: yeah, it was much more focused this time.

Omal: uh-huh, that will come with practice. A little bit dizzy are we not? I wanted to see with my own eyes.

John: yeah, I feel a little lightheaded.

Omal: uh-huh.

John: and the beam was definitely more concentrated.

Omal: yes more tighter.

John: yes.

Skip: Omal I done something this time I've never done before, I concentrated from the primary all the way through to it okay?

Omal: okay that is good, that is your own little innovation. Sorry, I was going to.....yes I will show off. Show you what one mind can do on its own (focuses his will on the candle) ...............well?

(amazed laughter)

Omal: you have to remember that I have had many thousands of years of practice.

Skip: yeah. I got a lot of that overflow too.

Omal: that is something that the conductor has to learn to regulate is the flow of energy.

Skip: yeah I got some of that overflow.

John: yeah well I'm kind of being overwhelmed here.

Skip: yeah right.

Omal: okay....

John: Omal, can I interject here without interrupting you or being rude?

Omal: you wish to know about controlling the energy flow correct?

John: well also I was going to ask about, to do this meta-concert correctly, we do need this kind energy here that Ryan and Skip install in this meta-concert.

Omal: correct. There is quite a number of important factors that is necessary for the group to work with that the energies must dovetail together and you make a very good primary Ryan. You have plenty of energy that is focused and very well-handled. You have a lot of potential. Russ on the other hand.

Skip: he ain't feeling too swift.

Omal: Russ, can you do me a tremendous favor?

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: okay, visualize a penny, now manifest.

Russ: (groans)

Omal: do you not remember those Johnny? Those lessons on manifesting pennies?

John: yeah.

Omal: uh-huh, it is still going for Russ.

Russ: uh-huh (groans again).

Omal: leave it, I was joking. You are in no fit state to manifest.

Russ: we'll have Amber and Dave here next week.

Omal: good, I believe we also have to work on David's healing.

Russ: yes, he needs our help.

Omal: yes we will set that up with your charming, mischievous wife (Karra).

Russ: sounds good to me.

Skip: I'm cooling down now, I was soaking wet there for a minute. I grabbed a hold of a young lady one day to get rid of her headache, in 30 seconds my shirt was soaking wet, she had that much energy.

Omal: do you have a question Russ?
Russ: I did and I don't, I don't know where it went.

Omal: Ryan, any question that you wish. You surely must have at least one question.

Russ: ask him about the thing with the drums. Yeah, the snakes and all that. I can't answer it, I'm sure he could.

Ryan: is it....

Russ: no, he's a perfect person to ask.

Omal: actually I was about to suggest Kiri as Kiri's closeness with her grandmother would be much more useful in this circumstance.

Russ: oh okay.

Omal: Johnny do you have a question?

John: yes, how do I control and focus my energy as......?

Omal: ah yes, as a conductor.

John: yes, exactly.

Omal: yes we were going to discuss that were we not?

John: yes, it's very important to me.

Omal: okay yes because one of the things as a conductor is, if Skip got overwhelmed with the energy and stopped sending out the energy to the flame, you would get what is known as a flashback and your function is to stop the flashback from taking out the rest of the concert, hence the name conductor and the term meta-concert. So unfortunately, the conductor has a very dangerous role that if something goes wrong, it's his job to stop the flashback from taking out the meta-concert.

John: okay now with my ignorance or just lack of knowledge on the whole subject, I assumed that I should put out as much energy as possible and Skip being the executor, would be able to handle and control and focus whatever I throw at him.

Omal: no not exactly, I should have elaborated on the conductor role a little bit. What you do is that you hold the energy and let it out in a steady stream. A little bit larger than the diagram that was drawn last week but not in a huge amount like a river crashing on a beach of some kind. It has to be controlled in a steady stream but you needn't worry tonight that we would've inserted ourselves into the meta-concert and that would've saved the whole entire meta-concert and everybody from any energy flashbacks. We would've used the energy to probably extinguish the candle.

John: well naturally I wouldn't want do anything to injure or interfere with our knowledge here because all of us, obviously the reason why we're here is because we seek knowledge.

Omal: correct. Now the best way to describe the conductor is like a fuse in an electrical circuit is you have Skip as the lights and Ryan and Russ as the battery pack. And somewhere in between the energy runs which is the wire I believe you would call it.

John: yes.

Omal: and you're the fuse. Now what happens if the battery sends out too much energy?

John: well the fuse will blow.

Omal: or if there is an energy flashback from the light?

Skip: it'd still blow.

Omal: correct, the fuse blows whichever way and your job is to regulate the energy flow so that the light doesn't burn too brightly and that the battery doesn't get drained too much. What we're planning to do is to work up the stamina so that you will have plenty of stamina and we will rotate the primaries and the secondaries and the conductor. We may occasionally try a different executive to see how it works because if everybody has experience in every other person's role, then if necessary let us say we need a healer to have lots of energy from a meta-concert, Russ would be the perfect........

(laughter all around)

Omal: Russ that penny please, we'll have to do this scientifically. Umm yes okay, actually it does leave us with a bit of a problem but it would be well-trainable.
