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(Lyka answers a question on if there will ever be world peace with a need for strong ethnic pride as humans first with the nationalities second. She relates on how she is Sirian first and a lowland girl second. She also relates on some of the sieges from Earth’s recent history she had been studying and a siege she went through herself personally. She was able to teach best how to handle a siege mentality.) 

Skip: okay question.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Skip: maybe you can answer me and maybe you can’t. Are we ever going to in our dimension and our planet ever come down to having total peace?

Linda M: no.

Russ: yes.

Lyka: yeah I think so.

Russ: me too.

Lyka: it’s going to be tough.

Skip: yeah it’s going to be real tough.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Skip: do we have a route to go where we can start something in that…….?

Lyka: it’s already starting from what I have learned from watching Kiri and Tia and Leah discuss these things. I see little seeds here and there of harmony but I also feel as they feel on my home planet on Sirius that it is necessary to maintain a force for self-defense.

Skip: yeah.

Lyka: because if you are defenseless, you're soon useless, you’re soon taken over.

Russ: I get the feeling that the Internet is going to help us achieve that point at some time.

Skip: you know I think you’re right.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: I think when everybody on the planet is hooked into everybody else on the planet, borders are going to fall away…..

Lyka: oh they already are.

Russ: communications will be falling away sort of the separatism, religion, all that stuff is going to be a thing of the past.

Lyka: well I see that as a negative the falling away of ethnic identities.

Linda M: I agree.

Skip: I don’t think that.....Russ, I don't think your ethnic parts will fall away but I think that people will come more to understand other people’s ethic beliefs.

Russ: right but you feel more like a one world.

Lyka: yeah, I mean it will be……..what did Omal call it? Humans first, Americans second.

Skip: yeah.

Lyka: uh-huh and that’s the way it should be.

Skip: I agree.

Lyka: that it’s the ethnic identity, it’s……..I’m a lowland girl, Kiri and Karra are highland girls. Leah and Huna are beach bums so I have pride in my ethnic heritage being a lowland girl.

Russ: but at the same time you’re a Sirian.

Lyka: Sirian first.

Russ: well we’re earthlings.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Russ: but how many people think of themselves as earthlings and not Americans?

Linda M: I do.

Skip: not too many.

Linda M: I think of myself as human.

Lyka: uh-huh, human first or earthling first and an American second. I am Sirian first and I am a lowland girl second.

Skip: it’s nice hearing from you again darling, it really is.

Lyka: it’s good that I’m not tired.

Russ: uh-huh.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Skip: now, something else I’d like to ask you.

Lyka: uh-huh.

Skip: you said we should be prepared.

Lyka: it’s always handy to be prepared for trouble.

Russ: we're talking a six-month supply, what do you think?

Skip: six-months for what?

Russ: six months supply of food.

Skip: anyhow, would six months be a feasible…..?

Lyka: uh-huh. Okay, if you’re going to be in a hostile situation you want as much supplies as possible. As soon as that situation occurs, you ration from the get-go because if you don’t ration and you live normally as you normally would, you're going to burn through your supplies far, far more rapidly.

Russ: as soon as you go to your supplies you should be rationing.

Lyka: that’s right. Now, if you’re in a situation where you are cut off, you want to be able to maintain your position for at least six months. If you are in a siege, the longer you can hold out, the more chance you have of actually winning because a force that is camped is subject to all sorts of problems. Boredom, disease…..

Russ: other forces.

Lyka: other forces, the possibility that a relief force may be coming their way, all sorts of possibilities. In a siege, if you spread rumors to the enemy, you have a better chance of surviving.

Skip: propaganda.

Lyka: you never reveal how many people you have. The problem with……..studying sieges on your planet, most recent ones, the Frymen?

Russ: Freeman.

Lyka: Freman.

Russ: Freeman.

Lyka: Freeman?

Skip: yeah.

Lyka: okay, was that they knew how many there was, there was 12 of them. They knew how many there was.

Skip: I believe they did, I think you’re right Lyka.

Russ: I do too, I think they announced it.

Lyka: yes. If there is a known quantity right? And you know who they are, you can break them so easy.

Russ: so what happened in Waco?

Lyka: they knew how many people were there, in fact they even announced that as well but they goofed up.

Skip: Waco was a different situation.

Lyka: the people at Waco were ready and wanted a fight. So did the Freeman but the tactics were two totally different sets of tactics.

Russ: that’s because they learned from Waco.

Lyka: uh-huh. Also you had a madman at the head of the Waco bunch. He probably told them that when they died they would all go to heaven.

Skip: uh-huh.

Russ: yeah.