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(Omal has a discourse on the growth of the human spiritual development and how it will be affected by each of the expected scenarios. He has some great ideas as well about alternative options of getting power if none is available in a breakdown of society.) 

Omal: greetings and felicitations. Greetings Amber, greetings Johnny, greetings apprentice communicator.

Russ: greetings Omal.

John: greetings Omal.

Amber: greetings.

Omal: okay, let us proceed and how is the New York Wild Bunch coming?

John: my family is quite strong and quite good and they are continuing with the preparations.

Omal: okay so they are becoming the Hole in the Wall Gang. Who is Butch and who is Sundance?

John: that’s hard to say at any given time. I don’t even know if I’m going to be in a position to rejoin them or where I’m going to be when one of these scenarios happens.

Omal: okay.

John: I might be here, I might be there, I could be anywhere.

Omal: okay, now down to serious business from the humor of the Wild Bunch or the Hole in the Wall Gang. Okay, questions please.

Russ: I'll let you guys start this time.

John: there’s been numerous sightings around Mexico and Mexico City? And I’m wondering if it is friendly UFO activity or unfriendly?

Omal: mainly friendly, mainly friendly.

John: there seems to be a large increase of activity in the whole southern hemisphere, are you right now beefing up operations so to speak?

Omal: we are not, we are monitoring the situations and filtering out hostiles as much as possible. Occasionally and unfortunately some of our vessels are spotted and reported in your popular press. The pilots responsible are dealt with and situations like that do not arise as often.

John: is part of our perceiving your activity more and more due to our technology?

Omal: yes but it is not just us.

John: but you are continuously monitoring us?

Omal: correct, yes.

John: and intervening?

Omal: whenever necessary.

John: go ahead Amber.

Russ: on the spot over there.

John: it’s been puzzling me this…….

Omal: let me get the spotlight…..there.

Russ: okay Omal, we are dealing with the three various scenarios….

Omal: correct.

Russ: and I wanted to ask you some of the results and outcomes of each of the three.

Omal: all three lead on various similar paths to a lesser or greater extent.

Russ: okay.

Omal: the worst-case scenario is a long time in reconstruction and therefore slows down the next stage in development. Situation B slows it down but not as much and again increases the delay in the spiritual development. Situation A it proceeds at the current speed that is going. A combination of A and B as you correctly surmised does in actual fact accelerate it.

Russ: okay.

John: am I correct in assuming that we are in scenario A right now as we speak?

Omal: at the very beginning.

John: thank you. Go ahead, sorry.

Russ: no problem. All right now you say that scenario A into B works for the best for us theoretically.

Omal: theoretically.

Russ: okay, now how does that work on a spiritual development scale for those of us who are just on an individual level, as teachers and stuff?

Omal: correct.

Russ: we work on those people who dealing with the stress of the situation and teach them?

Omal: correct. Yes, in essence yes, but it is a little bit more than that. Basically what you are doing is by helping others, you are helping yourself in the process by being an ear that listens and gives good, sound advice, then you also are learning. And by learning you learn that you can do better and so therefore you feel better and you help more people and in turn that makes you feel better and them better so you learn more and so on.

Russ: now do you perceive possibly that these sessions that we’re having could lead to a larger group of people thus necessitating a larger room possibly?

Omal: possibly yes.

Russ: a bigger pyramid.

Omal: a bigger pyramid, a bigger room.

Russ: right, I see what you mean.

Omal: or, same size pyramid just bigger room.

Russ: oh yeah right. Okay, Johnny?

John: you’ve overheard our discussions and our planning with our supplies….

Omal: yes.

John: and we do have to deal with third dimensional monetary situations and, as far as priorities, you would say number one would be the construction of the storage?

Omal: yes I would.

Russ: okay now, Johnny and I were working on figuring out the best, easiest and most available form of energy for the coming up time. Candles are not going to do the trick, batteries will do okay if we have like little solar juices but how do we power?

Omal: there are many different ways of power.

Russ: right well we don’t have wind to really speak of as much as we’d like…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: to do our job for us and water is not going to be viable because we don’t live close enough to a water source that is flowing.

Omal: that’s where you construct one.

Russ: construct one?

Omal: you have a two-story house or almost a three-story house.

Russ: yeah?

John: yeah?

Omal: you have a reservoir at the top and it pours down and in turn turns a turbine which generates power and it uses less power to transport it back up and around.

Russ: oh I see what you mean, so it’s a self-sustaining device….

Omal: correct.

Russ: turning in energy……oh, okay. And the speed of the water controls the speed of the turbine.

Omal: correct.

Russ: wow that's a plan I hadn’t thought of, I can pick up the parts for that fairly cheaply too. Okay so the only trick is just filling up the reservoir.

Omal: correct, preferably a large reservoir.

Russ: now how is the water transported back up on top though?

Omal: through a pipe that leads back up.

Russ: I mean how is it pushed back up?

Omal: you use part of the energy that is generated……

Russ: right.

