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(Karra and I knock around ideas for both a physical and online version of a university or healing center where everything we’re doing with the Hades Base Center for Ascension is actually happening. Tia interjects the fact that people might associate what we’re doing as something related to cults so we discuss alternate options such as working through another established organization or begin a newsletter.) 

Russ: alright then let’s talk about something that is on our minds right now.

Karra: okay.

Russ: you know what that is.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: beginning or working on the development of some meta-psychic university, school of thought, whatever…..

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: class I don’t know but more involved with that because there’s more to it. 

Karra: uh-huh. 

Russ: well we have a beautiful location up here, I’m sure we could find an excellent place that we could hold it in. People would come from all over the world to come and study in such a place in a way that it would be very harmonious with nature and yet lots to do in the meantime when the evening time came.

Karra: keep talking for a second, I’ve got Tia’s talking as well, she’s making a few comments.

Russ: okay, so what you would do is you'd essentially get on the web and you would invite speakers, teachers, students and all to come to Lake Tahoe to some place that you had set up. Part of that of course would include a web kind of thing where you could Spirit chatrooms on the web, involved in the same kind of thing like teaching new age thought or psychic skills over the web in a cyber classroom you might say. Bringing in people for seminars, lectures…

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: channeling sessions, basically having teachers from all of the world, all of the galaxy, all of the universe.

Karra: yes, Tia’s brought up some interesting problems.

Russ: okay.

Karra: ones that I didn’t even think of. She goes, "what is the long-term outcome?" And the ones that we’re thinking of is the advancement of education, the advancement of knowledge, the advancement of understanding.

Russ: well and also the ability to start gathering groups…

Karra: together yes.

Russ: together or sending people out to begin groups.

Karra: Tia brought up the topic of cults.

Russ: cults?

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: why would that come up?

Karra: because some people would perceive, she put it this way that some people would perceive what you're try to do as a cult-like behavior.

Russ: you mean like Jim Jones or something?

Karra: yeah something like that or the Heaven’s Gate organization.

Russ: well there must be a way around that.

Karra: yes but it is something that would be the biggest problem and in doing so she said that there are things that both you and Mark do not desire that would happen.

Russ: yeah, publicity and lack of privacy.

Karra: uh-huh, that’s just one thing but she brought up the subject of cult leaders becoming not only figures of joking ridicule but also figures in history, figures that become religious figures and neither of you two want that.

Russ: well there is another option that is available......

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: is finding someone who’s already doing that and assisting them.

Karra: yes.

Russ: for example, remember that place that I read about in…..where is it?

Karra: I remember vaguely.

Russ: yeah it was in the Sedona thing.

Karra: yeah, emergence.

Russ: Journal of Emergence yeah and it was about somebody who is doing something right there. It’s only like what? Two hours away.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: and they have like seminars and classes and charge tons of money for it but maybe doing maybe a seminar every other month or so?

Karra: yeah.

Russ: kind of that thing.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: how it would be not starting one yourself but at least helping somebody who’s already got one on.

Karra: if that would be a better way to go but you have to be very careful about cults. Tia brought up a very, very valid point I feel.

Russ: well for example those people, they aren't considered cults, they're considered a retreat.

Karra: uh-huh, yes it would be a something that would be very, would be better than the way that we were going. It’s handy sometimes when we discuss things on the intimate mode, we tend to overlook things....

Russ: right.

Karra: and having Tia as an external party and Tia’s way of thinking which is different from any third dimensional earthling that I know and any sixth dimensional Sirian I know. She has a very unique way of looking at things which is very useful and also the fact that Tia sees things because of her different perception in a very different way that she reads people much, much better than you or I sometimes.

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: and the goal that we're going to is being able to pass out the information. The Internet thing….

Russ: hmm.

Karra: I believe you’ve already got that in action with the chat rooms and of course the Hades Base News.

Russ: yeah we’ve got sort of the same thing going now.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: and it’s just it’s not as one-on-one as I’d like it to be.

Karra: no but then…

Russ: sort like one-on-hundreds.

Karra: yeah but even in a chat room or not in a chat room but in a lecture room where people are discussing it is no longer one-on-one. In fact it is far less then a select number of individuals being invited to a chat room to discuss with Kiri or Tia something going on.

Russ: hmm, true, true.

