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(Omal talks about finding what makes one happy and working with that so when things do go bad you can stay positive. We look at conditions where someone knows only happiness or just sadness but it is determined in the end you don’t actually have to know both.) 

Omal: greetings and felicitations, greetings Skip, greetings Russ.

Russ: greetings Omal.

Skip: good evening Omal.

Omal: and how is everyone functioning?

Russ: excellent.

Skip: excellent, great and getting better.

Omal: that is good. Congratulations Skip.

Skip: oh thank you sir, I appreciate that.

Omal: you are welcome. And how does it feel to be no longer a single man?

Skip: very, very, nice.

Omal: that is good. Okay, let me continue with Kiri’s comments and Russ you were good to pick up on the contradiction, I was going to bring that up but it is not necessary. What Kiri has decided to open up is an interesting learning experience which is something that unfortunately is frequently neglected is the happiness of oneself with oneself.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: the understanding that to be in harmony with yourself means that you are in harmony with everything and Kiri has somewhat jumped around the edges of dealing with focusing in on achieving that happiness first before expanding out. And it is not a long, drawn out, protracted, self-defeating purpose but a purpose that you focus within yourself so that you can become contented with who you are. And it is a short process that first of all you have to accept who you are, not as Kiri put it some idealized version of some movie star, it is important to be contented with what you are given, what you start off life with. And your body constantly changes as it progresses through its natural, evolutionary cycle to a better condition to the point where you now have the abilities to develop yourself in happiness, being who you are. And in doing so you achieve the harmony around you, you become more contactable by others, other creatures of your planet, other spiritual entities which brings you up higher which in turn increases your happiness and you feel happier, you transmit that happiness and in turn it is returned to you again with a higher level of happiness. So to be unhappy with who you are means that you have less of that happiness and people do not reflect it back at you which does not increase itself so you stay at that level where you’re neither regressing or advancing, you stay an unhappy individual. But, as soon as you start to smile and are happy and contented with who you are, that is reflected to other people who in turn reflect it back amplified and you in turn feel more happiness and reflect it out even more and so on in an escalating pattern which continually gets better. Of course there are moments where you have to deal with negative situations but if you maintain that happy, external experience, then you do not subtract from it when you have to deal with negative or depressing or harmful situations. Okay, do we have questions?

Russ: ten or twelve.

Omal: okay let us start off with Skip and we will go backwards and forwards if you have some questions that is Skip.

Skip: well, I guess I operated my whole life under the positive aspect of it which made me feel more appreciated because I respect other people because I respect myself.

Omal: uh-huh.

Skip: and like you say, it reflects back to you more than twofold, whatever you give out you always get back.

Omal: that is correct.

Skip: and I’m trying to teach my grandson this and he’s slowly getting the lesson........

Omal: uh-huh.

Skip: but he is a young man and he’s growing and it just takes time.

Omal: well did you pick it up to start off with as quickly as you do now?

Skip: no.

Omal: so you have to remember….

Skip: well, I have a little comment that I always tell the kids, when I was 15 my dad was the dumbest individual I had ever met in my life and by the time I turned 21 he was pretty smart.

Omal: uh-huh.

Skip: in other words I was pretty stupid, I knew everything at 15.

Omal: that is correct.

Skip: and by the time I got to 21 I realized that hey I wasn’t that smart, it was just my dad that was that smart. And I try to instill this in the young people and they’re slowly learning, they’re slowly learning.

Omal: it is something that takes time.

Skip: yeah.

Omal: but all beings go through that learning phase, whether it is over many years or a few days, all beings go through that learning experience to accept that we do not know everything.

Skip: yeah.

Omal: I do not know everything, I am not some super intelligent, pan-dimensional being. I'm certainly a pan-dimensional being but I’m not super intelligent, not by those that are my idols, the people that I look up to, they are far more intelligent than I am. It is like comparing yourself to the feline, you are far more intelligent than the average feline but there again there are people that are more intelligent than you.

Skip: oh yeah.

Omal: to come to that balance and accepting as Kiri puts it who you are is very important and once you accept that, then you can help others by aiding them in your learning process by saying, "this is what I’ve learned." Dealing with the younger people of your species, they seem to forget that you were once their age too.

Skip: yeah.

Omal: it may have been some time ago but the things that they think, you think or thought, the way that they behave, you behaved.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: to quote one of your famous earth sayings, "as I am now, so you shall be." And that is something that they do not understand that you were once just as young, just as foolish, just as smart, just as witty, just as mischievous as they are now. Certainly the tools around them are different than from earlier times but the physical experiences do not change.

Skip: they’re all the same.

Omal: uh-huh. Okay let us go to Russ’ question.

Russ: okay. I don't have all that many I was just joking but the one thing I do have is that when we're growing up we have around us so many examples of other people’s happiness and other people’s sadness and tragedies and we always want to emulate or reach those persons who have the happiness and usually try to follow their examples that they went through in the hopes that was the secret that led to their happiness and maybe it will bring us some too. So sometimes that means getting as much money as you can or getting the best job or the best wife or the best car, whatever that made those people happy is what you think will make you happy. And then you look at people who live in monasteries or communes and things who have nothing and yet they’re very happy. And it’s like well which way do I go?

Skip: uh-huh.

