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(Omal explains what the Brotherhood of Light is and what it does. It is a reminder that our planet is just one of many third dimensional planets being aided by the Brotherhood. This is just one possible world for incarnation.) 

Russ: on another note, we have........I did find another channel that might be able to participate in the conference but she channels Pleiadians.....

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: so that would give us another representative group though aligned with Ashtar Command......

Omal: yes.

Russ: it will at least give us....that would be three plus if we can get René to work on it.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: that would be an extra one.

Omal: okay so that is four but the majority of them are all under the Brotherhood of Light in one capacity or another.

Russ: right.

Omal: we're still having problems getting a hold of the Zeta's, the Reptiloids and the various other factions.

Russ: well I just keep striking out on that Zeta link. I keep going into it and finding more channels on like I said for Peladians but for the Zeta Reticuli, I cannot find this lady to the save my life.

Omal: she is out there, whether or not she is Internet access or not yet is besides the point. The fact is that she is out there and our guestimates are that she will have Internet access here if she does not have it already.

Russ: well good. One thing I noticed was that somebody called the Ashtar Command the air wing of the Brotherhood of Light.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: so kind of like the blue guys (the pilots of the base) being the air wing of Hades Base.

Omal: yes, in essence.

Russ: in essence.

Omal: you have to remember Ashtar Command is a very large organization, we are but a very small cog.

Russ: well it is almost as if this was mentioned that Ashtar Command was actually a part......a small part of Brotherhood of Light.

Omal: yes.

Russ: well how big is the Brotherhood of Light?

Omal: it is big.

Russ: oh, I'm just trying to get some reference.

Skip: would that include all forms of life, the Brotherhood of Light?

Russ: I'm not sure on that point, Omal?

Omal: it is something that........it depends on how you look at things. The Brotherhood of and Sisterhood of Light is made up of many, many different entities and beings, all intending on the same purpose but from different angles. It is hard to put a number on how many there are but it certainly counts into very high numbers. The thing is that we all work from different angles and objectives and purposes, all for the same goal which is to increase the vibrational awareness of your planet and therefore to enhance the spiritual growth and learning capabilities so that when the time for changes come, you are ready. Depending on how many people wish to listen depends on whether you define the number as a large number or as a small number. A large number is something that depends on your perspective. To some, a million is a large number. To others, it is a small number. A billion is larger and there again there are differences on the definition of a billion.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: is it a million, million or is it a hundred million? Or is it a hundred, million, million, million? It depends on your definition.

Russ: hmm, now that puts Earth in a perspective of well if the Brotherhood of Light is like extremely large and Ashtar Command is smaller and then Hades Base is smaller......

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: Earth is smaller.

Omal: no, Earth is just as important as any other planet that is being aided in its spiritual advancement and awareness.

Russ: hmm.

Omal: every planet, every being is just as important as every other being. To sacrifice one for another is not what our purpose is. Our purpose is to help all beings that wish to be helped. Any that do not wish to be helped, we cannot help them because they do not wish to be helped but the hand is always there for them to change their minds, to change their awareness at whatever time they wish. Whether they believe in a single deity, multiple deities, male deities, female deities is besides the point, it is all there for help. Whether somebody chooses one path is up to them, we cannot force a path on an individual, we cannot tell you, "Skip, this is what you must do, Russ, this is what you must do, feline, this is what you must do." That is wrong because you have to learn for yourself what is necessary for your advancements. We, as Kiri said, lay a framework for you to work within if you desire to do so. Kiri is a little bit more adamant on the fact that it is a framework for you to build upon. For my saying, I say that it is a framework that you may wish to use or may not wish to use.

Russ: okay. Hmmm...interesting.

Skip: yeah I understand what Omal is saying but I think in our 3-D society it is more of a foundation perspective word. In other words, if the foundation's there it's built, if it isn't there it isn't built.

Omal: exactly, that is a different way of wording it.

Skip: yeah, it's just a different perspective on words is all it is Omal.

Omal: yeah but regardless, it is whether or not you wish to use the foundation or the framework, that is your choice, we cannot tell you, "you must." For me to say, "you must.........."

Skip: we can't even do that to our people.

Omal: that is correct........is taking away your choice, you're free will and as Kiri pointed out, that is very wrong.

Skip: yeah we can't even do that to our own kind. Some people try it......

Omal: uh-huh.

Skip: but it still don't work.

Omal: but you see the importance of the choice.

Skip: yeah.

Omal: choosing is very, very important. Okay, any more questions?

Skip: no, not from me.

Russ: just one.

Omal: okay.

Russ: Skip, myself, others who have joined our group, yourself and others on Hades Base and Mark..........

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: all of us have all agreed at some point to come together to work together.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ:  our work influences other people in various ways. We kind of are at a point where we'll see those benefits or not so much benefits as our lessons throughout the lives that we lead and what we do. Our influence is going to be so important for ourselves. That's the key right?

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: is to work on....each of us even though we come into group, with work together with each other.....

Omal: but also independently.

Russ: also independently right.........to enrich ourselves and each other.

Omal: uh-huh.

Skip: uh-huh.

Russ: okay, so those people who come to our page are coming in the same way, they've agreed to join us in this learning experience.

Omal: correct. It is.....sorry.

Skip: excuse me I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you.

Omal: no, no.

Skip: either to join us or to get the information where they can learn and join us in the future is what it looks like to me. Because you put out a heck of a page.

Russ: hmmm, well we do a lot of work there, makes it kind of exciting.

Skip: uh-huh.

Omal: but you are quite correct in saying that whether or not everybody comes together that reads the Hades Base News for one time is besides the point. It is more along the lines of that they read, they're participating by reading and by learning but we cannot force them to learn, we cannot force them to read, that is their choice. It is important to stress that everybody has free will. We are not telling anybody, "this is the way it is, this is the end-all and be-all." No it is not. There are many different paths for many different individuals and it is up to them to choose the path that is right for them.

Russ: hmm okay.

Omal: okay.

Russ: excellent, thank you Omal.

Omal: no problem. Live long, prosper and, I'll be back.

Skip: thank you.