Karra: and when you have 15 or 20 people in a room, not only the fact that we have to deal at that point with Tia’s shyness and Kiri’s playfulness or showmanship, we also have to deal with the fact that the anxiety from the host.

Russ: right.

Karra: he’s not much in person on giving lectures in his physical form and the fact that he would have to be under a lot of stress and be expected to astral travel and to let in somebody in an environment that he’s not sure about, would be very stressful for him.

Russ: oh yeah in an ideal situation, let’s say we’re in Sedona or something, it might work.

Karra: uh-huh, in an ideal situation.

Russ: I think what we need to do is, do something that start up various.......hook up with different groups maybe on the net.

Karra: well and also newsletters.

Russ: well we do that with the web…

Karra: uh-huh but I mean…..

Russ: with the Hades Base News.

Karra: but people that don’t have access to the Internet. Most of the people that you know do have access through the Internet but what about Johnny?

Russ: yeah true.

Karra: what about Cindy?

Russ: hmm.

Karra: what about the groups down in Sedona that no longer have contact with Omal?

Russ: hmm.

Karra: see a newsletter is the first step.

Russ: that’s a good idea actually.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: I guess we could just take, take it right off the web, publish the webpage maybe?

Karra: some of it yes. One second……really…..I know that you have newsletter publishing software don’t you?

Russ: oh yeah, I did it for Heavenly. 

Karra: uh-huh, apparently Tia just told me that Mark is getting a graphic animation newsletter publishing setup.

Russ: is he now?

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: oh I could certainly donate the article but we could like us say just take it right off the web.

Karra: yeah, but instead of taking the whole entire thing and just printing it up off the web which would be maybe once every three months you would have enough for newsletter, you take let’s say a month’s editorials and news and one dissertation and then you would have from that your feelings on the dissertation, Mark's feelings on the dissertation. If people write in, you would have their letters and our answers and maybe from Sedona because that’s the market you would be angling for to start off with….

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: you would, we would go let’s say, "okay Omal said this but let’s look at it from line-to-line and what we think he is trying to say as Omal is known to use analogies and imply things for our own constructive educational learning" and how does it apply and interact with a day-to-day. "Well on a day-to-day basis it interacts or I have found that it interacts this way, in my life." You see?

Russ: uh-huh.

Karra: so you take those items and you do it that way.

Russ: how many pages would it be though?

Karra: maybe four.

Russ: and that's front to back...hmm.

Karra: well no it would be eight in total. There would be pictures, a little cartoon section, something like a picture of a person with an ax over their head, a computer and the computer saying, “strike any key to continue.”

(Russ chuckles)

Karra: or a picture of a skeleton lying next to a computer saying, “congratulations, you have now logged on to AOL.”

Russ: you picked that one out of there.

Karra: you were where it came from.

Russ: okay.

Karra: but things like that in a newsletter would be a useful tool and you could put in also a discussion on astral travel and all the problems that are involved. There are many different possibilities that you could come up with.

Russ: hmm, a top 10 list.

Karra: a top 10 list of the most silliest world events.

Russ: top 10 ways to tell if you’re astral projecting correctly.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: number one……okay.

Karra: tape should be getting pretty close to being over I’ve just been informed.

Russ: all right.

Karra: you want to check hon?

Russ: nope, you got a long way.

Karra: a long way?

Russ: yep, a long way.

Karra: okay, so you see there are so many different possibilities. The university or college or whatever would be something down the road, something that we work for…..

Russ: maybe after things go kind of worse for wear and cults aren't even worried about.

Karra: correct, correct.

Russ: I see what you mean.

Karra: yeah but Tia did bring up a good point with that little comment about cults.

Russ: right but hey, it’s nice to get that out where it needs to be.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: because there is safety in numbers and right now, two is not a number.

Karra: no.

Russ: well unless you count the cats.

Karra: well actually it’s a little more than two.

Russ: I know but it’s still a minimal amount to what would be necessary to have a viable community with growth and prosperity.

Karra: uh-huh, there’s somebody else for the newsletter, Skip.

Russ: yep.

Karra: uh-huh.

Russ: how do we advertise it? Through the……

Karra: Emergence.

Russ: Emergence, that would be one way.

Karra: uh-huh. Okay, let’s get the business expert in.

Russ: okay.

Karra: as Kiri comes wandering back over. Okay, I will hop out and we'll put the business expert back in.

Russ: all righty. 
