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(Omal lays out the morals with using telepathy and probing before shifting to the morals involved when things go into anarchy. The problem of survival may be involved making hard lessons the harder lessons survival might require.) 

Omal: greetings and felicitations Russ and how are you functioning apart from in a relaxed, tired state of consciousness?

Russ: well not bad, trying to provide something substantive and helpful for tonight’s session.

Omal: okay let us proceed and continue where we left off on moral development. Seems to be the topic of the moment don't you think?

Russ: last couple days certainly.

Omal: okay, let us first of all address last night's channeling session over the Internet. Poor Tia, worked herself hard and worked the host body very hard. She did a good job, needs to brush up on her spelling and understanding of the linguistics involved in the English language. Tia will be the first to admit that her English is not perfect. Okay, having got that out of the way and her discussion on morals is a very good and intense subject to discuss. We have full confidence in the selected individuals that are channeling for this, we will have Tia and Kiri as our main speakers. Okay, down to business. Morals and the development thereof in conjunction with sixth dimensional thinking and the purpose and behavioral patterns connected with telepathy and the morals. Certain morals are used to protect individuals from embarrassing or dangerous situations. For example, as was demonstrated last week, probing somebody without their consent. It is not morally wrong nor is it morally right, it is a call on the individual but probing nonetheless has to be consensual to achieve the maximum benefit for both individuals concerned. If it is not consensual, whether it is subconscious, it has to be spoken verbally or telepathically so that the individual that is the probee can have full access to the information that is being probed by the prober. For example, delving into one’s past experiences and looking at each one independently can be beneficial if both parties are consensual in this matter. This is one of the important necessary developments when using telepathy. Telepathy on a communication level is basic vocalization or sub vocalization of what is going through the mind and being projected at a person. It is quicker and faster then the vocal communication but, probing on the other hand, should be done with images so that both parties can analyze and look at the pictures as long as the probee is consensual. But, where does the morals come into this? Well is it morally right to probe somebody’s mind? Yes and no. If it is consensual, then it is morally right. If it is not consensual and done with speed and harm to the probee, then that is morally wrong, it is a call by the individuals. But the morals necessary to achieve this point where you become a being of a higher consciousness are developed by the individual on the lower level. What is right? As was raised last night is it right to kill somebody? Yes and no, why yes and no? Well there are certain situations where it becomes dangerous for others and yourself and it is necessary to terminate the existence of the aggressor. In itself, that has moral ramifications. Are you ready to accept the responsibilities of the individuals that are connected with the person that has been terminated? Tia tried to elaborate on this last night and it needs to be elaborated on more. When a termination occurs, there is obviously the anger and retribution coming from the friends and associates of the terminated, they wish revenge. It doesn’t matter if it is somebody that is of a very nasty and aggressive nature, there is still people that think that person is a good person and they want revenge. They want revenge in either incarceration or termination of the terminator. This leaves open to serious problems that opens up a cycle which can occur. If it is necessary to terminate the friends and associates of the terminated, then that in itself can open up even more karmic problems. This is where karma comes into play. When it is necessary to terminate somebody on a one-on-one, then you have to think of the karmic ramifications and the necessary interactions of the individuals involved in this matter. When a termination occurs en mass of a large majority of individuals, this in itself is something that needs to be looked at and addressed. For example, in a hostile situation such as a riot or a war where individuals are trying to take from some other individuals their existence and ipso facto trying to terminate them, that itself comes outside the karmic loop. What transpires is that an individual happened to defend themselves against a mass group of individuals may have to find it necessary to terminate a few of those individual's existence before the group realizes that it is in itself is in a dangerous situation. In the process, the terminator may become terminated himself but again, how does this interact with the morals? First of all, you should not get yourself in a situation that you need to terminate a mass group of individual’s existence but sometimes that happens. There is nothing that you, I or anybody can do about it except if you are a grand paramount coercer. And there are so few of those on the sixth dimension that even in their environment it would be hard. Being able to use the morals necessary to stay out of that trouble and deciding that it would be better to cut one’s losses in itself is a moral question. Do you give the individuals that are the group the joy of having what you have worked so hard for? That is a decision only you can answer and it is built in with your morals. It is a moral decision whether or not you leave your food, property etc. behind and if so, would it be beneficial for those people to have that property. So by addressing these very simple, basic morals. Now a question last night was asked, are there certain morals that are absolute? Yes there are. Love all things, that is an absolute. There was another one that was on there, there was three actually. Love all things, do not steal or rather do not steal and get caught. It is necessary sometimes to steal for existence and in doing so, you will put yourself in a situation where retribution may be demanded. So, if you have to steal, try not to get caught. As Tia put it, there are certain countries that tend to remove limbs for the punishment of stealing. Love thy neighbor as thyself, that was not on there but it should of been put on there. You can kill through love if necessary if your neighbor becomes a hostile, it is always the last, last resort to terminate their existence. In doing so, you must again be prepared to take the responsibilities that come with that but, it should read love thy neighbor as much as possible. Thou shalt not kill unless there is no other way, that is an absolute. If it is your survival or a survival of individuals that you are affiliated with, then it becomes necessary to kill, to terminate and in doing so again you must be prepared to take on the karmic retribution that is necessary. So all these things are linked through karma. They are linked morally, they are decisions that you have to weigh the odds. There are clauses, morals are not absolute. There are absolute morals but they are not totally, they can be changed and adjusted to situations but the basic underlying is there. Do you have any questions Russ?

