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(Kiri talks about a time before in Sirian mythology when a spell involving coal dust was used to kill a rival. It was considered a magical attack due to a relatively harmless dust causing the death of the victim over time.) 

Kiri: well you've got to remember that I'm not used to earth ceremonies, I am from Sirius. And let me quickly think a second here, you'll have to excuse the sound of whirring. That's me activating Mark's mind whilst I rummage around for stuff that I stored here. You're supposed to laugh.

John: yeah well I can hear the clanking going on, I was listening to the clanking going on in Mark's tiny brain.

Russ: I'm waiting for the penguins.

Kiri: I haven't come across those yet. Okay, stored away here, I have some information that I stored. We have timeshare you see the three of us, Tia, Mark and myself, we have timeshare. It's a lot of fun you know, get to mosey around in there and find suitcases full of penguins and all sorts of things. Okay now, back in the days before Tonar the Evil (from the Sirian Chronicles), way back and these are only fragments. It's like your legends of Greek, Greece.

Skip: mythology.

Kiri: yeah like mythology. Now it is said, that what was used was black crystals right? Which I think means coal and that was ground-up and that was turned into a powder. Now that was used as the attacking substance.

John: yeah gunpowder.

Kiri: no, no, no, no, no, not....

Skip: no there's two more chemicals.

Kiri: not, not as an explosive.

John: yeah, saltpeter and sulfur.

Kiri: no it wasn't an explosive.

Skip: potassium sulfate.

John: yeah potassium sulfate excuse me.

Kiri: when you two have finished.

Skip: sorry about that.

Kiri: it was not an explosive.

John: well excuse me for my misunderstanding.

Kiri: okay, it was used as an attack substance on a spiritual level being black and dark and coming from deep within the ground it was perceived as evil and it would be blown at the person. Now the defense against it was a cleansing with high mountain water from a sacred pool which I was suppose would be like your holy water. The symptoms from the black powder that's not explosive but does burn, was that the person, their lungs would get clogged and they would slowly fill up with fluid and I think that the medical term would be........hold on one second whilst ask my big sister whose a know all......emphysema. And it would clog up the lungs and the person would basically drown in their own lungs and it was all done frequently when the person slept and it was considered magic. Okay now a good magic that was used was the spring from a high mountain holy place. Which is too far away for me to get to when I go home. So I can't get any to bring here to send down to you guys as much as I'd like to.
