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(Omal focuses on the Zeta Reticuli as we discuss their working with humans in underground bases, the theoretical Men in Black contacting abductees and implants that also becomes a theoretical guessing game.) 

Russ: all right, we got a lot to work to do.

Omal: yes, let us proceed.

Russ: okay, a couple different routes we’re going tonight. Unfortunately, I’ve got a lot of gray area stuff that hopefully won’t go into the gray area……

Omal: okay.

Russ: but it’s on that cutting-edge kind of thing that I'll go on to later.

Omal: tell you what, let’s get them out of the way first.

Russ: out of the way first? All right, fair enough, let’s go that route.

Omal: so that we do not waste time.

Russ: okay, we have currently the…..what’s this doing here……..we have currently a report from a Mr. Bill Cooper on secret government and Zeta Reticuli......

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: or I assume it’s the Zeta Reticuli, they're the only ones working with it and this is working with the Majestic 12.

Omal: ahh yes?

Russ: okay, now as I remember there was a MJ12 report that did came out I’ve read a couple times…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and apparently that was a bogus report put out as a misinformation campaign.

Omal: that's correct.

Russ: this is currently according to this, a corrected report.

Omal: okay.

Russ: in this, we’re working on various projects currently going on within the government and the various control names for them which are fairly interesting.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: the various projects within the government of course are dealing with capturing UFOs….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: reverse engineering, communication with UFOs and working on of course exchange of information.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: through this, we are getting…..I mean it’s a long….....I wouldn’t even bother trying to work through it, you already probably already know it more than I do.

Omal: yes.

Russ: but going through here, it’s an interesting fact that that I’m looking down and showing a main base for a alien species happening down in New Mexico.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: an underground base and there’s a couple underground bases.......a couple other bases within the area of Area 51.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: okay? Now from these bases, it’s showing that they’re basically setting up shop or they’ve set up shop and our government is all set to, in case anything happens, take it completely out of existence.

Omal: yes, that would be appropriate.

Russ: but not knowing the consequences of doing so, I’m sure they're a little more paranoid about even thinking about such a thing but they are preparing for that eventuality and I’m sure the aliens know that they are preparing for this eventuality.

Omal: then that aliens have disabled that eventuality.

Russ: I wouldn’t doubt that at all, I would if I were on their point. But what’s interesting is they describe the aliens that they’ve communicated with as malevolent.

Omal: uh-huh, malevolent?

Russ: malevolent which means hostile.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and the description they give are definitely Zeta Reticuli. 3 to 5 feet in height, erect, standing biped, long thin legs, small build, our typical Zeta. Now as I remember, Zeta’s in what we’ve worked with them before, weren’t exactly malevolent, hostile, but I think in the environment that they’re working with us that could very definitely happen.

Omal: like anything, there are two sides to every coin or three sides depending on how you look at it.

Russ: true.

Omal: put in the right situation even the most placid beings will assume an aggressive stance to a lesser or greater extent.

Russ: hmm okay, they also tend to lie…..a lot.

Omal: what is your definition of lie?

Russ: saying something that is definitely not true.

Omal: define not true.

Russ: for example, how they say that……they claim, "man is a hybrid creature by them and they claim that all religion was created by them to hasten their formation of a civilized culture and to control the human race. They claim that Jesus was a product of their efforts. The aliens have furnished proof of these claims and have a device that allows them to show audibly and visually any part of history that they or we wish to see. They claim that O negative blood is the proof of hybridization and our own science tends to bear out that claim." Now, that doesn’t sound exactly from the truth that we have already come to discover.

Omal: no.

Russ: so I would call that a good example of their…..

Omal: yes, yes.

Russ: various mistruths that they are holding to or putting out.

Omal: ahh but I could also be withholding information.

Russ: true, quite true but again like I say, from my personal experience….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: a lot of this information does show up as right. Now a couple of things that I discovered beyond this report was the military working in conjunction with them and doing the same various experiments that the aliens are doing.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: now if this doesn’t go too much out of weirdness here for us as far as where it’s going, I’d like to work on it real quickly. Namely working with abductees…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and doing regressive hypnotherapy. Abductees have seen through their regression both alien underground bases they’ve been taken to and military bases, human military bases they’ve been taken to. In both cases they find tubes filled with a breathable liquid that they are either put in or see other humans that are in those and also other aliens in the case of the military bases. And in both cases, they’re apparently shown that the tubes are for high gravity travel so that if you’re traveling at some 50 G’s it won’t crush your body by being within this liquid…….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: containers I guess.

Omal: first of all I would like to say that yes, there are liquids or a liquid that would do that however, if traveling at high velocity and high G’s, this is where the theory goes and goes wrong.

Russ: oh.

Omal: what happens if you increase the G’s on a fluid?

Russ: ahhh, oh compresses?

Omal: compresses it.

Russ: oh it does.

Omal: so that would not work.

Russ: oh. Is there a way that the containers themselves that hold the fluid would make a difference?

Omal: no not really, not unless they were totally sealed units that would be, without giving too much away, have a pressure equalizing factor.

Russ: so it is possible?

Omal: yes.

Russ: okay, so I agree that a tube full of water wouldn’t work but perhaps in the way you describe it might.

