goes over some of the needs for the future
should a bug out be needed and what to
bring. He brings up some of the effects of
certain cacti that should be avoided and
explains that some substances will need to
be made a spiritual experience.)
you're a busy guy so tonight
we're working on
preparations for the future.
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay. Now one of the
main preparations as he was
saying, is spreading the
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay, now we are going
and getting into that on the
Internet and as I mentioned
to Tia, maybe a good idea
would be to make some runs
to other places so...
Omal: correct.
Russ: that's something to
look into and possibly
Omal: I was informed that a
discussion on bringing
various groups and
individuals together for a
channeling debate.
Russ: right.
Omal: we have confirmation
that Ashtar would be able to
make himself available for
such a session or, Ashtar if
he is unavailable, has put
in a request to a higher
authority and hopefully we
will have an answer back on
that soon.
Russ: well I have got the
place lined up.
Omal: that will be with that
outside of the higher
authority's ten year cycle.
(the chance of Sananda
visiting normally was only
once every ten years)
Russ: right.
Russ: that will be a special
Russ: so we are to proceed
with that so I can start
contacting some folks and
start putting some feelers
Omal: correct.
Russ: okay, that's what I
was waiting for.
Omal: okay.
Karen: how soon is this
supposed to happen?
Russ: well it depends on the
feelers I put out and who I
talk to.
Omal: I think Karen was
referring more to the
upcoming events.
Russ: oh.
Karen: yes.
Omal: that we cannot give
out that kind of information
at this time. As you are
aware you are on defcon 2
which is the one before
things happen. Now as for
groups expanding outside of
the area, that is a useful
tool also that the
connections that will be
made outside of that group
will help individuals from
this group to grow as well.
After all, does not the
teacher learn from the
Russ: uh-hmm.
Karen: that's right.
Russ: Omal, question for
you. You heard what I
mentioned to Ashtar about
this group that we're being
asked to join here.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: it's working with
real-time discussions and
chats and everything with
all light angelic beings,
lightworkers and star seeds
and all that......
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: people who are working
with Ashtar Command and
beyond that.
Omal: uh-huh.
Russ: well, any contacts I
make there might be ideal if
they're close enough to make
a road trips to talk to them
in person.
Omal: yes?
Russ: and starting groups in
those areas where those
people are working.
Omal: uh-huh. It is likely
that those areas and groups
will have things already
present. Yes feline, you
have a question?
Karen: I think he wants to
know if he can use his face
next to you to lay down.
Omal: I think that is
self-evident that he has his
mind made up. But, let us
get back to the issue at
hand and not the feline's
request for petting.
Karen: so are we still going
to collect as much rice and
starches and stuff like that
Omal: I think that would be
necessary even if it does
not get to the stage where
food become scarce, it will
certainly save on budgeting
later on.
Karen: what about.....sorry.
Omal: can you move the
feline please?
Karen: the purring's like
right on my....
Russ: excuse me.
Karen: what about water
supply because even if it's
runoff from the mountains,
if something happens to that
shouldn't we get bottled
water and...
Russ: purifiers.
Omal: yes, water purifiers,
water tablets and so on.
Dehydrated water is a useful
tool to have, all's you have
to do is just add water.
Karen: oh very good. Is
everybody in that mood
Omal: I have centuries worth
of humorous comments and
Karen: so we can also use
plants and everything else
that gives off water as well
Omal: correct.
Karen: okay.
Omal: but you have to
careful, some substances
that come off of certain
plants can have an
entertaining effect. Certain
cactus' with the water that
comes off of them and if
left unattended, can
certainly have some very
"fun" effects for the
individuals watching from
Russ: uh-huh.
Omal: if you are referring
to cactus', there is one
that you should avoid at all
costs. It is the San Juan
cactus that the juices and
the roots have, I know Russ
will enjoy this and so will
Johnny, a psychedelic effect
on one's perception of
perceiving things.
Russ: where do we get some?
Karen: that could prove
Omal: they are rare. You may
try the mesas of the Four
Corners and further down
into New Mexico and down on
into Mexico itself.
Karen: that is if we get
that far.
Omal: yes but I am not
recommending them, I am just
remembering of a time
bygone. But, using
substances for a spiritual
thing, it is necessary to
make it a special event and
occurrence. For example,
peyote is used in religious
Karen: uh-huh.
Omal: alcohol is used in
religious ceremonies.
Karen: uh-huh.
Omal: as is marijuana and
other substances such as
cocoa. If you wish to
continue using those
substances in the future
when they become scarce, it
is necessary to make a
religious ritual out to them
as was done in the past to
increase the significant
powers involved.
Russ: make them into a
learning experience, not
just a fun experience.
Omal: you can do both.
Russ: true.