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(Karra gives a dissertation on maintaining a positive self-image and not being something you’re not. This is done through stories from both Sirius and Earth of historical figures unsatisfied with their outward appearance such as Tonar the Corrupt.) 

Skip: well you stop and figure out something. Our children, whether it's yours or mine or Russ', our children are our future.

Omal: oh yes.

Skip: and if we don't teach them right as they're growing up, where's our future going?

Karra: in the toilet.

Skip: you got it babe, you got it.

Karra: it's throughout even Sirian history, there are events in history where children have been neglected and unfortunately, it's been always very bad for the species. For our species for your species because in our old age before rejuvenation capability much as on your planet, if you don't treat your children well, they have no respect for you and in old age what does that mean? Ahhh, stick them in a home.

Skip: well that's happening right here in this world now.

Russ: oh yeah absolutely.

Russ: I mean now because the parents.....okay in my generation I was taught to respect your elders and have consideration for all people. As the generations have been born since me, the generation now are getting to the point of "hey live for yourself, the hell with everybody else."

Karra: which is very wrong.

Skip: and it's wrong.

Russ: oh yeah absolutely.

Skip: it's wrong, you have to have consideration for all life including your elders and your peers.

Karra: yeah it's something to do with the mental processes of the individual that when they get to the point where they say, "to hell with everybody else", they really don't care about themselves either.

Skip: that's correct. If you have no respect for yourself, you can't respect anybody else. Here's another thing Russ, do you like you?

Russ: I love me.

Skip: there you go, if you love you then you love other people.

Russ: oh absolutely, no questions asked.

Skip: okay and I'm the same way. I love me so consequently, I love all the people I come in contact with and the people I don't come in contact with.

Karra: speaking as a healer, the hardest thing that I find to understand about your species is that, I know we've discussed this in the past, is where people go, "I don't like the way that I look, I need my nose smaller, I need my breasts made bigger, I need my tummy tucked, I need this done, I need that done". They don't like themselves most of them, they're not happy as they are and they will never be happy with what they've got.

Skip: that's correct because even if they change what they want to change, they were still will not be happy with themselves.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: okay, my comment to these people and to a lot of people is, God never made any junk.

Karra: that's correct. There are certain cases where if there is a malfunction in the configuration of the nose and thank you Russ, you got me thinking in computer talk, you obviously have to fix the nose.

Skip: that's correct.

Karra: so then that is not cosmetic.

Skip: it's a physical malfunction and you can fix a physical malfunction.......

Karra: that's correct.

Skip: and once you get that fixed and it gets squared away then still, God never made no junk.

Karra: that's correct. But if a malfunction or a deformity happens, then it is part of nature.

Skip: that can be repaired

Karra: that is correct.

Skip: now, can I tell you a story?

Karra: yes certainly.

Skip: okay there was a story about a young prince, he had a deformed body, he had a statue carved of himself standing tall and straight and he placed it in the garden of the castle. Every day he seen that statue, every day he stretched to become that. Eventually he became that straight, tall young prince and overcame his deformities through his mental and spiritual being and everybody can do this.

Russ: yeah, it's within the concepts of everyone's creative ability.

Skip: anybody can do this. It's like this young lady has said, we're healers but we're only jump starters. We can jump start anybody to realize that they can heal themselves.

Karra: now there is a story, very similar on Sirius of Tonar the Corrupt and the statute he had made of himself that was perfect in every detail down to the fact of the pimple on his nose. And when the pimple was pointed out, he goes, "I don't have a pimple, remove that pimple from my statue." So they did and the nose fell off.

Russ: wow.

Karra: uh-huh.

Skip: okay here's another story I read just here not too long ago. A young gentleman was very vain about his hair and he lost it all. He had transplants from his chest which the hair still fell out of his head. He went through all the different aspects and advertisements they got about growing hair and this, that and whatever and all this time he was under the care of a physician. This doctor told him, he says, "well, we have got a new process and it's radiation." He says, "it's very, very experimental and very dangerous but if you'll give your permission", he says, "I'll try it on you and see if it will grow your hair". The gentleman said, "yes". The doctor took him into an x-ray room, darkened it down like they normally do for x-rays, turned on the machines so they hummed and buzzed, never done a thing to the gentleman. He said okay, he says, "now within two weeks your hair will start growing". He says, "in a year's time you'll have a full head of hair". In six weeks the gentleman sent the doctor a picture and he had a full head of hair because he was mentally convinced that this treatment that he got would grow his hair back. So mentally and physically and spiritually he grew his own hair back. The doctor was a jump starter.

Karra: correct.
