(Treebeard helps us
understand that when probing, not only do
the wavelengths that are viewable to someone
with skill as different colored lines, there
goes along with that an inaudible sound.
Often what is being seen are the unsaid
thoughts at the forefront of the mind.)
Russ: Treebeard.
Treebeard: yes, name of myself
being for you.
Russ: greetings and felicitations.
Treebeard: being not of Omal, just
Russ: well greetings.
Treebeard: what may I of be doing
of service for you?
Russ: ahh….
Treebeard: you have thoughts that
you have many of......
Russ: uh-huh, absolutely.
Treebeard: directed at me.
Russ: uh-huh indeed.
Treebeard: indubitably.
Russ: going over a dissertation
that you made….
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: in which you were explaining
being able to probe people’s
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: and the fact that you’re
seeing them in many different
forms. One form is a waveform…..
Treebeard: that is correct.
Russ: and with that waveform comes
Treebeard: correct.
Russ: okay. Now the one thing that
I wanted to find out is, most the
time when we deal of colors,
there’s also oftentimes an
accompanying sound.
Treebeard: that is correct.
Russ: I wanted to kind of find out
a little bit about the sound and
how it relates.
Treebeard: okay the sound is not a
perceptible sound, it is more of a
feeling of a sound.
Russ: okay.
Treebeard: the way to describe it
is in corresponding with certain
colors, a deep color is a deep
sound, a light color is a light
sound so the sounds being of
compatible nature in the wave. The
wave, the color, the sound are all
of similar nature, nature being of
deep sound, deep color, deep wave.
Color of being light, light sound,
light wave. Very simple, very
Russ: hmm, okay. Now I’d like to
reverse that and in projecting
conversation and thoughts, the
ability to use those in a reversed
fashion to influence a
conversation or the emotions
thereby and making those changes
in the atmosphere…..
Treebeard: hmm…
Russ: is that a viable idea?
Treebeard: it is being of a
certain extent yes.
Russ: hmm okay. So to do so,
because we were just talking with
Karra about the key phrases….
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: and in a conversation and I
would think that then along with
those key phrases, a projection of
a wave along with a color and
sound of it would make an
additional………..something upon me.
Treebeard: impact is phrase you
looking for.
Russ: ahh impact, thank you.
Treebeard: yes. Not being of
communicator as know well, it
being of hard for me to say no or
Russ: hmm.
Treebeard: it being of nature that
probable possibility, it being of
something necessary to not be
favorite phrase for you, hasty,
would being having to dwell.
Russ: hmm true.
Treebeard: to answer in manner of
hurried thought would be of being
Russ: no please, don’t hurry your
thought on it, it is just
something I'm…..
Treebeard: I feel strong to say I
will not hurry, it is necessary to
be of focused and dwelling on
this. I will make note for being
of later to dwell.
Russ: okay, is there any other
information we should work on
before you do so that might
Treebeard: I save for later being
of dwelling time.
Russ: ahh okay, fair enough. All
right, now your great, great,
great, grandniece….
Treebeard: being of rest.
Russ: of many generations back,
picks thoughts out of the air as
she says.
Treebeard: uh-huh.
Russ: now I'm assuming that what
she’s actually talking about is
thoughts that are on the outer
Treebeard: correct.
Russ: of a person, not just in the
middle of the air.
Treebeard: correct.
Russ: things that are kind of just
hanging out there ready to be said
or thought but haven’t become
materialized yet.
Treebeard: has she not many of
times the few talking of you
finished sentences for you and
starting of sentences for you?
Russ: absolutely.
Treebeard: have I not being also
of same?
Russ: that’s true.
Treebeard: that is part of picking
up on thoughts that are being of
about to said.
Russ: ahh okay. And we do that
subconsciously do we not?
Treebeard: that being of correct
to certain extent. It being more
of reading body language of
person, talking to of group and
knowing what is more than likely
being probable to say. In a
subconscious level yes you are
being of doing that.
Russ: hmm, okay.
Treebeard: yes being also of