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(Omal talks survival with an initial look at the current states of various countries such as Russia, China and Korea while also helping to chart a path through the survival phase of any economic collapse. He next moves on to the recovery phase as he explains how to ensure the growth of society doesn’t again cause the same issues.) 

Omal: greetings and felicitations, let us get quickly down to business as the last speaker was a little bit longer than we anticipated. Let us be quick and precise and to the point. Let us deal with the matters at hand and dealing with those matters, let us look at the current situation of a Dow at about 7,020, the death of Deng Xiaping, the ill health of Boris Yeltsin and the spiritual development of various groups and individuals.

Russ: okay.

Omal: all these things tie in together. The reason that they tie in together is that they're all related in a way, they all either involve growth or death. The spiritual groups and the stock market are linked together in the fact that they are growing. Boris Yeltsin in the former Soviet Union and Deng Xiaping are all either dying or are dead, waiting for rebirth. This leaves open possible problems and possible remedies and improvements in situations. The current situation in China is a little bit up in the air. How will it affect Hong Kong which is due to be handed over sometime soon I believe?

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: how does that relate to the former Soviet Union? That up in the air not too sure? Well at one time the former Soviet Union and China were great allies. They still are to a certain extent, there are still political ties as well as economic ties and ethnic ties. With one up in the air and not quite sure and one holding its breath and waiting, leaves the possibility of unrest for those people within those various nations. Let us take China for example with approximately 11,000,000 people on the move, looking for work or in a depressed system. How are they going to respond to the death of one individual? Are they going to try and force their will upon the Central Committee or are they going to be more concerned with survival? How does survival affect the death of that individual? Well the survival works this way, if they force their will for change upon the new governmental body, they have the power to change their environment and make life better for themselves but seldom does this happen. If the same situation occurred in the former Soviet Union and Boris Yeltsin dies, there will be major political upheaval of the minority forcing their will on the majority. This could be a positive or a negative effect. The fact that already Boris Yeltsin is a weakened individual opens up the possibility that this is already happening and they're just waiting for him to pass away and therefore be able to make their move. They may wait until he is so incapacitated and then make their move but regardless of what happens in those countries, trouble is possibly brewing. Now let us look at the stock market and the growth of the spiritual organizations and groups. This comes from a more wealthier society that is bellowing like a mushroom. As it grows, people have more leisure time to pursue other interests but, if it grows too rapidly as it is, it leaves openings for cracks, discontent, confusion, overbalance and crash. Which in turn lets these groups of individuals that have had more time for leisure, growth and experimentation, no longer have that option so therefore it becomes dangerous and detrimental for such a large growing community. You see what will happen?

Russ: uh-huh, they'll get persecuted.

Omal: correct, those that have had the time to think and educate and learn, now do not have that time. They are going from hand to mouth or as you stated earlier on, from hand to fist to try for development and growth, praying for what they once had.

Russ: now with those who are growing and yet do not wish to be persecuted, then they would need to as Tia said, blend in?

Omal: correct.

Russ: and not show the fact that they are growing.....

Omal: correct.

Russ: until the recovery period begins.

Omal: correct.

Russ: okay and at that point, those people step fourth to be the leaders and teachers of that recovery period.

Omal: if they wish so yes.

Russ: correct.

Omal: but only if they wish so. It is not a duty that they have to stand forward and lead and teach. Sometimes it is better to sit in the shadows and wait and help to push somebody in the correct direction.

Russ: now would they be naturally drawn toward that area though? As…..

Omal: no, not necessarily.

Russ: people looking for direction?

Omal: not necessarily, no.

Russ: okay.

Omal: it depends on the individuals that are doing the growing, that are doing the spiritual seeking or have the way-with-all to be able to do what they wish in a way that they wish.

Russ: they would still be acting in a little bit of fear since their compatriots were the first up against the wall kind of deal.

Omal: yes.

John: can I ask you about the situation in Korea?

Omal: certainly.

John: it’s a very, very, very intense situation that has been an ongoing thing obviously you know that.

Omal: uh-huh.

John: I'm curious about the development in North and South Korea and I mean it’s directly related to China and Russia and the United States but then......where is the situation going from here?

