(Treebeard relates
how telepathic conversations on the higher
dimensions need more specific questions and
answers than general ones. He lets us know how the
youth of higher dimensions have differences in
their communications than their elders. )
now a lot of our ability to
communicate is based of course on
our third dimensional existence.
With the addition of telepathy, is
communication then becoming a more
fluid form of discussion then or
how does that compare?
Treebeard: despite popular thought
processes happening, it increases
the linguistic ability and
necessity to specify. As you
project a thought processes, it is
necessary to be specific and
eloquent in how you communicate
your words. If you communicate
poorly on a physical and telepathy
level, it leads to all kinds of
misunderstanding and lacking in
comprehension. It is important to
specify exactly what you say. In
specifying, it makes it easier to
know exactly what is said. More
youthful individuals transmit
feelings and emotions as well as
statements, generalized
statements. This blurs the lines
between eloquent communication and
communicating on a normal level.
Specifying exactly what is said is
Russ: uh-huh. Okay, so with the
key ingredients of these
conferences all being based on a
physical communication, then it's
more important than ever to…
Treebeard: specify exactly.
Russ: right, because you don’t
have things like telepathy and
such to….
Treebeard: that is correct. It is
important to, as I have stated and
something that I dislike to do is
repeat myself but I will, it is
important to weigh the answers and
the questions. In understanding of
these discussions, a misplaced
word can slow down or reverse the
conference processes. So it is
important to specify exactly and
to answer after weighing each
question. In weighing the
questions, you can formulate a
coherent and intelligent answer.
Russ: hmm.