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PART ONE- Total step length: 113:34 min.
CHANNELED TOPICS- Lesson length: 30:00 min. 1.) How the Morals Differ2.) Grasping the Difference 3.) Clearing Up Bunny's Confusion 4.) Morals From A Higher Perspective
TEACHER- BUNNY Bunny talks about her morals she works
with in finding partners compared to the more
restrictive morals of the third dimension. For
her, she had the freedom to enjoy the gift of
sharing her love whenever and with whomever she
wished. She was confused as to why it wasn't that
way on this planet. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 4:50
min. TEACHER- KIRI Kiri defines the morals Bunny works
with to explain how she has so much trouble with
third dimensional morals. The main difference
between the two dimensions is the lack of ability
to speak telepathically in one and how that and
the ability to know someone's past lives in the
other make relationships far deeper than the third
dimension. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 3.) TEACHER- BUNNY Bunny gets clarity on Earth morals
to find out why they are so different from the
morals she is used to. In a prior session, we had
explained the religious beliefs establishing a set
of third dimensional morals commonly accepted but
now it was the wide range of STD's that also
played a part in how the morals differ. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 4.) TEACHER- TIA Tia makes a comparison between the
morals of the third dimension and the morals of
the sixth dimension from what she has seen from
her observations. Things like jealousy for example
destroying a 3rd dimensional relationship where it
isn’t a factor in higher dimensions. A lot has to
do with the past lives you can remember sharing
with the person. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO
![]() SIRIAN TECHNOLOGY CHANNELED TOPICS- Lesson length: 43:39 min. 1.) Kiri's Base Computer 2.) Drawing From the Genetic Astral 3.) Beam Me Up Scotty 4.) Karra's Base Computer 5.) Accidental Breakthroughs 6.) Clouds and UFO's 7.) Holographic Photo Albums 8.) A Teleporter Prank 9.) Kiri's Com Unit
TEACHER- KIRI In a discussion about how advanced the
technology will advance, Kiri agrees there is no
limit and uses her work computer up on the base as
an example of how far we have to go. For example,
she uses a small cube to possibly hold trillions
of gigs of memory. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 2:51
min. 2.) TEACHER- KIRI Kiri describes how Kornas can draw
genetic material from an astral body using a
special needle with an electrical field. We learn
the astral form holds some DNA of the physical
body and their science condenses it down to
extract what is needed. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- TIA Tia goes over the matter
transference technology available to other races
than ours. She also has a fictional story that is
pretty humorous from another third dimensional
race warning of the disaster that can befall
someone in an accidental transportation. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KARRA Karra explains how her computer
works and that being voice-activated, it isn’t as
easy as it sounds to operate. It is pretty smart
though as it reported to her my disrespecting of
its functions. The trick is realizing its AI is
closer to that of a professor at some university. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- TANAKA President Tanaka of Sirius in a
casual conversation accidentally provides the
solution to a wood-free building material that can
be recycled. While it isn’t enough to bring it to
reality it does provide quite a few laughs. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Kiri uses the technology available
to her to sort out from some clouds in a
photograph to find a UFO that was hidden behind
them. She confirms it is probably not one of the
ships from the base that she can see. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- TIA Tia describes the little discs they
use for the hologram picture stands that hold
either six small pictures of two life-size
holograms. Some of the technology is discussed
that makes it work such as a base for the laser
optical system running on eight gigs of memory. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- TIA A discussion with Tia about a
theoretical computer of the future channeling to a
person in the present leads to learning about the
programming of the computers in a higher
dimension. That is how we discover that they give
the computers limits to what it can consider to
keep their AI under control. Tia also discusses
the transporter system she went through once
without her consent as a prank. The discussion on
the channeling opens the door for Tia to clarify
the difference in channeling the base does which
focuses more on preparing for the future. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- KIRI Kiri brings up during a discussion
on second engineering the communications module
she wears on her wrist like everyone on the base.
One of the functions is to project a hologram of
the person on the other end as they view the
hologram she is projecting. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO
![]() SIRIAN CEREMONIES CHANNELED TOPICS- Lesson length: 39:55 min. 1.) A Sirian Candle Ceremony 2.) A Spell From the Old Days 3.) Invitation to a Deva 4.) Devic Ceremonies of Sirius
TEACHER- KIRI Kiri presents a very long and detailed
Sirian candle ceremony she knew by heart. It is a
ceremony of blessing by the gods and as a bonus
she gives us the Sirian names of the gods. One
side effect we did not expect was the sudden
presence of devas both on the base and in the
channeling room here on Earth. Format
mp3- Lesson
length: 21:56
min. TEACHER- KIRI Kiri talks about a time before in
Sirian mythology when a spell involving coal dust
was used to kill a rival. It was considered a
magical attack due to a relatively harmless dust
causing the death of the victim over time. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO TEACHER- TREEBEARD Treebeard learns from us the Earth
word for deva and we learn from him a story from
his youth he drew from out of his vast storehouse
of memories of when he and his friends held a
ceremony to attract a deva which had to be
repeated many times over the years before a deva
came to a spot chosen as sacred. After that it
became a very holy place where the deva could
enter and still was as of the recording. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 4.) TEACHER- KIRI Kiri recalls some ceremonies
involving the calling of devas where one was of
the ocean and one was for the help in a healing
where a person was disconnected between a higher
and a middle self. The person was not quite
complete and the ceremony joined the two parts to
make a whole. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO