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(Ashtar comes to chat to dispute rumors put out by a 3rd dimensional race that Ashtar Command had left in a huff and were no longer looking after humanity. His reply is simple but true in that the works of light they already do in proof they are still around.) 

Ashtar: greetings and felicitations everyone.

Russ: greetings.

Ashtar: let us proceed with tonight’s discussion.

Russ: okay.

Ashtar: it has been brought to my attention that certain alien organizations claim that we do no longer work with your planet.

Russ: this is true.

Ashtar: this should be rectified.

Russ: I agree.

Ashtar: I received reports from the base commander concerning such situations. You have questions in relation to this?

Russ: yes as a matter of fact, how do we address this in a way that would make it unquestionable?

Ashtar: with communication with your medic friend, her idea is quite correct (Karra). The idea of putting news in the newsletter is the ideal thing. We were not planning to do this just yet but our hand has been forced so we will have to do so. Include in your news section like one of your wasteful news mediums listing articles such as events concerning us, events concerning you and us, editorials I believe you would call them, such details on comparisons with information released by the Zeta Reticuli and other groups and in doing so put in an editorial that you would put in and your medic.

Russ: okay, thank you. We could also address questions to the channeler of this information.

Ashtar: correct.

Russ: now, I’d like to address a question that will give them pause for thought.

Ashtar: okay, the question being? Oh, you wish me……

Russ: ahh yeah, something that you would suggest that would make them go, “oh, maybe we haven’t mistaken this possibly?”

Ashtar: the light work that we continue to do with individuals in various groups throughout the planet is evidence enough. Individuals that work outside the system and try to get information out concerning such detrimental information. Individuals from areas such as Sedona, such as from the East Coast, Australia and other parts of the world. It is self-evident that we are working, we are still with your planet. We did not leave as it was stated we left in a huff, we did not. We had to rethink our actions due to the fact of certain groups behaving in a harmful way. We still work with light and understanding but we also have to take into consideration that certain organizations wish for us not to be around due to the fact that we interfere with their world which is our primary purpose is to protect you.

Russ: uh-huh, well on behalf of all of us, we thank you very much for the work you have done even though you don’t get thanked enough I don’t feel.

Ashtar: that is part of the job description as you would say.

Russ: hmm.