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(Omal answers some questions about why the governments of the world kept silent after Roswell and the technology we’ve possibly gained from artifacts that have been gathered from around the world. He puts forth the question on if the governments of made the right decision or not in withholding the evidence they had found.) 

Omal: next question.

Shane: uh-huh, so you’re talking about self-control and everything, so like you know like how like UFOs are unidentified flying objects?

Omal: that is a contradiction.

Shane: okay, well.....

Omal: but continue.

Shane: a lot of people and government and whatever say this all and they have evidence but they won’t show it to the public because they’re afraid that they’re not going to take it well?

Omal: why? Well it is too late to go back on what they decided to do. If they had at a prior time said, “okay we have been visited from outer space, we have these items, we don’t understand what they do but as soon as we learn what they do we will let you know.” That would’ve been a better approach. Unfortunately they are in too deep, they are in over their heads now, there is no going back. Whatever happens, happens. Next question please.

Russ: Omal, there's a flip side to that too, the technology they've learned from those artifacts and such has advanced our technology in leaps and bounds.

Omal: correct.

Russ: so therefore there is a positive side to this also.

Omal: yes there is to the extent that the technology that they have learned, they’ve had to reproduce and in doing so they themselves have advanced. So would it be better to hold on to what you have and say that it doesn’t exist until you understand how it fully operates or to give it out and say we have no idea how this operates, which is better?

Russ: the first one.

Omal: to do it bit by bit.

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: which is what they’re doing.

Russ: which is what they’re doing right.

Omal: it is something that they have lied so much that anything that they say is now taken with a pinch of salt. What they are doing is they are mixing truth and lies. The best way to lie, you take some of the truth and distort it.

Shane: it’s still lying.

Omal: it is still lying but it is a good way to lie, you’ve taken some of the truth and you change it.