(Kiri reads a last
letter from Sarah on what she has learned being
on the 6th dimension from the 3rd. This was a
tough one for Kiri to read and she can only get
through the first part before her emotions got
the best of her.)
letter from Sarah part
Kiri: and it's the
farewell letter from
Russ: oh.
Kiri: uh-huh. And
actually this is taken
from a holo disk so we
can put this in it's
from a holo disk.
"Not being able to
write anymore and
knowing that my vision
is going, my sense of
taste is fading, my
hearing is as sharp as
ever. If anything, the
losing of my sight is
improving my hearing.
My senses of touch are
staying about the
same. What is to come,
I really want, oh how
I want it. I want the
end to come. That the
feeling of love of
everything grows with
each day. The
understanding of the
way things are for a
particular reason. The
cultural growth that I
have experienced in
this limited length of
time. It is hard for
me to feel any
animosity to anything,
to anyone. Let me
explain a little
something that I have
learned the best that
I can. The moral
consciousness that
develops with
experiencing the sixth
dimensional world.
When I first came to
this wonderful,
luscious, green
planet, the sense of
loss of home was
overpowering but the
love of the nuns
around me have helped
me to realize that
home is not on earth,
it is not here on
Sirius, it is not
there on Mars, it is
inside me, my
memories, the feelings
of those memories and
learning that what I
once held as precious,
is even more precious
by the fact that
people understand that
what I did, I did as a
gift for myself and
for others. Sharing my
experiences with most
wonderful Kiri is
some..." Sorry Russ.
Russ: no go ahead.
Kiri: ".....is
can't, sorry.