(Kiri presents a very long and
detailed Sirian candle ceremony she knew by
heart. It is a ceremony of blessing by the
gods and as a bonus she gives us the Sirian
names of the gods. One side effect we did not
expect was the sudden presence of devas both
on the base and in the channeling room here on
next was how a ceremony from
Sirius was conducted. It is
from a different session that
had been cut short also.
Mark's energy reserves had
given out and we had been
forced to no longer continue
with the Sirian Chronicles.
One note on the channeling
below, if you do this
ceremony, please be aware it
should be done with the
seriousness the results it can
produce deserves)
Kiri: Okay Russ this is what
you will need, Russ this is
what you will need for a
ceremony in Sirian. You will
need 24 white candles for the
outside. You will need 12
candles for the inside. You
will draw a circle that is by
your height and two of your
inches on top of your height.
You will need a bowl of water.
The bowl must be clear, glass
will do. You will need a
little burning device, not a
camping stove, a little
miniature barbecue. You will
need charcoal. You will need
incense. You will need red
wine. You will need flowers,
the colors of the flowers are
very important. You will need
red flowers, green flowers
blue flowers and white
flowers. You will arrange them
in groups of two. Two red, two
white, two blue and two green
and you will continue all the
way around lining the outer
circle with those candles. You
will spread the 24 outer
candles evenly spaced around
the outside of the circle at
evenly spaced intervals. You
will draw within the outer
circle a star with 24 points
but it must be designed in a
way that it does not touch the
inner circle. The inner circle
will be drawn within that
area. The inner circle will
have the 12 candles spaced
evenly around the edges of the
candle (circle). In the
center, you will have the
barbecue type arrangement with
charcoal, not briquette
charcoal, real charcoal. That
is the setup. The incense will
be spread around, one stick of
incense for each compartment
in the star. You will need in
the center a small table next
to the burning barbecue. You
will have that covered with a
cloth of red. You will have on
that a five stick candle
holder or five candlesticks.
You will have in the center
red, on either side green, two
green candles for one red
candle and then two blue
candles. You will arrange that
in a kind of semicircle or an
arc. In front of that you will
place the bowl of water. Then
you will get some more
incense, you will put incense
around the edge of the bowl,
little holders dotted all the
way around so that you have
smoke coming off the top of
it. You will then add to this
flowers that will float in the
bowl. In the bowl you place
one big blue candle. That's
why you needed a blue candle
Russ, not only for your earth
ceremony but for ours. The
bigger, the better, the
taller. You will light it. As
the wax drips off and drains
out, it will float around free
and mix with the flowers. The
flowers, again you will have
red, white, blue and green
floating in the water. Okay,
now let's get to the serious
part right? Now you can do
this singularly or with a
group of people, it doesn't
matter. You will need to get
from the ground soil. From the
fireplace, ashes or soot.
Uncontaminated ashes, no
artificial additives
whatsoever so it must be wood
only. In one hand you will
hold the ashes, in the other
hand you will hold the soil
from the ground. Again, it
cannot be artificial soil
taken from a nursery that has
all chemical additives, it
must be pure soil. You offer
the soil and the ash as the
basis of life. From this all
things come. The soil is
offered in one hand. The soil
is the nutrients that the tree
of life and the flowers from
the ground grow on. You open
your hand and let it drain to
the floor. In the other hand
you have the ashes, the
remains of the leaves and the
trees and the plants returned
to the ground. You let that
go. You kneel and you face
towards the Pole Star of your
planet. On Sirius it's kind of
like your North Star but it's
not, it is kind of off to one
side. But you kneel to the
Pole Star and you call a
blessing on the God's names,
too many to list but you call
on the God of wisdom, call on
the God of knowledge, you call
on the God of intelligence.
You call on the goddess of
healing, the goddess of love
and the goddess of light. You
turn to the four cardinal
points and you bless the
cardinal points. "I bless the
cardinal points with all my
power, all my might and all my
strength, in truth, justice
and wisdom." Each point you
repeat that phrase. You then
kneel down again within the
circle, central circle, you
kneel down and face the
candle. You look within
yourself and summons your
strength. "I Kiri Tanaka
summons the strength of truth,
power, might, wisdom, justice.
