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(Omal confirms that Tuella is someone who has sat in on the Councils and channeled to someone on this planet some things heard. That brings up a conversation about a mass evacuation of the Earth and how that would take place theoretically.) 

Russ: okay, this will be a little bit long also. On the Internet I had a conversation with a lady who sent me an e-mail…..

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: she is a avid reader of Tuella.

Omal: yes.

Russ: the unacknowledged scribe of Ashtar Command......

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and in it she says that the evacuation of the planet from Ashtar Command due to the upcoming pole shift is a fact and since I am basically saying no, that’s not going to happen in our lifetimes, I’m basically the antichrist at that point.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and well because, I’m quoting you.

Omal: yes.

Russ: now I told her that no, what actually is going to happen is the only evacuation will be our ascendancy to sixth dimension which is as you’ve said will take place due to apparent accidents which……

Omal: yes.

Russ: in which a person ascends to a higher dimension but their third dimensional body is still left here.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: and the fact that well no, there’s not going to be anything like a pole shift in our lifetime but I can’t really be able to prove it or anything until the time actually comes.

Omal: uh-huh.

Russ: how do I deal with people like that?

Omal: okay, now the problem stems from the fact of the scribe. Tuella likes to indulge in gossip and has sat in on meetings. Tuella, if I ever get this out, enjoys listening to gossip, reporting gossip. The best way to describe Tuella is, yes she does have some facts and information, yes she has sat in on Council meetings, yes she does record what is said but she does love to gossip and she does love to listen to rumors and rumors and half informations that are reported. For example, a discussion that was held many years ago on if there was a problem on your planet, how would it be handled and what would be necessary to deal with it. The option of a mass evacuation was discussed. That was thought upon and recently decided that it would not work due to the fact of the sheer size of the population that would be necessary to evacuate. For example, you have a population on your planet of close to eight billion people, where would we put them? How would we transport them? How would they handle being in such a confined area where you may have one or two million confined to an area of no more than maybe five miles, very cramped and uncomfortable for them. So what do you do? Obviously you cannot evacuate that kind of number. Do we let people die? Well we cannot make that decision, that is something that must be left up to them so therefore a mass evacuation would present a problem. How you deal with individuals that have had this information given to them is that you smile and you say, “well certainly you have heard information that does have a lot of merit to it but it is a matter of time and logistics to see what will actually occur.” And by answering in such an ambiguous way, you appease them a little bit. They read into what they hear what they wish to hear. For example, if you say that it is a matter of time and logistics on the amount of necessary individuals that are evacuated, you’re being vague and ambiguous. So therefore you do not give a straight answer but you have told them what they wish to hear even though you haven’t told him anything. People that listen to things without looking for what is really said and looking at things deeper tend to not see things fully. They tend to see things that they wish to see. You cannot please people like that and it is, "oh well they have their path to walk." That is the best way to deal and handle with those people. Thank you.

Russ: thank you.

John: thank you very much.

Omal: thank you all for coming, I will now depart as I have a Council meeting to go.

Skip: thank you.

Omal: live long, prosper and, I’ll be back.

John: yeah we appreciate your time, thank you.