Omal: well the situation is easier to describe at a crossroads that has many possible directions that it could take. The possible direction that would work best is not necessarily the direction that it should go. The way that it looks like it could go is it could collapse within itself. That is not the best possible direction because as it collapses in on itself, people riot, the military gets involved, there is bloodshed, there is fighting, the government may get overthrown, it may not but whatever happens there is bloodshed. But, the bloodshed is not necessarily a negative thing, the bloodshed could lead to an improvement as there are fewer people to support. So therefore the fewer people that need food, means that there is more to go around. There is more to go around, there is an increase in luxury and so on. What also happens when there is an increase in luxury is there is an increase in breeding which returns back to the old pattern and an old cycle and it goes goes through the process all over again. A country that encourages procreation like North Korea causes its own food problems. The food problems in turn means that the country has to look outside and by looking outside, the people that go outside, see other options that are possible and some of them take those possible options. Another possible way that it goes is it continues having difficulty and the development is slow due to the fact that there is a decrease in available substance that is usable in a nourishing capacity. And that happening causes the problem of lack of food, people become less active, less active people are less likely to cause problems for the government, the government in turn increases its influence and so on.

John: now....what? Oh excuse me I’m sorry, I apologize.

Omal: if you look back in time to the former Soviet Union during its five-year plan, it went through a very hard time where people starved to death but yet the outside world saw it as a very prosperous time for that country with great developments. Out of that struggle came a very strong society. The system that it used, the Communist system, obviously did not work for that environment and in doing so led to a breakdown, finally to chaos and to its current situation. As for North Korea, that is a possible option that it will go through a tough time and then recover and become stronger and the system of communism may work for them. It may not, it all depends on what transpires at this point. Your question?

John: okay, my question is about South Korea and they have one of the highest literacy rates in the world.

Omal: uh-huh.

John: I mean it’s one of the most literate countries. Is this going to have any impact on the outcome?

Omal: no, education is wonderful and great. If you can read things, you can learn things but being able to do things is just as equal as to learning. The literacy rate in South Korea is good, it means that the people can grow, learn and understand but it's a two-edged sword. With knowledge comes other responsibilities and with those responsibilities comes other problems. You have a nation that has a high literacy rate and people become scholars and spend a lot of time reading and researching and thinking and creating things and they forget about their everyday needs and their children get involved in development and research and producing luxuries which in turn means that the society increases its procreation rate which in turn puts stress on the land which in turn causes more problems. If the literacy rate is controlled and kept in a good order, then it is necessary for individuals to be directed with their knowledge to land management, production of industrial resources, leisure resources and so on. But it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to have food available at all times.

(The phone rings and the cord is pulled out of the phone.)

Omal: thank you.

Russ: my pleasure.

Omal: and with the increase in literacy as I said, comes other responsibilities. Remembering where you came from and with that remembrance, it is necessary to keep the land developing at a ratio that is equal to what is necessary. If you have an increase of 5% in the population, you must also increase your production of food by 5%. With the increase in knowledge comes the same responsibility. Okay, next question.

Russ: going back a step, we mentioned going through the survival phase into the recovery phase. With the…..Karra’s on me that I did not ask a question that I should of which is cooperation…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: between people.

Omal: cooperation is very necessary but again, you have to not let individuals be aware of your full potential for the simple reason that they could innocently give out information that could be very necessary for your survival.

Russ: hmm, well now Karra has been putting an idea in my head last night that I wanted to put toward you and see what you thought of it and that is the beginnings of a center for awareness…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: whereby a group of people would see the beginnings of a learning center….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: not a food center, just a learning center that people of like mind could come together and learn from.

Omal: you have already done that.

Russ: this would be on a little bit more of a scale where it would be cooperation as far as teaching and learning that I came here to Tahoe originally for anyway.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: now, during the survival and recovery phase, this would attract people who would be living simply and would be more into natural healing, natural learning and psychic skills.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: at the main time, learn how to fast and live very simply.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: through such a group, a cooperative effort could be set up so almost like second family whereby your food supply would still be your food supply but your education and being able to work with others would be greatly enhanced. What do you think?

Omal: what do I think? I think that it is something that would work but it is necessary to be patient and to take your time. It is something that would be wise to make those links now and when the time is right, pull the links together to form a whole cohesive unit.

Russ: thank you.

Omal: okay thank you, live long, prosper, and I’ll be back.

John: thank you very much Omal.