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(Omal gives a perfectly logical explanation of how the builders of the Great Pyramid got the stones aligned in place so perfectly. We look at what it would take to build the Great Pyramid with today's technology as well as the PK needed to lift the stones in place.)

Omal: okay, questions and answers.

Laura: (speaking to Shane) this is Omal, you can ask him.

Shane: who?

Laura: yes, the guy you want to ask.

Russ: okay....

Omal: I am the person to ask on the unknown.

Shane: okay Omal.....

Laura: speak clearly please.

Shane: okay, it's about pyramids.

Omal: pyramids.

Shane: yeah.

Omal: okay.

Shane: well you know how they built pyramids…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Shane: how you can’t even stick a piece of paper through it?

Omal: uh-huh.

Shane: how do they do that?

Omal: they did it very cautiously and carefully by excavating the stones….

Shane: but…..

Omal: and by cutting to a predetermined measurable size......

Shane: they cut it almost perfect.

Omal: yes.

Shane: you can’t even fit a dime through there.

Omal: no, it is not so much the cutting as the fitting. That is how did they fit them, not how did they cut them, but how did they fit them? That is the question. How you fit something so precisely is by smoothing the edges and how would you do that in a desert environment?

Skip: sand them.

Omal: you have plenty of sand to sand them with.

Skip: sure, sand them down.

Shane: how do you sand them with regular sand?

Skip: by putting it between rocks or using a board.

Velvet: Omal?

Omal: yes.

Velvet: does ancient mean old?

Omal: yes.

Shane: yeah.

Russ: Reader’s Digest in fact hired a construction company to determine what it would take to build the pyramids with today’s modern technology.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and working with that construction company, they came up with building it in twelve, 48 foot steps using cranes, trucks to carry the stones and everything with all the latest technology.......it would cost basically 20, no let’s see no, $300 million dollars…

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: it would take 3,000 men working day and night three years to build.

Shane: sheesh.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: now there is a much easier way to get rocks smooth…

Skip: hmm?

Omal: than using sand, use a mixture of sand and water.

Shane: uh-huh.

Omal: Skip?

Skip: yes?

Omal: do you use that combination?

Skip: yeah you can use that combination and wet stones, we use it today.

Omal: correct, that is how you get them smooth to fit together. The sheer size of them, some of them I believe weigh up to 50 tons do they not?

Skip: I believe so, yeah I would think that’s correct.

Omal: the sheer weight would pressure them together to form a very, very tight fit. The construction is what gives it its tight fit.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: if you take sand and pile it, it makes a pyramid but it does not make a steep pyramid.

Skip: no, it just makes a mound.

Omal: correct, I believe the angles are constantly 45°.

Skip: no, it wouldn’t make 45°, it would be more like 30.

Omal: correct but to have steep angles, you need a lot of pressure to push in the blocks to form the perfect fit which is what they had.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: how that is achieved is by layering the rocks in a very particular way.

Shane: how did they do that?

Skip: well, it's to how they actually engineered it.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: hmm.

Skip: yeah because the engineering would be the secret to the whole thing.

Omal: correct, it is quite an easy thing to do once you know how.

Skip: yeah, hmm.

Omal: but things often are not as they appear when you look at architecture of that period and design.

Skip: actually them 50 ton blocks by putting sand and water between them, you could make them fit perfectly by moving them back and forth.

Omal: oh it is quite simple.

Russ: now as we know from our discussions with yourself, the blocks actually were lifted by psychokinesis…..

Omal: correct.

Russ: and placed into……(speaking to the group)....in other words, if I was to look at this microphone and pick it up with my mind up about 2 feet in the air, that would be psychokinesis.

Shane: what is that?

Skip: well it's people have developed their minds so that they can do that.

Russ: uh-huh, back then they had more mind control then you see in most people today.

Skip: well more people today are preoccupied with material things.

Russ: right so back then, certain people could be trained to be able to lift 50 ton blocks up in the air just with their minds.  

Omal: but it is necessary to focus on the engineering feat, not on the metaphysical skills due to the fact that your modern culture does not accept that, there is a different explanation.

Russ: okay, how did they get the blocks so smooth, with just sand and water then?

Omal: yes, pretty much so.

Russ: and then they lifted them with psychokinesis.

Omal: yes.

Russ: I see.

Shane: how long did it take them to build it?

Skip: probably quite a few years.

Omal: yes it was quite a few years.

Shane: about 40 or 50 years?

Omal: not quite that long, I should say it was closer to 30 but it was done in fits and starts, it wasn’t done continuously due to the environmental factors of the area such as rainy days that they could not work.
