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(Omal gets into an in-depth explanation of singularities and naked singularities formed through black holes and uses an analogy of economics to describe the collapse of all matter at the “big crunch” as it’s called. He also reveals that there isn’t a finite amount of matter in the universe and that new universes are being created we may exist on someday that can be detected.) 

Omal: greetings and felicitations. I will speed through briefly, I will not give a dissertation, I will go over Tia’s points. Tia edited herself extremely well and she relayed extremely well. Her comments about certain key points not going on the web are quite accurate. Other information that she gave about the chemical factory being used to produce drugs to fight malaria can go on the web. The comments about missiles showing up in Pakistan, that can go on the web. The damage? That can go on the web. Okay, any questions?

Russ: yep. Okay, let’s go to Omal’s section. You get your own section tonight Omal.
Omal: oh thank you, I am honored.

Russ: yeah no problem, my pleasure. Okay deep space. "On December 14th 1997, an explosion received on earth from deep space from an area about the size of Texas about 12 billion light years away."

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: "the explosion occurred that based on E equals MC squared would have required all the known and visible matter in the universe to release that much energy."

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: according to the paper I’m reading it would be equivalent to 1,000th of a second after the original Big Bang.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: "and to further complicate the matter, over 2,000 of these explosions occurred since the first one so over 2,000 new universes have been created within this one."

Omal: uh-huh. Okay….

Russ: okay.

Omal: here we go. Is everybody sitting comfortably?

Linda M: yeah.

Omal: do we have things to lean against and occupy ourselves?

Linda M: uh-huh.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: okay I’m not going to be that dry and boring. Okay, it is a simple explanation that these bursts of energy are perfectly normal and natural. They are created in what you might call giant, super black holes. Now what actually is occurring is as gas and matter approaches the speed of light, bursts of energy are given off. These can be detected in radio galaxies. They can also be seen visually if you look at galaxies that have huge jets shooting out of them. These are not galaxies, these are dust pools whirling in to black holes. The bigger the black hole, the bigger the burst. Now, your universe is expanding. It has been postulated that the universe was created in the Big Bang, that is correct, research shows that there was a Big Bang. Your research on your planet says that this was uneven event. Now I’m going to use some economic terms, simple economics. Inflation is expansion where money from the future is taken and used in the present. Money that was to be saved and put to one side is used. The same occurs in the expansion of the universe. As it expands, it takes energy from the future and uses it in its expansion. Now, energy can be created in certain reactions, there is not a finite amount of energy in your universe. So, as the universe expands, more energy is created that would be used in the future and created in the future, the expansion becomes more rapid until it reaches a point where there is no more energy to be created and deinflationary behavior happens. Now some people speculate that when this happens time runs backwards. No, it does not. As your universe shrinks back in on itself, time continues to run in a linear, forward pattern. At the point of the big crunch as it has been called by a gentleman that has a lot of facts right, the universe crunches in upon itself to a point called a naked singularity. A naked singularity is a one-off but it’s not. A naked singularity is a point of infinite smallness and infinite density and it is the start as opposed to a singularity, a normal singularity which occurs at the center of a black hole.

Russ: hmm, you're talking about Hawking right?

Omal: correct. When the universe crunches back in on itself, great amounts of heat are generated and an explosion occurs and what happens? The process is repeated all over again. Now, as for the amount of energy produced, your scientists do not know how much matter is in your galaxy or your universe. They talk about how much the universe should weigh and that there is a certain amount missing that they cannot determine. There is far more missing than they can determine and yes, new universes on parallel timelines are being created and yes they can be detected.

Russ: hmm. So, that’s an interesting statement right at the very last there.

Omal: oh, it's designed to be.

Russ: universes on parallel lifetimes are being created are being observed. How is it that we are able to observe parallel lifetimes?

Omal: or parallel universes.

Russ: parallel universes.

Omal: because not all universes start at the exact same time and the amount of energy needed to create a parallel universe is quite large. It is very large, it is even difficult for me to comprehend.

Russ: Omal we could spend the next 10 days on this little subject.

Omal: oh yes we can, that’s why I am editing for speed.

Russ: oh thanks, yeah right. Okay well let’s go on to this next week shall we because I can’t get into that right now but I want to get into it very badly.

Omal: okay make your comment and we will save it for later.

Russ: okay, a parallel universe that we could actually consider ourselves part of a lifetime on is being created, therefore we’re seeing the creation of another portion of ourselves.

Omal: yes, eventually.

Russ: eventually. But if we saw the light, the light had to take how many billions of years to reach us?

Omal: your estimate was 12 billion. Your universe is in your equations approximately 15 billion years old.

Russ: okay.

Omal: so by this equation that these are coming from a region of space 12 billion years ago and that they're still happening means that the cycle is continued.

Russ: we'll get to this again sometime.

Omal: oh yes we will.

Russ: okay, anybody else got a question? I’m taking up everything tonight.

Skip: that’s okay, I’m listening.

Linda M: I have the one question.

Omal: uh-huh.

Linda M: I think about a year ago I was watching a science program…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Linda M: and I found it really fascinating. I don’t know if it just happened or if they just recently discovered it but they found a little, small galaxy that formed in our galaxy.

Omal: uh-huh.

Linda M: I mean obviously that’s possible but….

Omal: a better way to describe it would be a proto-solar system.

Linda M: okay.

Omal: now a proto-solar system can look very much like a galaxy….

Linda M: okay.

Omal: and what it is, is it is as your solar system was about 4 billion years ago……..

Linda M: was it smaller and it grew?

Omal: yes, what…….

Linda M: from gases or…..?

Omal: okay this is what happens. Okay you have a star that explodes, it scatters energy throughout the whole entire galaxy and on into the universe. What happens is that clouds of dust and particles from solar systems will form what they call nebula or nebulous hence the phrase looking very nebulous. And what will happen within that nebula is there will be a point that becomes hot and warm and as it becomes hot and warm it creates gravity, at first very small. And gradually matter condenses creating even hotter reaction and as more matter is attracted and used in the heat it becomes more dense and heavier creating more gravity. As the gravity is created, matter is pulled in and forms a disk around it. As the disc is created and at the central core is a proto-star, a young star.......

Linda M: okay.

Omal: okay, as that happens the disk spins around and gravity thins it out into a nice thin disk. Now within that area there are areas of density which create kind of pockets and matter is attracted to those dense gravitational pockets creating from heavier elements, then hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, working our way down. As you go to heavier elements, they clump together in different regions which in turn create heavier areas of matter which becomes planets. Now the disc in a proto-system can give off a light as it’s being heated and the light reflected from the proto-star which in turn makes it look very much like a galaxy, a young galaxy. So, a galaxy can be created in miniature in a solar system in its early years. Normally that is within the first hundred thousand years of the creation of a proto-system.

Linda M: thank you.

Omal: no problem.

Russ: I’ve only got one more question. Is there a finite amount of matter within the universe?

Omal: now?

Russ: yeah.

Omal: not at this time. As I stated, energy and matter can be created.

Russ: oh, you didn’t state that.

Omal: oh, it was part of the inflationary comments, I think I kind of glossed over it slightly.

Russ: yeah you skipped the matter part, you just said energy.

Omal: yes, but energy and matter can be created.

Russ: ahh okay excellent, thank you.

Omal: ask Mr. Hawking.

Russ: I’ll do that.

Omal: okay anymore questions?

Linda M: no, not at this time.

Omal: okay.

Russ: thank you. 