I summons the power of truth,
justice, wisdom, intelligence,
knowledge. I seek
intelligence, knowledge and
wisdom. I will use them for
good only. The power within me
is the power without me. The
strength, the energy, the
feel. The blood of my veins is
the blood of my sisters that
have gone before." In your
case you would say the blood
of your brothers. "I summons
the strength from within to
protect those without. I call
upon the energy harnessed
within, I focus the energy
within. With love, justice and
truth I wield that power for
right. I protect, I look
after, I guide. I pray to the
points of the cardinal compass
and ask for their blessing. I
call upon the mighty," and the
mighty is never named. The
gender of the mighty is never
named. Because the mighty is
both and has many names, too
many names to list at this
time. But the mighty is the
mighty one. "I call upon the
power of the mighty one to
fill me with his strength,"
oops, mistake. "I call upon
the power of the mighty one to
fill me with strength, energy,
knowledge and wisdom. I
promise to use the power given
to me only for good, only for
light, only for truth, only
for justice, only for wisdom,
only for knowledge. I promise
to use the power of the mighty
never to harm, never to
corrupt, never to serve
myself, never for self-good,
never to harm, never to
taint." Then you pause and you
wait and you wait about a
hundred heartbeats and then
you call again and this time
you say "I summons" and your
voice inflection is very
important. Do you want me to
give you the full power the
Russ: uh-huh.
Kiri: "I summons the power of
the mighty, the power within
to grow, to bloom, to fill. I
promise to use the power of
the mighty only for good,
never for harm, only for
knowledge, never to corrupt. I
promise to pledge my strength
for truth and justice. I
promise never to harm the
innocent, the pure, the just,
the children, the naïve." Then
you pause..........I feel
something, is it up here or
down there? It's up on the
base? Tia's looking a little
bit concerned and so are the
technicians, the monitors are
going funny. Just happened
when I called, I don't think I
should've called you know.
Okay, and then you would
probably take a glass from the
altar, fill it with wine and
then you would offer it to
each person in the circle. Let
us say that you are on your
own. You take just a sip and
you would pass it in theory to
the next person but you're on
your own. You pour the wine
once it's been filled, or once
you've taken your sip, what's
left you pour into the bowl.
Russ: with the candle in it.
Kiri: with a candle but you
don't pour it over the candle.
Russ: right.
Kiri: okay, so the water has
the wine in it now. You take
the glass and you hold it over
the candle and turn it right?
And as you turn it, you're
taking energy from the candle
and the power from the candle.
And as you're doing that, you
bless the candle, you bless
the strength, you bless the
glass and you bless the water
and you keep on turning it
until you've got a nice black
soot all the way around. You
run your finger all the way
around right? Cross, with the
hands going up and on the top,
do the cross and you do the
central part as on the altar,
the five candles. And then you
kneel again and this is where
the importance of the size
comes into hand right? You
kneel down and then you lay
down on your stomach, arms
outstretched so that they're
touching the sides of the
circle but do not leave the
circle. You close your eyes
and you feel the strength of
the mighty one fill you. And
it may take 10 minutes, it may
take 20 minutes, it may take a
half an hour. When you're
ready and you feel the
strength within you, you kneel
again in the center of the
altar or the circle. Now the
fire should be burning quite
low by this point. You skim
the flowers off and this is
why you need charcoal, not
briquettes. You pour them into
the barbecue center so that
they catch fire and burn. And
you wait and you watch them
burn until they are gone. And
at this point the fire should
start to burn down much lower.
You move the center out,
everything that is in the
center gets moved to the edges
except for the fire altar. You
put the fire altar in the
center. You bless the fire
center and you call upon the
mighty one again for the last
time and you ask him to fill
you with love, power, truth,
justice, wisdom, knowledge.
You promise to protect the
innocent, the pure. You
promise never to use your
abilities to harm, corrupt,
deviate or for self-service.
You ask for a blessing, you
bless the fire altar, you
bless the water altar, you
summons the strength and power
within of the ancestors that
have gone before, "I summons
the power of my sisters in
truth, love, wisdom,
knowledge, and justice." You
kneel before the fire altar,
you bless it and then you go
to the outer candles and you
bless each outer candle. "I
bless you with the power of
love, knowledge and wisdom.
You repeat that 24 times to 24
candles. You come back to the
center. You bless the 12 and
then you turn around and ask
for understanding and
knowledge and you extinguish
the 12 and as you extinguish
each one, you bless it as you
extinguish it. You go to the
outer and extinguish each
outer candle and ask for love
and understanding from each
candle. You return to the
center, you take the five and
they should be firmly cemented
within their container. You
walk to the water and you hold
it and put it in the water.
And as you put it in the
water, you exchange the power
of fire and light for the
power of water. And then you
kneel before the water altar
for the last time and you
bless it. And then you bless
the fire altar. You clap your
hands nine times and each time
you clap your hands you make a
blessing. And the blessing is,
"in love, light and wisdom,
the power of the mighty I
share with my sisters." Or
brothers in your case. Here
endth the ceremony. And when
you get to the end you say,
"here endth the ceremony." Do
you have any questions?