Russ: I've got a couple.

Omal: okay.

Russ: first off, when you mentioned about two people using pictures.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: explain a little about that.

Omal: yes, when you probe, there should be pictures generated that both parties can see. We will let our prober if it is consensual demonstrate.

Russ: now, is that normally used for in conversation mode or that strictly just a teaching thing? It sounds like it could be pretty slow.

Omal: if it is done correctly it is very fast because there are no words involved. The feelings and emotions are there. The experience is being relayed, it is almost a regression.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: afterwards, then the questions are asked and it’s looked at. Next question please.

Russ: okay, as far as killing goes, it seems like you had third dimensional or sixth dimensional, there should always be an option to get out of it. Wouldn’t just the killing part be just an easy way out sometimes?

Omal: I said, that there are certain times where it is impossible to get away from that.

Russ: well the point I’m asking is, it might seem impossible but only because you haven’t delved through every situation in the moments beforehand but that’s only because being third dimensional, we aren’t thinking as hard or as fast a level as the sixth dimensional is.

Omal: sometimes you do not have time to think of another option.

Russ: right.

Omal: let us say you are in a room, you are in a corner. You have a sword in your hand. The person in front of you has a 9 mm that you’re so fond of. You can thrust and kill them and get it over and done with so that they will not have time to pull the trigger on you. If you wound them, they may still pull the trigger, they may still come after you. Can you take that risk?

Russ: uh-uh.

Omal: that is a situation which should never occur but unfortunately it does occur. Next question.

Russ: okay, as far as the absolute morals go?

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: in loving all things, you’re also loving your neighbor as thyself.

Omal: correct.

Russ: so that's probably why it was written, because it’s all basically the same thing.

Omal: correct.

Russ: okay, but in loving all things, can’t you be able to teach that so that others hopefully in the same situation will learn?

Omal: it starts.....the teaching starts at a very early age. Up here I believe that it starts when the person is still in the fetal stage. Communication, laying out the basic principles that are to be developed later on. Next question and final question.

Russ: okay, in that sort of teaching, what would you do to discourage somebody who is learning or starting to become hateful once in a while?

Omal: hate once in a while is a good thing. To hate squalor, to hate people that push other people down. You can use that hate as a tool, not to destroy but to build. By using hate to focus and to teach, sometimes by a harsh action in itself is a useful tool. We will give an explanation at another time on hate.

Russ: okay thank you.

Omal: okay thank you, I will be back.