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(Karra describes how Sarah was to be buried and the times spent healing her while she had been on the base. We had become very close to Sarah in the time we had heard about her and this time preparing for the end had been hard on all of us emotionally. Here, we discussed the possibility that her time spent on the base and Sirius would lead to an incarnation on the 6th dimension.) 

Karra: hello, hi dear.

Russ: hi love.

Karra: I see Karen has got up and left.

Russ: yeah she's getting some tea.

Karra: oh that's very kind of her and Tia runs out on her. How are you doing?

Russ: oh I'm doing good but the letter from Sarah kind of got me.

Karra: yes, it got me too. I think the only person that did not have tears in their eyes was Omal. I sometimes wonder about his emotional level, I think he controls them very well.

Russ: uh-huh, though he does have them.

Karra: oh yes. But Tia, her eyes were wet and Kiri was actually crying when she was reading it.

Russ: hmmm.

Karra: hear her take gulps every so often and pause? It wasn't for dramatic effect.

Russ: more often than not, we run into entities called Sarah where of course from our Sirian Chronicles, we find that Sarra is a person of great importance.

Karra: that's Sarra.

Russ: I know but I mean where did the word Sarah come from? It has to have roots in Sarra.

Karra: uh-huh, it does.

Russ: and so our Sarah returning to Sirius has got kind of an ironic twist to it you might say.

Karra: yes it does in a way. The fact that she...the fact that she is taking dying very well. From what grandmother told me the other day is that she is taking a lot of pride and pleasure in picking out the perfect return vessel. And she's even polished it herself and she's laid down to make sure it's nice and comfortable for her and she's got it all nicely lined and everything and she's got little pockets in there where she can put things to take with her even though she will never see them again in her physical, corporal form, she wants them with her. Her little teddy bear that one of the Cubs gave her, a holo disk that Kiri gave her, things like that. The things that don't seem that much but they seem a lot to her. A pen she was given from one of the pilots when she was going with Kiri to Sirius.

Russ: when is she going to be....when she gets interned, is there going to be a notice that some folks that might be able to astral travel to that spot?

Karra: I don't think it would be appropriate for anybody to know where she is buried.

Russ: okay.

Karra: we will hold a midnight ceremony over her. The pilot and the people that take her there will hold a ceremony.

Russ: okay, well she'll be remembered.

Karra: yeah and one other thing that she wants is she wants a wild rose bush to be planted over her.

Karen: oh I'm with her, I agree.

Karra: yes she's very understanding of death. Thank you.

Karen: sure.

Russ: probably become more so as the....

Karra: days get closer.

Russ: right.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: so, the question I've got darling is with all that she went through here on third dimension, with all that she went through the Zeta's, with all that she went through on Hades Base and now all that she's going through with Sirius, would you say that this is maybe a shortcut to sixth dimension for her?

Karra: well, there's only two possibilities, she was either ready to come to the sixth dimension and needed to go through that suffering to cleanse her soul or she wasn't ready. Simple.

Russ: hmm.

Karra: the fact that she's been given a glimpse means that she has the possibility if she comes to terms with it in the appropriate way of going to sixth. The letter implied that she wants to be Kiri's daughter.

Russ: hmmm. Well they'll be some time between rebirth so...

Karra: oh yes.

Russ: it's still a ways away.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: sounds like a very special lady now.

Karra: she is a very special lady and the times that I've have worked on her to comfort her, to take away the pain temporarily, I mean it was nowhere near what Kiri did for her. Kiri doesn't talk about the images that she got from her, that's a private thing for her.

Russ: right.

Karra: something that Kiri feels very strongly about but Tia is saying let's move onto something bright and cheerful. She's saying that Sarah would not want you to be upset or sad at what's coming.

Karen: can we entitle her letter?

Karra: sorry?

Karen: is there a way to entitle her letter instead of just saying it's a letter from Sarah? It was taken from certain people or.....?

Karra: actually Russ will come up with a title, if not, I'll help him but at the moment I can't think of a appropriate name apart from a letter of understanding.....a letter of forgiving or forgiveness. That would be a good name for it but it doesn't sound quite right you know?

Russ: we'll work on it.

Karra: yeah, yes we will. 