Russ: do I have nothing and try to go that way and try to live in a commune and see if I’m happy there or do I go become rich and see if I have all my problems taken away because I don’t have to worry about money anymore? And I’m telling you it’s a lot of conflicts I think in people as they grow up and try to decide which way to become happy when actually it is really all in themselves to find that but there’s the question, how do they actually focus in on what will make them happy without actually having to go through these other experiences to do so?

Omal: unfortunately it is trial and error, I cannot give you a set pattern because one size does not fit all. I can say for me I did this, I did that, it brought me happiness but it may not work for either of you.

Russ: definitely won’t work for either of us.

Skip: I done the same thing, I’ve done the exact same thing.

Omal: you have to find what it is that makes you happy. Is it helping people, is it struggling, is it a combination of the two, is it something else, is it creating something with your hands, is it talking, is it sitting down and dwelling deep within, is it all of those, is it none of those? First of all you have to look within yourself before you can look without and the answers are normally very close to the surface that you can find readily and quickly. To understand that you have to be self-reliant is the next step, nobody can make you happy, you first have to make yourself happy. As Kiri said, first use the brain before you learn other things, you have to think before you do anything else. What brings happiness, what makes you contented? Having achieved that, then you can go out and be a happy maker, making other people happy so that it reflects back on yourself and in turn you give more so that they give more back and so on. It is like depositing money in a bank account, the more that you put in, the more that you get back. But it is not one thing, it is many things, one size does not fit all. Okay, next question please.

Skip: that’s sufficient for me.

Omal: okay let us deal to Mr. 11 questions left.

Russ: no I actually have a two-parter though.

Omal: okay.

Russ: okay. When you are......experience happiness, you actually have to go out and you have to experience sadness and troubles and things that make you really depressed in your life to really understand the opposite of that is being happy. With that, you have to kind of I guess come to the realization at some point in your life that all of that was some kind of a lesson that helped you grow into being happy. I myself have gone through many experiences where I went to the pits of despair but now I can just look back on them as just well that was a great lesson to go through. But when you’re the middle of those pits of despair, there’s nothing that you think will ever bring you back up again and it’s really kind of, where do you find that single ray of hope in that pits of despair? I mean a lot of people find it in religion, a lot of people find it just little things but I know nothing is all one thing for everyone but is there something like an idea that could be brought out to help in that point?

Omal: yes, one very simple one, planning on how to get out of that predicament. If you do this you know that will happen so you have to plan moment-by-moment on your improvements. But it is a misconception that you seem to be very well unknowing of that you have to have the negative to experience the positive. You do not. If you have negative experiences it makes the happy moments more enjoyable but if you never have a negative moment you're constantly happy. You never know what it is to experience pain, suffering or as you put it the depths of despair, those are unknown to you. So it is a misconception to say that you have to have both, you do not have to have both and the reason is and a very simple reason is why? You don’t need despair to appreciate happiness, you know happiness for what it is. It makes you feel good, it makes you feel well but you do have to have happiness to understand and appreciate and find the struggle in despair because without it you do not know any different. If you’re constantly in an environment where it is despair, despair, despair, depressed, depressed, depressed and you have never experienced happiness that is all you know. Happiness is unknown to you and it’s the same with being constantly happy, despair and depression is an unknown to you. So to say that you have to have one to experience the other is wrong but it becomes known that despair is a bad place when you experience happiness but if you experience just happiness, despair is unknown to you. You understand?

Russ: uh-huh.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: okay second part please.

Russ: okay, when you have this despair or the happiness, isn’t it something like a drug, kind of like a need to have that happiness to be constantly happy because happiness does make you healthier and despair makes you sicker?

Omal: I refer you to the answer I gave two moments ago. You do not know better if you have never experienced one or the other.

Skip: well I think we all put ourselves in a position of despair or depression or whatever and then work our way out of it and I really believe that.

Omal: it is for a reason that when you do that you do that for a reason but if you’ve never experienced one or the other you do not know better or you do not know worse.

Russ: hmmm.

Omal: if despair is a constant situation that you experience continually, then how do you know what happiness is?

Skip: or vice a versa.

Omal: correct.

Skip: uh-huh, but I think we do that to ourselves, I really believe we do.

Omal: you could be right, you could be very right. Okay next question please.

Russ: no that’s it.

Skip: that’s…..

Omal: that is it?

Skip: that's it, thank you very much.

Omal: I despair sometimes.

(we both break into laughter)

Skip: thanks Omal.

Omal: in the 3 ½ weeks that we have had I have been studying your humor.

Russ: well you’re doing quite better.

Omal: thank you.

Russ: as opposed to those first attempts.

Omal: I have had some dismal failures that is so depressing but now it is something I hope to be able to inflect a little bit better into a more humorous environment. I’ve always stated using humor is a very useful learning tool.

Russ: always.

Omal: and I will repeat my phrasing from some time ago that you remember the lessons more easily if they’re humorous.

Skip: that's correct.

Russ: that was a long time ago.

Omal: long time ago?

Skip: yeah.

Russ: yeah.

Omal: maybe to you it was, to me it was a blinking of the eye.

Skip: yeah right but you are correct.

Omal: uh-huh. Okay, as you do not have any more questions, I will say live long, prosper and, I’ll be back.

Skip: thanks Omal.

Russ: thanks Omal.