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(Tia makes a comparison between the morals of the third dimension and the morals of the sixth dimension from what she has seen from her observations. Things like jealousy for example destroying a 3rd dimensional relationship where it isn’t a factor in higher dimensions. A lot has to do with the past lives you can remember sharing with the person.) 

(Tia says hi in Durondedunn)

Tia: okay Russ........tonight, October the 14th 1997, approximately 20:30 hrs. correct?

Russ: uh-huh.

Tia: okay, first of all let us get down to a brief dissertation and brief I mean brief on my pet subject which is morals......and scruples and the difference between higher morals and third dimensional morals. And being a third dimensional evolved being that I supposedly am, I formulated some of my own morals which we’ve covered in the past but looking at current morals on your planet and the moral degradation that I’m watching and seeing and comments of Russ and more people are hitting a nudie site than hitting the Hades Base News. And this in itself brought a fascinating thought that I’m still trying to understand and that is the preoccupation with sex and how that interplays in the moral growth and how degradating it can be to individuals, both male and female. The fact that female sexuality and nudity seems to be more explored than male sexuality or homosexuality except for in the case of women which for some reason men find so fascinating. First of all let me preface this by saying on higher dimensions, sexuality is first of all done by consenting people. It's done for pleasure, there’s nothing dirty or cheap or nasty about it whatsoever, it’s all very tasteful and seems to be an expression of not only self-love and love for the other person but love for the group as a whole. For example when two people are in their most intimate mode, two people that love each other dearly and have shared many past lives together, that in itself is an expression of purest love but when it is two strangers that are enjoying an intimate moment of pleasure between them, it is a gift of thank you from one person to another and a exchanging of intimate patterns on a group level even though it is two individuals. So it doesn’t matter if it’s female male, it's an expression of love for the group, or male male or female female, that is all an expression of love and understanding and joy and happiness and release for the whole entire group even though as I said it is just two people or three people or however many people are involved. However, on the third dimension on your planet it seems that there are so many different factors that come into play in the sexual act and it can be turned and twisted and used in a different way. It can be used as an escape, it seems to be used as a power trip, it seems to be used to make people feel better about themselves, it seems to be used to.....come up with a interesting expression......used to get one’s bangs. Very strange expression that but it is a third dimensional Earth expression. And it seems to me that I can’t call it lovemaking because it’s not, sex the act, the desire, lust is a.......I can't think of the correct words but that in itself, the act of using it for all those things that I mentioned for lust, for self-gratification, for a power trip, for getting bangs, whatever, in itself opens up a whole list of moral dilemmas and possibilities. And the feeling of she’s mine, he’s mine is a interesting dilemma that when my man goes off and has sex with another woman, and I’m speaking as if I was on your planet in a third dimensional level, I have to get jealous, upset and can I trust him? And that is another part right there, trust. In a more evolved environment you don’t need that trust to have somebody race off, make love, have sex, get their bangs, whatever you want to call it and then wonder if they're going to come back to you because on a higher level you know that they're going to come back, you know that they are enjoying themselves, they are fulfilling a need not only for them but for the other person because it is mutual. There is no such thing on a higher dimensional level as rape, it is willing and consensual with both parties. But on a third dimensional this seems not to be the case and this is a conundrum to puzzle on the evolutionary advancement. The jealousy factor, let’s call it the jealousy factor, why would somebody feel jealous about somebody else? It’s because they perceive them as their mate, their property, their friend, whatever and the fact that they're going off and having fun and enjoying themselves with somebody else seems to create friction and dealing with that fiction is the first step. So, in a third dimensional environment, is it worth having free love? And the answer and conclusion that I've come to is no except in certain circumstances being where the parties involved are spiritually advanced to be aware that the ramifications involved. Behaving in a sixth dimensional way in the joining and union in whatever form. Okay, dissertation done.

Russ: okay, now we understand that there is no rape, there is no real jealousy on a higher dimensional level….

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: but from a lower dimensional level from where I’m looking at it, it almost seems like it’s necessary for our evolution at this time.

Tia: yes, that's what I was trying to say.

Russ: but why?

Tia: why? To deal with those emotions, to deal with those situations, how you handle them is all-important. From what I’ve heard and having whispered in my ear is that you seem to deal with those situations very well in your capacity but your partners on the other hand tend to get very confused and distraught by them and causes all sorts of problems.

Russ: well the fact that they're sharing you with someone on a higher dimension is a little tough to deal with sometimes.

Tia: uh-huh. Yes, next question?

Russ: okay, basically knowing that, knowing that they deal with things even if a third dimensional girl that they're jealous of but have no reason to, it’s almost the just really problems that you’re working out from past lives with them correct?

Tia: correct.

Russ: okay. Now why doesn't that happen on higher dimensions, why don’t you have that karma to work out?

Tia: because we know what our or they know what their karmas are, they know what happened and why and how it interplayed over a long period of time. It’s like looking at a picture and we use this analogy over and over again and focusing on one small section, that’s all you see but when you step back and look at the whole entire picture you see it as totally different.

Russ: hmmm.

Tia: and that is how it works with past lives is you’re looking at the whole picture.

Russ: I see, so in another words you guys kind of get together for a couple drinks and laugh about your past lives?

Tia: well yes, they do.

Russ: they do right, that'd be kinda fun to watch.

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: I remember when you got all jealous and dah, dah, dah, dah.

Tia: yes, basically from what I’ve seen.

Russ: hmm, that must be interesting to enjoy.

Tia: I should imagine it would be.

Russ: I can only picture it, I can’t see it for myself.

Tia: I’ve seen it.

Russ: okay. I don’t have any other questions to go over on the subject for now. Morals are always just something you have to accept jealousy and rape and all that stuff is just a third dimensional state of mind that comes with the state of the third dimension.

Tia: yeah.

Russ: we agreed to be here to learn these lessons, well, we have to accept how we shaped our classroom.

Tia: correct. Okay…….

(Tia says goodbye in Durondedunn)

Russ: bye.