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(Kiri shares her thoughts on people in both dimensions who are users. She provides a personal account of such a person newly ascended to the sixth she tried to help with no success. The person was sub-super operant which added even more complications to her dilemma but gave us a terrific look at a whole sub-set of the Sirian population. Those who aren’t super operants yet have a lot of potential and we know of one who often attends channeling sessions, Bunny.) 

Kiri: you’ve got to accept that you cannot help them. I mean for example, when I was doing my doctorate on coercion right?

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: I worked with a group of………I don’t have the gene capability, I’m not a sub-super operant. You remember Bunny’s older sister, the one that we called the psycho one?

Russ: oh yeah, yeah, yeah, right, I remember her well.

Kiri: uh-huh, I worked with a group of individuals that were actually worse than that.

Russ: oh is this light bothering you by the way?

Kiri: no, I’ve got something in my eye and.......

Russ: oh.

Kiri: I’m rubbing Mark’s eye whilst I’m rubbing mine.

Russ: oh.

Kiri: and I’d like to go……..and pull it out but it’s an eyelash actually……..but there was.....I was working with this group and there was one young man in particular. I don’t think he should have ever of ascended, he was one of those interesting quirks of being a sub-super operant and a first timer which is almost unheard of. It’s not unknown but with the small population that we have it’s about fifteen million to one.

Russ: isn’t that like Tonar the Corrupt kind of thing?

(from the Sirian Chronicles)

Kiri: yes apart from this person was still very third dimensional, still in a third dimensional thought mode, did never understand the fact that they had certain obligations being spiritually more evolved supposedly on their home planet. His intelligence level by our standards…that’s the average IQ worldwide......for us, he never got above a five-year-old which means that his IQ level was very low. Intellectually he was.....it’s hard to describe. Anyway, the thing was I tried to help him, I tried coercing him, I tried laying out mental pathways by getting into his mind with coercive capability, I tried to program him, I tried to break down the doors and he was a sub-super operant but he was totally latent.

Russ: in all four of his capabilities?

Kiri: uh-huh, yep but if he had had the desire and the drive, he could of easily of pushed through those latent barriers. Remember most five-year-olds, sub-super operant children are latent.

Russ: yeah but their training starts earlier than five.

Kiri: uh-huh but they make the breakthrough when they’re five.

Russ: yeah?

Kiri: yeah I mean if they’re fully functional in one or two that’s fine, that’s easy we have programs but four, we don’t have specialized programs, that’s why we have the problems with kids like Leonedies.

Russ: hmm.

Kiri: but this young man, he was my age, no ambition, no desire, no wanting to. Oh he talked up a storm, talked up a fantastic storm on what he planned to do, how he planned to go about it as long as you would help him. “I need you to help me.” And it got to the point I’m trying to help, I’m trying to help and every time he just didn’t grasp it.

Russ: hmm.

Kiri: so at that point I basically turned around and said, “I can’t help you, you’ve got to help yourself. Your first lesson is learning to help yourself”

Russ: and what happened?

Kiri: I told him that when he’s ready to advance and learn more to call me.

Russ: oh you haven’t heard from him since?

Kiri: nope, haven’t heard from him since.

Russ: hmm.

Kiri: as far as I’m concerned, I failed miserably but I learned from it, I learned that there are some people that no matter how much you like them……I thought he was a good guy, I thought he was a nice guy……..you can’t help them.

Russ: too bad though, such potential.

Kiri: there was no potential.

Russ: really, sub-super operant? If he had been fully developed in all four, he could have been quite a boon for sixth dimensional……

Kiri: nope.

Russ: really?

Kiri: IQ, he would have been a trouble waiting to happen.

Russ: oh yeah.

Kiri: low IQ, low learning capability…..

Russ: so the reason he ascended was due to the fact that he was a sub-super operant.

Kiri: yes, even probably on third dimension.

Russ: right.
