(Omal gets our guest
Skip to cascade which is triggering his mind to
draw on subconscious thoughts to answer a series
of questions, in this case questions about the
future. From him we get predictions that match the
base’s predictions including computers able to
read minds to control limbs. It happened twenty
years later as predicted just recently.)
taking a page from the
Sirian Chronicles and
overlaying it on 1999 and on
August, October whatever it
is, at what point would you
say we are corresponding?
Omal: different planets,
different people.
Russ: correct, similar
Omal: fairly yes but I see
after.......let me take some
of Tia’s vague predictions
at this time, these are only
vague ones that she is
currently working on but one
of them is that after a
period of a couple years,
you will start to see the
spread of governments
controlling larger areas
similar to Europe being a
single government? Russia
the former Soviet Union
becoming a group of
individual states but all
grouped together as like
Europe, independent
countries but with a
centralized government like
the European economic
community government setup.
That will become more the
main. There will be
breakdowns in some other
large countries like the
former Soviet Union broke
down and they will be
reorganized along different
lines but would work
together as like the EEC.
Russ: hmmm.
Omal: those are just some of
the predictions that Tia is
formulating at the moment.
Skip: okay now I have a
Omal: okay.
Skip: now by these different
countries forming a local
government to govern wider
Omal: uh-huh.
Skip: are we seeing the
first steps of possibly
world government?
Omal: I’m glad you picked up
on that, it is a
possibility. As the reports
that I’ve read are just
preliminary reports and
projections, I would not
like to say. When Tia has
finished formulating this
thought, we will readdress
that but at the moment I do
not have that information.
Skip: no but that kind of
has overtones of possibly
being that in the future,
not the near future don’t
misunderstand me but down
the line.
Omal: I don’t know, I cannot
Russ: I don’t see it myself,
I just see it……for example,
I see blocks of power like
Omal is intimating at.
Omal: I know what Skip is
driving at, once there is
space travel…..
Russ: well now that’s
different, that's different.
At the point where we see
space travel, that changes
the whole formula.
Omal: correct.
Skip: yeah.
Omal: and that is when I
think Skip is leaning
towards that the world will
become a one government
world once there is space
Russ: well you know Korton
and Monka both expressed on
the communication technology
advances that are going on….
Skip: uh-huh.
Russ: the bridging of
Skip: I see it because more
and more countries are
cooperating to set up
satellites in this time and
age and if they continue to
cooperate even in that, I
believe that down the road
in the years to come we will
see one world…..well I won’t
see it but there will be one
world government.
Russ: hmm.
Omal: how long do you think
that will take?
Skip: oh, just offhand I
would say probably between
200 and 500 years.
Russ: I’m calling for 20.
Skip: no, it ain’t going to
happen that quick.
Russ: depends on space
Skip: well space travel fine
but I’m talking about world
Omal: what else do you see
in that time frame?
Skip: world peace for one
Omal: uh-huh.
Skip: because once everybody
starts cooperating, they'll
start understanding each
other to the point of why
fight? Why fight?
Omal: what about space
Skip: space travel
is…..it’ll come but it’s
going to take a world
cooperation to do that, not
one country can just up and
say, “we’re going to do it”
and finance it because
they’re just not big enough
to finance it. I’m talking
about economical problems
along with human nature
problems. The United States
per se, North America, is
the youngest country in the
world and yet we seem to be
supporting the rest of the
world. I believe that down
the road probably in a 100
or 200 years everybody will
start realizing, “hey, if
these young people can do
this why can’t we do it?”
Omal: okay, what do you
think will happen with the
international space station
and how that interacts with
the one world government?
Skip: well that’s going to
have to be a cooperative
effort from all countries
and that will accelerate the
world government because
every country’s going to
want to have their own
people on that space station
as representatives from
their country. This is going
to accelerate cooperation
between the countries of
this world.
Omal: okay now, what about
medicine and computer
technology and the
Skip: well we’ve already
started to interface with
each other with our
computers, just the average
individual like Russ and I
and Mark, we’re starting to
talk to people all over the
world and they’re feeling
the same way we are. Why not
cooperate rather than fight?
Why fight, what does it get
us? It costs us money, it
cost us people, it hurts
economies, it hurts our
people, it hurts everything.