Russ: yeah I'll start with the
first one. Green flowers......
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: we don't have a lot of
those down here.
Kiri: you should be able to
find some.
Russ: I can't recall any off
the top of my head but maybe
Mark should know where to find
some. Now you call for a six
foot two circle....
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: now what if you have
more people, you can't have
everyone laying all down at
once? Do you make it bigger?
Kiri: no, you kneel in the
Russ: so you don't lay down
flat and gain power, you just
all kneel.
Kiri: yeah, or actually the
way that we ladies do it is
that we will sit down with our
feet touching the edges back
to back all the way around. If
there's two of you, it's a
little bit difficult but you
will sit in the circle and
there will be a center in the
circle and you'll have
somebody stand in that center
if there is enough of you.
Russ: okay, now you call for
the outer circle to be 6'2"
inches and the inner circle
inside of that.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: okay, now with 24
candles on the outside and 12
on the inside, even laying
down and putting your feet up,
you got to position yourself
so that your limbs go through
the candles.
Kiri: that's correct.
Russ: you've got to be very
careful in your placement of
your limbs and not move around
a whole lot.
Kiri: that's correct, when you
lie down, you are stationary.
Russ: right.
Kiri: when you sit right? The
candles should between your
Russ: okay. Now you mentioned
calling upon the God of truth,
wisdom, justice...
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: those are Sirian gods.
Kiri: correct.
Russ: they wouldn't work down
here I take it?
Kiri: ummm, probably not, no.
But the principle....
Russ: well it would attract
Kiri: exactly.
Russ: who would remember.....
Kiri: them.
Russ: them.
Kiri: you are invoking an old
ceremony which will attract a
lot of attention from the
devas that remember.
Russ: right now so can we get
the names, I mean of those
five that you're calling upon?
Kiri: those are their names,
you want their Sirian names?
Russ: yeah.
Kiri: Ka.
Russ: is for who?
Kiri: wisdom.
Russ: okay.
Kiri: Trah, not Twah, Trah, is
for justice. Huh, is for
knowledge. Let me translate
back to Sirian the...what is
it, truth, justice, wisdom,
knowledge and the last one
Russ: power?
Kiri: power I think. And I've
covered three right, I've
covered truth, justice and
wisdom? Okay knowledge is
Nayla. Not Nala, Nayla. And
power is Prya. Pryra.
Russ: that's pretty close
actually, power and Prya.
Kiri: Prya.
Russ: yeah, I can see the
correlation there.
Kiri: yeah, and actually Prya
means a little bit more than
just power. It means bright,
powerful and strong. And he is
always last, and he is male,
very male and every time you
mention him, he is last for
the simple reason he is the
one that makes the entrance.
Russ: so for those devas that
do remember, they must be
pretty old devas.
Kiri: yeah and the reason why
I think that the monitors went
haywire is the fact that a
couple of devas that kick
around the base suddenly went.
"What?" and heard it and came
flying. I think that I've got
a technician that's run off to
check things out.
Russ: okay now, wouldn't devas
have a collective memory?
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: so what if even those
who have come from other devas
Kiri: they'd have to think
about it first.
Russ: think about it.
Kiri: it would be like, "hmmm,
that sounds familiar, now
where have I heard that?"
Whereas the old ones will go,
"ohhhhh, I haven't had heard
that in a few years." Prick up
their ears, figure of speech
of course, prick up their ears
and go, "let's see what's
going on here." So who's the
deva you ask for last of all?
Russ: power.
Kiri: Prya.
Russ: right.
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: okay now.......oh very
important question, how do you
make a 24 pointed circle that
doesn't touch the inside
circle but touches all the
outside circle? In other
words, you don't let the
points touch the inside circle
I guess?
Kiri: that's right.
Russ: but the circle itself
can touch the inside circle.
Kiri: correct well what you
actually do is that you would
work off of the points where
they all join. The points
where each line joins is the
marking points for the inner
Russ: oh I see what you're
talking about.
Kiri: yeah, you don't
do.........you can take
something like a pentagram and
keep on rotating it so that
the points are evenly spaced
so you have 24 points. You
want to take a six pointed
star which would be I
Russ: star of David.
Kiri: yeah, star of David.
Russ: so you would rotate it
four times in a row.
Kiri: well you'd actually move
it four times.
Russ: four times and then you
would mark it were they all
connect up.......
Kiri: and you would actually
see a circle develop within
Russ: it would be almost like
a mandala,
Kiri: uh-huh.
Russ: wish I could find one in
my mandala books over there.
Kiri: you probably could.
Russ: it would have 24 points.
Kiri: uh-huh.