Omal: and that is used to pump it back up.

Russ: oh I see, a pump is hooked up on the side.

Omal: yes.

Russ: oh okay, wow. Johnny you missed that, it’s incredible, a self-sustaining pump system to supply the energy. We're not going to get much juice out of it.

Omal: but it would be enough to power an electric light.

Russ: ahhh.

John: what about solar? Incorporating solar?

Omal: yes that would work.

John: passive solar pre-heater possibly?

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: for the water?

John: can we incorporate both systems together where they would interact?

Omal: yes, very much so.

John: do we have this technology and information available?

Omal: readily available.

John: so okay, I’ve got access to some of this information. So we should just pretty much use the alternative power sources that are available to us……

Omal: correct, yes.

John: and that we know of?

Omal: what you could do for generating power by using heat convection is on top of your chimney you could put a set of blades which is turned by the heat connected to a dynamo. You fire up the fire, you generate electricity. Not only are you creating heating for the housing but you’re also creating electrical power.

John: so with a combination of hydroelectric, solar……

Omal: thermal electric.

John: thermal, hydroelectric and thermoelectric?

Omal: uh-huh.

John: would an assistance basically be combined with what you described?

Omal: yes, they would all be combined together.

Russ: well the thermoelectric would be run by the fireplace, how would that connect up with the others?

Omal: well when you’re not using one, you’re using another one.

John: and wind and we can incorporate a windmill.

Russ: oh I see, so in another words at night when there’s no solar, we’re heating the water up with thermal of course. Ahh okay.

John: and all these things that you’re discussing I could incorporate on the ranch in Sedona.

Omal: correct.

John: and my family could also incorporate it in our Hole in the Wall Gang back East.

Omal: correct, yes.

Russ: so free, cheap power.

John: yeah, there’s people out there right now that are selling power, excess electricity back to the electric company.

Russ: now Omal…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: in each of the scenarios that we discussed, scenario A looks like the most possible for continuing the power that we currently use now. So it would only be scenario B that we have to go to these measures that we're discussing.

Omal: correct, yes.

Russ: but to have them available, we could use them even in scenario A and save not only money but in power outages.......

Omal: correct, yes.

Russ: and the sharing of the technology among others that we're working with would probably be the best bet too.

Omal: of course, yes.

Russ: okay.

John: and we can also incorporate these technologies in a backpacking extreme scenario.

Omal: of course, yes. They are quite thoughtful.

John: using black bags and solar showers and evaporation water units are relatively easy to…..

Omal: and also mirrors too.

Russ: oh yeah for solar cooking.

John: and how do we incorporate the mirrors exactly?

Omal: you create them at such a curved angle that they reflect and focus on a central focusing point.

Russ: you can get 2000° out of one of those things.

John: well I know you can paint a can black and make it into an oven.

Omal: magnifying glasses and so on.

Russ: sure, hmm okay. Any other suggestions for us as far as things we've overlooked tonight?

Omal: you have covered the library, you have covered medical supplies, survival supplies…..

John: one thing that we didn’t touch on in our survival supplies is water purification tablets. We did discuss a distillation system......

Omal: uh-huh.

John: should we have water purification tablets available?

Omal: if necessary, yes.

John: okay, it’s something I don’t like to leave home without.

Russ: well if we are having to bring water up from the lake….

John: you'd want to purify it.

Russ: we could have the distillation unit but we could also that way purify it……

John: purify it and utilize it quicker.

Russ: okay right, cool. Okay and then of course we’re going to be getting help from you throughout all this mess.

Omal: of course, yes.

Russ: so that will be really nice.

Omal: okay, it seems that you are ending up on your questions.

Russ: that’s it for me.

Omal: young lady?

Amber: no.

Omal: Johnny?

John: is there anything that we're not doing right now that we should be that you can perceive?

Omal: expanding your knowledge on alternative engineering equipment.

John: okay, I’ve got access to some of that information, I’ll expedite that.

Omal: Russ.

Russ: uh-huh?

Omal: last question.

Russ: well Karra was talking a lot about surgical stuff, I would assume surgical techniques will be really high of a priority of learning.

Omal: basic surgery, basic surgery yes.

Russ: basic surgery. So we’re not talking about going to go into someone’s stomach and trying to remove appendix’s or are we?

Omal: no.

Russ: okay, we’re talking about pulling out bullets and…

Omal: yes.

Russ: fixing up cuts and bones and lacerations….

John: and I've got a good background in that.

Russ: and....

John: I never sewn anyone up but.......

Russ: the knowledge of that would come in handy.

Omal: yes.

Russ: and also, oh nevermind, that’s my last question.

(Russ starts to laugh heartily)

Omal: it was worth a try. 

Russ: it was worth a try.

Omal: okay…..

Russ: farewell Omal.

John: thank you for your patience.

Omal: live long, prosper, and I’ll be back. I’ll take the Uzi 9 mm with laser sights. Team one to beam up.