It even hurts our government
although the politicians
don’t believe so, they
figure that’s the only way
they can make money is
Omal: okay now another
question, how do you see
medical procedures and the
computer technology working
together, for example using
computers to be able to
control and manipulate
damaged parts of the human
Skip: well that’s also
coming to a head because
scientists aren't working
alone anymore in different
countries, they're starting
to cooperate with each other
and pick each other’s minds.
There will be probably the
first step in different
country’s cooperations. They
always have been, they’ve
always cooperated with each
other, scientists and
researchers and doctors and
whatever you want to call
them but they’ve always
cooperated with each other.
Before there was no
communication to be able to
cooperate and help each
other out devising vaccines,
toxins, eliminate disease,
whatever. Now it’s
happening, now it’s
Omal: okay, last question.
In……..I can’t think of the
word……..cyber, when you
use……cybernetics, human and
computer interface for
example, an appendage being
controlled by a computer in
the mind of an individual
implanted in their mind to
control a damaged limb or to
be able to activate a
computer so that they can
talk by just thinking. This
is a little different
question, when do you see
that happening?
Skip: it’s already happening
Omal: but when do you see it
becoming more efficient and
more commonplace?
Skip: I would say within 20
Omal: okay thank you.
Skip: why am I being put on
the spot?
(we both laugh)
Omal: that is the question I
was waiting for. If, when
you review the tape, you
listen to it carefully I
have set you up with a whole
load of predictions by
asking questions fast and
not letting you think.
Russ: I saw the pattern you
were going in.
Omal: now.....
Skip: you put me on the
Omal: no, no, what you have
done is whilst you were
waiting for Karra to arrive,
you were talking about
accessing your past lives…..
Skip: yeah.
Omal: you just did. You have
taken the information that
you have from those past
lives, accessed them. They
were all technical
questions, all to do with
engineering and computers
which an engineer on a
spaceship would use and they
were all aimed at using that
past life information. You
answered the questions
without hesitating, without
thinking too long because
they were already answered.
That is the way that you
access your past lives. Do
not look so shocked, I set
you up to answer those
questions and to show you
that you can access your
past lives if……and be
conscious and remember
them……if you are asked and
not given time to think.
Sometimes you don’t get the
effect that you want but in
this case you were in the
right frame of mind at the
right situation and the
right timing and we got the
information that we wanted.
The information that you
have now on tape is a whole
load of predictions which
will come true, I guarantee
them because they actually
mesh with ours. But what we
did was that we used your
past life information to
confirm ours and to be able
to show you how to access
your past lives. Okay, any
Skip: I don’t think so, I
think I’ve answered them
Omal: you answered your own
Russ: and you answered mine
Omal: if you think back, you
asked I believe Kiri on one
occasion about cascading,
how to cascade. This was
quite a few years ago.
Russ: about 2 ½ years ago.
Omal: okay, what did we do
to you? We made you cascade.
Skip: okay, I do have a
Omal: okay.
Skip: is this why that
whenever I take on a
challenge, I have no doubts
and no qualms about just
diving into it and doing it?
Omal: partly yes, the other
reason is that you are that
kind of person like Tia that
is a plunger. You get in
there and do it, you do not
have any regrets, you do not
have any qualms about it, it
needs to be done, you do it
the best that you can and
you get in there and do it
and you use subconsciously
that information you’re
looking for.
Skip: okay.
Omal: it is filed in there,
it is not misaddressed. The
files are there and open, it
is just a matter of shall we
say phrasing?
Skip: okay, I thank you.
Omal: no problem, as soon as
we got off the topic of Tia
and her work, I started
setting you up with those
Skip: I realize that now.
Omal: even the chatting
about going back to Tia and
her workload was all part of
the setup, that was
something that was
Skip: you bugger, you’ve
done something to me, you
opened me up where I don’t
usually do that, you know
that don’t you? I usually
just sit back and listen.
Omal: we said that we would
set you up to cascade about
2 ½ years ago Russ?
Russ: uh-huh Christmas time,
actually more like January.
Omal: so we said that we
would set you up so that you
would cascade and we would
show you how to do it, now
you know how to do it.
Skip: okay.
Omal: the predictions are on
the tape, how long do we
have Russ?
Russ: I would call it about
10 minutes.
Omal: okay let us continue.
Skip: okay thank you Omal.
Omal: no problem. Okay Russ
do you have one more
Russ: no, I don’t want to
spoil the moment.
Omal: okay. Well, live long,
prosper and, I’ll be back
and thank you Skip, you have
given us some very useful
Skip: thank you.
Russ: yeah, thank you Skip.