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(Omal goes over the portals that link universes and the guides that bring an entity from one universe to another. He goes into how the guides work and that they have basically died on two parallel universes to take on the task.) 

Russ: all right, now back to what we’re working on here which is another email that I got and this concerns the ritual for planetary Ascension.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: that being the ritual being the mechanics of actual Ascension.

Omal: yes.

Russ: and this is something that happens apparently every six weeks and it links earth energy and the chakra system….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and activates the living light body or Merkabah.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and to different planetary vortex portals.

Omal: yes on a six weekly cycle throughout your planet.

Russ: correct. I assume one of the vortex portals would be Sedona.

Omal: yes.

Russ: and then there’s the others around the world. First off I’ll get into the second part of this, I want to work on what exactly are we talking about here? Is this something that’s actually happening and can happen?

Omal: it is a way of bringing the higher consciousness of individuals to a higher level, it is a kind of mass meditation scattered over many places by using an electronical system.

Russ: the Internet.

Omal: correct

Russ: ahhh.

Omal: it is a way of getting information out and individuals pulling together from various points throughout your global network.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: it is a way of bringing new people and new energies into it, it is something that is necessary, it is something that is working but not as people really understand. They believe that they’re pulling themselves towards a higher mental level which is yes, true. They are pulling themselves towards ascension, yes this is true but not as they think, they’re not physically going to wake up one morning on the sixth dimension. They are one day going to find that they are more spiritually alive, more spiritually developed, more spiritually sound, more spiritually in tune, more spiritually capable.......

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: and then one day they will pass and then the changes will occur.

Russ: ahh, okay. Is this sort of like an unfocused meta-concert let’s say?

Omal: very unfocused yes but in the essence yes. Any time a group of individuals get together for a common purpose, then in essence what you have is a meta-concert. When you go to your recreational facilities and pray to a single entity, you are having a meta-concert. When you focus on one matter and one matter alone and have a group of individuals, then you are having a meta-concert, unfocused most certainly.

Russ: correct. Okay, it describes the portals as multidimensional doorways leading to astral planes, parallel universes, various other places and you never know where you’re going to go.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: which as they say is the fun of it, not knowing where the portal will take you to. Now for example, parallel universes, as we’ve discussed before it’s rare to find the portal to a parallel universe.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and so does this have some possibilities of actually occurring?

Omal: no, it is wishful thinking on that part.

Russ: ahh.

Omal: it gives you the options of looking at the connections where events will lead to a parallel universe. As we have discussed in the past, the branches of a parallel universe…..

Russ: correct.

Omal: and this is the points where you can see if you proceed on this path you will enter into this universe or if you proceed on this path you will enter into this universe.

Russ: ahhh, I understand.

Omal: so it is more along the lines of yes and no, yes you can perceive the possible outcomes of your actions if you act in a particular way and that way you will enter into parallel universes but it will not appear to be any different from the one that you were in originally.

Russ: so this would be sort of similar to the times where I’ve actually like ingested some hallucinogenics and being able to get a glimpse in at the….

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: various parallel universes that are forming.

Omal: yes.

Russ: I understand. It’s just another perception of reality.......

Omal: correct.

Russ: and in any of those portals as they’re called, you’re merely perceiving reality in a new way.

Omal: correct.

Russ: okay. Now according to this, each of the portals are coordinated by shield guides which are interdimensional beings who guard the portals. Sounds similar possibly to devas or......?

Omal: yes, I would not quite of worded it as devas or interdimensional guides, it is more of guides that are linked to other aspects of themselves that can shepherd and coach.

Russ: give me an example please.

Omal: certainly, you have an individual that is become a guide in one parallel universe and in another parallel universe he has also died and become a guide and standing at the portal he can see himself and he can communicate with himself because they think alike and he knows what the other guide would do and that way they are able to work together to shepherd and coach.

Russ: now in another parallel universe, wouldn’t this same guide actually be one of the people that are going to the portal?

Omal: no, the guide stands at the portal and shepherds through.......

Russ: ahh.

Omal: passes onto himself. You get passed from him to him but a different aspect of himself.

Russ: okay. So basically this is actually a very good thing to hook up into as far as being able to gain more insight into for example hooking up with the chakra system to the earth energy.

Omal: correct.

Russ: some good clues there.

Omal: uh-huh.