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(Karra isn’t on long but she does have some great suggestions for when roughing it outside is required. Her suggestion of including bouillon cubes is a cheap way to improve the taste of any dish needing the flavor of that enhancement.) 

Karra: okay.

Russ: hi darling.

Karra: I get to answer questions.

John: I've been wondering about coercion?

Russ: you have to ask Kiri for that.

John: yeah I know, I know but I’ve been wanted to ask her something but…..

Russ: well, Omal did mention something about you and nutrition that you could ask Karra.

Karra: oh yes, okay nutrition.

John: yes and also with…..okay I’ve got my knowledge and no computer background, you listened in to the meeting and everything…

Karra: yes I did, uh-huh.

John: okay so you already know what's been discussed….

Karra: yes.

John: this evening.

Karra: what you can do is as Omal suggested, make a trade. You want information on nutritional levels, talk to my my dear life mate to ask him to find nutritional supplements or a protein that could be used cheaply that gives a high-protein in return. I can give you suggestions.....

John: okay no, I maybe misstated the question, okay......I know about proteins and diets and recipes and different things..

Karra: uh-huh.

John: now I’m talking about buying survival food, lentils and beans and coming up with good, well-balanced nutritional vegetarian diets which us carnivores can incorporate food into. And even Russell gets carnivorous you know what I mean where he won’t eat a pig but he’ll eat a chicken.

Karra: yes.

John: you know what I mean? And….

Karra: well there is a supplement that you can add that will fool you into thinking that it is beef, lamb, chicken…..

John: okay, I have no problem with a vegetarian diet.

Karra: uh-huh.

John: what I’m concerned with is a well-balanced nutrition, economics and availability on our planet in this third dimensional space. Rice, beans….

Karra: there are many possibilities…..yes, rice, beans, nuts, never forget nuts.

John: nuts are very important.

Russ: what supplement are you talking about Karra?

Karra: I believe you call them bouillon?

Russ: called what?

Karra: extract cubes.

Russ: oh bouillon.

Karra: uh-huh.

John: bouillon?

Karra: yes.

John: yeah but you know what’s in bouillon? You know what’s actually in that?

Karra: well there’s a lot of chemicals I'm aware of, monosodium glutamate being one of them.

John: yes it’s great stuff, I added MSG but I mean I’m familiar with using both chicken and beef bouillon in my gravies and sauces. I mean if you make a chicken stock from scratch, you take the chicken juice and if you don’t add some chicken bouillon to it, you don’t get the full flavor okay?

Karra: uh-huh, yeah.

Karra: I do not eat any meat myself personally, I eat fish only but that is a racial thing for us.

John: okay now with getting fish and using dried fish and canned fish…

Karra: uh-huh.

John: okay? I mean it’s a good viable source of protein, there’s no doubt about it.

Karra: uh-huh, it is very enjoyable.....

Russ: to each their own.

Karra: to eat all different types of fish. Anyway, I am hogging a lot of time and we have a guest speaker that has just been added.

John: okay.

Karra: okay?