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(Omal helps explain how manifestation can be used to create some amazing things which leads to a way of making that happen which would involve a meta-concert. He stresses the need to train up for all the various positions in the meta-concert to deal with every eventuality.) 

Russ: all right now, a book I was looking at…..or actually I wasn’t looking at…..I was looking at the title, I don’t have access to the book itself. And….

Omal: sorry, Tia is hissing at me.

Russ: I can well understand why she would. It’s by a gentleman named George Sassoon…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and it’s called The Manna Machine and this is all about how he has built a replica of the Ark of the Covenant of the Hebrews and he shows that it was actually a nuclear device that could produce Manna. Yeah I know, I’ll have to get the book and check it out myself but I have no idea of how he came up with this or how he figured this one out.

Omal: it could be a nuclear device or it could be used as a nuclear device.

Russ: but that was the question I had is that it sounds so far-fetched, how could it?

Omal: because the mind's can create whatever is necessary, it is a focusing device the same as this is a focusing device.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: a crystal is a focusing device, this is a focusing device.

Russ: we can't make a nuclear machine out of a small round crystal….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: we can?

Omal: yes, you create the material through……

Russ: manifestation.

Omal: correct.

Russ: I see.

Omal: it takes a very good manifestor or a lot of individuals manifesting together with a common goal which is?

Russ: meta-concert (laughs).

Omal: and Tia even in her drunken state was quite correct in how she has weaved everything together.

Russ: quite correct, not bad for being that smashed.

Omal: very smashed.

Russ: okay, now………

Omal: you think I should let her down?

Russ: I suppose so, I think she’ll be a good girl from this point.

Omal: well I could get a healer to sober her up but I think that would take away the fun.

Russ: I can imagine, yeah. Speaking on the meta-concert phase…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: last week we were working with Skip…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and doing meta-concert practice.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: now at that point, Skip was working as the executive and me as conductor.

Omal: yes, you do need to work on your conducting ability.

Russ: agreed, but it felt better working as conductor than as executive, is that just a natural ability then?

Omal: yes, it is not necessarily a natural ability, it is relieving the executive position which you weren’t suited for because you were concerned with getting everything right and refocusing the energy properly and firing it properly and doing all the myriad of things to do. Skip did it and he is used to making those executive decisions.

Russ: hmm, well that’s good, I mean okay then in the future then when we do these meta-concert practices that Skip then is here working on that same phase?

Omal: correct, yes.

Russ: now if he’s not here, I suppose training for the executive position should be somewhere on my list of things to do.

Omal: yes, it is always useful to have more than one function.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: what happens if you set up a meta-concert and the executive suddenly finds himself throwing up in a corner or is incapacitated in some way?

Russ: or if there is a healing meta-concert we have to do…..

Omal: correct.

Russ: and the current executive has no knowledge of the healing process that has to be done.

Omal: yes.

Russ: right, I step in and take that role over.

Omal: correct. Okay…...

Russ: that’s all I got for now my friend.

Omal: just as well.

Russ: good.

Omal: live long and prosper.

Russ: farewell Omal.

Omal: okay, I’ll be back.

Russ: okay. (chuckles)