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(Kiri defines the morals Bunny works with to explain how she has so much trouble with third dimensional morals. The main difference between the two dimensions is the lack of ability to speak telepathically in one and how that and the ability to know someone's past lives in the other make relationships far deeper than the third dimension.) 

Russ: hmm, I have a question for you.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: Bunny brought up an interesting point that I had a question about. Tia is always going on about how our decaying moral system down here is a lot of what's bringing down our planet.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: but listening to Bunny talk about the moral system that she's under, compared to the moral system we have, I have to say yeah well our moral system is pretty weak compared to her's but as far as where the two stand up, I'm getting all confused.

Kiri: it's her set of morals.

Russ: right.

Kiri: she is an entertainer.

Russ: right.

Kiri: she is promiscuous as you put it. She doesn't understand the promiscuous side of it, she doesn't know what the word promiscuous means. She's totally confused by that concept of that it's wrong.

Russ: must be nice.

Kiri: for your society it is wrong.

Russ: right, it wouldn't work.

Kiri: no because sex is frowned upon outside of marriage in certain religious sects. It's frowned upon women between women, men between men that's frowned upon but it's the pleasure side that the fact that.......let's say I was to start hitting upon you correct?

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: right? And you were under the belief that to have a physical relationship with a bonded woman was wrong. Telepathically, I would be able to sense that you were upset by it. Even though you may be smiling and flirting and playing along a little bit, I would know that you were offended by it because of the underlying emotion of you seeing it as wrong.

Russ: right.

Kiri: so Huna, Bunny is able to understand when it is right for her to be offering the gift of herself, offering pleasure, offering fun, offering her love. She understands that feeling that it's.....she's very empathic.

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: that she knows when somebody is offended by it and therefore doesn't do it. Being empathic, she is also aware when somebody is in that sexual state.

Russ: lucky she didn't meet Mark a few years back.

Kiri: oh God, they would have been at it constantly. Being who she is, she does have a slight chemical imbalance which does give her that....

Russ: libido?

Kiri: yes, that libido, that libido in spades. She has been offered medication for it. She told me on the flight back, it was one of the.....because I asked her, I said having a heightened sexual arousment level and she goes, "what, you mean permanently turned on?" And it's sort of like yes, and she goes, "Well I'm not permanently turned on."

Russ: she didn't seduce all the stewardesses?

Kiri: no. She's turned on about 90% of the time.

Russ: so she nailed the pilot (chuckles).

Kiri: no, she didn't need to. She is........she can take medication for it. She doesn't want to because she feels.....and it doesn't affect her thinking or anything and she can control it herself.

Russ: right.

Kiri: she doesn't think about it constantly.

Russ: it doesn't interfere with her life.

Kiri: no, it doesn't interfere with her life at all.

Russ: it probably enhances it a lot.

Kiri: certainly, certainly.

Russ: it enhanced mine big time.

Kiri: because she is being in that sexual state a lot of the time, she's more aware of how people react. She senses little changes in them.