Omal: now also the people doing the regressions….

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: or the hypno-regressions, in a hypnotic state, an individual is very, very susceptible to having words and ideas planted within them.

Russ: I agree, I know that from a personal experience.

Omal: uh-huh. They’re very open and receptive so anything that is given in a hypnotic state should be wary of in the first place.

Russ: grain of salt.

Omal: yes, especially if you do not have a confirmed source or do not witness it or there is secondhand recorded information.

Russ: okay.

Omal: even secondhand recorded information becomes suspect because somebody is relaying the information.

Russ: hmm, okay.

Omal: and unintentionally, they may put their own interpretation or as the phrase of the moment is, spin.

Russ: ahh, quite correct. Okay, on the same level that we're working on here, it has been shown theoretically that aliens who are……people who are abducted by aliens and then returned are shortly thereafter abducted by military, Men in Black.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and according to this report here, the aliens actually give a daily report of who they abduct so that sort of makes sense is that if they had a daily report of who they abducted, then the military could go in next day and work with them at that point.

Omal: where would I start? It is unlikely that they would give a daily report, I find it hard to believe that the special services would directly thereafter visit individuals that have been abducted unless they were vocal and then the special services would want to know what was going on.

Russ: uh-huh, so you start telling a paper or something like that I guess?

Omal: correct, you are going to draw attention to yourself. Most abductees don’t for the simple reason that they are not quite sure what happened and either feel ashamed or embarrassed or do not remember.

Russ: uh-huh, or don’t believe it.

Omal: or correct, don’t believe it.

Russ: right, they would dismiss it as some weird dream they had.

Omal: that is correct.

Russ: okay and probably wouldn't, until they go through regressive therapy, they wouldn’t realize it was anything less than that anyway.

Omal: correct.

Russ: vague memories and stuff. Now it does show in autopsies on Zeta’s that they have two brains.

Omal: no.

Russ: oh they don’t?

Omal: no.

Russ: oh, okay, I was going to think it didn’t make much sense since they're a collective anyway.

Omal: that is correct.

Russ: what's the point of having two brains, you only need one.

Omal: that is correct.

Russ: but this is just what I’m reading so I'm kind of getting some information from your end. All right, going on to implants......

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: now apparently the implants that are put in are used for control and that if the implants are attempted to be taken out, it kills the host.

Omal: no.

Russ: oh okay, so an implant can be taken out. Is it a studyable kind of implant that we would be able to learn anything from?

Omal: no.

Russ: oh, it’s that foreign to us?

Omal: yes.

Russ: oh okay. All right, so what would be considered possibly the purpose on that?

Omal: I cannot disclose that.

Russ: oh, okay.

Omal: not because it is restricted information but because anything that I would give away may have repercussions further down the road in the debates and discussions.

Russ: oh good point but at least we know it can be taken out if it is discovered.

Omal: correct.

Russ: how easy is it to discover it?

Omal: I can’t say.

Russ: oh okay, no problem. Now another thing they discovered was that magnetic fields across temporal lobes are able to affect the psychic abilities of a person.

Omal: no.

Russ: no. Okay, that was apparently one of the things abductees were given was a magnetic field I guess something across the astral lobes to inspire astral travel and psychic abilities.

Omal: if I was to tell you that a crystal that I gave you had magical powers and could make your astral travel better, do you know what would happen?

Russ: what?

Omal: it would make your astral travel better.

Russ: yeah I suppose.

Omal: but why?

Russ: because the brain thinks that it would.

Omal: that’s correct. It's the placebo effect.

Russ: yeah hmm,okay. All right, now is there anything you can tell me about how closely our government is working with the aliens?

Omal: not as closely as people would like to think.

Russ: so this is disinformation here in other words.

Omal: that’s correct.

Russ: oh okay. Because according to this, there is a group of aliens who actually do hang out on Area 51 and do work with them on reverse engineering.

Omal: I cannot discuss that however your observations may give you a inkling on what is going on.

Russ: correct. Now here’s a theory, it’s not a question just a theory that if that were true, it would make some sort of sense in the fact that the aliens, in the hopes that they might have that a craft might be brought that might have more technical abilities then their skills currently have, they could learn from its reverse engineering at the same time but that’s just a theory.

Omal: that is a very good theory.

Russ: well that way I think they’d have a of reason to do so. Just okay they get a Zeta craft, well they certainly know how to make a Zeta craft work but maybe there's something that they can make the Zeta craft better that they.......

Omal: the maneuverability and agility of some of our craft?

Russ: just as for an example sure and they could see a massive benefit out of that then.

Omal: yes but they would be missing one key element.

Russ: the dimensional shift.

Omal: no.

Russ: oh.

Omal: put it this way, when a pilot expires from old age, what happens to the vessel?

Russ: oh that's right, its basically.........its soul or its brain goes with him.

Omal: correct.

Russ: so if the pilot dies, so does the ship.

Omal: correct.

Russ: hmm, kind of a safety factor.

Omal: uh-huh, there is a symbiotic relationship.

Russ: oh that’s right, I forgot about that. I should ask The Baron about that actually. Maybe next week he would be a good one with that. Is he still in the room?

Omal: yes.

Russ: oh excellent, cool.  
