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(Omal suggests that right then would be a good time to initiate a website we had conceived of that would be focused on all the factors that could lead to a breakdown of society and we were to call it Earthwatch. ) 

Omal: greetings and felicitations everyone. Greetings Skip, greetings Judy, greetings Johnny, greetings you old bum.

Russ: greetings Omal.

John: is this Omal?

Omal: that is correct, it is I.

Russ: he also calls me the old bum.

John: how are you doing Omal?

Omal: I am functioning within specified parameters.

John: and how is things on Hades Base and overall?

Omal: on Hades Base at the moment it is very quiet.

John: how about Earth?

Omal: ahh yes, Earth. Now I had an interesting discussion yesterday with one of my staff officers as you might call them that is in charge of collecting data on certain projects.

John: yes?

Omal: and she is having time off at the moment for obvious reasons but we were discussing……

John: Tia?

Omal: correct.

John: okay, excuse me.

Omal: we were discussing computers and usage of computers in your society.

John: yes?

Omal: and I will wait for Russ before I continue with my dissertation as this pertains particularly to him and his new toy. In the meantime we will talk amongst ourselves about other things as I do not wish to have to repeat myself. Do you have a question Skip?

Skip: nope, I don’t think so.

Omal: Judy?

Judy: no dear.

Omal: Johnny?

John: yeah, as far as the survival mode we're in, the more I weigh it out in my mind, there's no way we could possibly go wrong. If society doesn’t deteriorate the way we think it’s going to…..

Omal: uh-huh.

John: we’re going to be eating good food and being really well-equipped for camping and hunting and having fun.

Omal: yes it benefits you both ways for the upcoming possibilities. It gives you numerous avenues to pursue. Now that Russ is back let me continue with my dissertation on computers, computer nets and websites.

Russ: excellent.

Omal: okay, Tia and myself discussed the possibility of creating an informational system on a computer pertaining to the upcoming instability and she has my full blessing in going ahead and helping to create this website. Now the areas that it would cover would be political unrest on a worldwide level, political instability on a national scale, it would also cover financial instability on a national scale, international scale and local scale because each area suffers from mini depressions. The instability in California in the mid-80s was not reflected on a larger scale externally so it is necessary to look at localized instability in the markets. That would be also on the website. Other information on the website would be such factors as the effects of storms on crop areas, the effects of earthquakes on areas, the effects of population on an area. Also.....

Russ: how about legal decisions?

Omal: yes, legal decisions. Also on the web would be information concerning the growth in population, social behavior, moral behavior, the actions and words of political leaders, how trustworthy are the political leaders, how they are behaving and are they keeping to their promises. Everybody knows that politicians do not do keep to their promises so it is necessary to remind people to do so. This gives a wide area to give information and to save pain-and-suffering on the keyboard operator’s wrist, I would think that updating it every other day would be sufficient. Do you feel the same way Russ?

Russ: I was thinking once a week.

Omal: if that is what you are happy with but as the crisis approaches, I think every other day would be better but in the meantime to start off with as a compromise yes, once every four days. Does that sound okay with you?

Russ: okay.

Omal: okay and that ends my brief dissertation on Tia’s website. I believe you discussed a name with Mark?

Russ: yeah it was......

Omal: Earth watch?

Russ: Earth watch, right.

Skip: question, are you going to hook this into Internet or......?

Russ: uh-huh.

Omal: yes.

Skip: okay, then when I get my computer I can hook in with you?

Russ: absolutely.

Omal: okay, let us move on, questions.

Russ: you go-ahead you guys, I’m going to get some tea real quick. You guys want some tea?

Skip: no thank you.

John: yeah, I’d love a cup.

Russ: I'll be back, want me to put some sugar in it?

John: no, no, just black, you know how I like it, hot and black.

Omal: okay, let us continue.

Skip: do you want to continue on the same subject or do……?

Omal: if you wish.

Skip: go ahead John.

John: well, I had two questions, I was going to stay on the same subject but I’ve got another subject that I’m curious about and I know you have information about.

Omal: okay, let us deal with one subject at a time. Okay, let us continue on the subject that we are on at the moment and write down your questions so you won't forget them and we will proceed….

John: well I got them locked in my mind.

Omal: okay.

John: okay, as far as this computer net, will my family……?

Omal: be able to access the information?

John: right.

Omal: certainly.

John: and my friends in Sedona who are moving to Idaho also?

Omal: yes, if they have a computer terminal and have access to the Internet they would be able to do so. In fact if they were in Japan and they have a computer that they are hooked into the international information service on the computer….

Russ: and know English.

Omal: and they know English, they would be able to access any point in your whole entire planet.

John: okay, well it’s very important if you know what I mean that the other people I care about who can access this information because I've got some associates around the country……

Omal: okay.

John: that aren't directly here.

Omal: but they would be able to access the information or any information on any subject that is on the Internet. They can even talk to you on the computer.