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(Tia lists a number of things that she was gathering to present in a report to the Council of 12 where a raise to a level two defcon was soon to be announced. We cover all over the globe and not just in the United States.) 

Russ: hi Tia.

(Tia says hi in Durondedunn)

Tia: I can't stay too long, I’m real busy tonight, I’ve got to go back to my office. First of all, be prepared for a communiqué.

Russ: communiqué.

Tia: okay now the reason why I may be releasing a communiqué and I’ve been in a lot of meetings recently and you'll have to excuse me thinking and talking fast. Okay we have had earthquakes in Taiwan, we've had rioting in East Timor, we've had problems in Malaysia, we've had earthquakes in Turkey, we've had stock markets continuing on a downward slide, what do all things add up to?

Russ: possible defcon alert.

Tia: that is correct.

Russ: or upgrade.

Tia: which would take us to defcon two.

Russ: right.

Skip: uh-huh.

Tia: all these things are happening externally to your country except for the stock market keeps on sliding. What is going on is a moment for us......we have been teetering on the edge of declaring a defcon two for the past three days.

Skip: okay.

Tia: okay, this is nothing negative for your localized area, this is a worldwide alert because of all the things going on in other places. Most of them are in what you call developing country areas which at the moment is something that is stopping us from announcing that defcon two level but if they continue to occur, such things as hurricanes, riots, mass killings, sliding in the market, you have had within the space of three weeks, you’ve had…..

Russ: encephalitis breakout in New York.

Tia: you've had some major occurrences. You've had major earthquakes in Taiwan, you've had major earthquakes in Turkey, you've had major earthquakes......there's somewhere else recently but you've had bomb blasts in the Soviet Union, you've had warfare breaking out in Dagestan and Chechnya. You’ve had military attacks, you've had hurricanes, you’ve had volcanic activities, you've had a lot of things going on in the space of three weeks.

Skip: shooting rampages.

Russ: shooting rampages.

Tia: shooting rampages, you’ve had many negative events occurring. This is nothing to do with the turn of the millennium.

Russ: oh it’s not?

Tia: the millennium turns in another year and 90 days thereabouts. What is going on is normal, natural phenomenons that are occurring close together unfortunately. The natural phenomenons, they happen from time to time in a space like that. The fighting's and so on are not anything to do with the turn of the millennium or the supposed turn the millennium in 90 days which is a misnomer and inaccurate. What they are to do with is religious problems. To start off with the problem in Chechnya and Dagestan, I sided with the rebels, I was incorrect in this, I want to clear that up right now. Having done more research and studied it in closer detail, I’m now siding with the government. The actual people that are creating the fighting are a very small minority that believe it is their right to force their will on the majority. To give you an idea on how small this minority is, you’re talking less than 1%, less than 1% is creating the current problem. So anybody that complains that the poor rebels are being picked upon and hurt is incorrect. They’re not rebels, they're terrorists, they are forcing their will on other people. Is that the action of a rebel, is that the action of a religious sect? No, that is the actions of terrorists. They're bandits, they’re using religion as a tool for their own ends. The reason why I sound strongly vehement in that is the fact that I goofed. I made a mistake in my judgment but I am correcting that now and anger is not directed at them or directed at the government, it is anger at myself for making that mistake, a foolish mistake. Okay do we have any questions?

Skip: well would that terrorist action exist in the bombings in Russia also?

Tia: that is correct.

Skip: okay.

Tia: that is the action of terrorists. Okay, next question.

Russ: well East Timor is a....that’s a political problem there.

Tia: that’s correct.

Russ: but now what do you see as the possible outcome out of all this independence that's being forced upon Indonesia for that particular area?

Tia: I see it as a very dangerous move. Certainly the majority of the people thought that it was the right move, certainly the government of Indonesia felt that it was a wrong move, both parties in this case were at fault.......

Russ: hmmm.

Tia: for the simple reason East Timor cannot survive without Indonesia, Indonesia can survive without East Timor but it is wrong for them to force their will on the majority of the people in that area even though the majority in actual fact is a minority of Indonesia. They gave them the opportunity to vote for their independence, they voted for it and unfortunately they made a choice which was harmful and innocent people were hurt. So it is something that both parties are at fault. That’s something I’m keeping out of but I'm watching carefully. Next question.

Skip: no.

Russ: okay, we’re just entering into the hurricane season now, we're also entering into a point where the interest rates are being looked at as being rising soon. 

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: that along with another earthquake that could possibly strike anywhere along that Pacific rim area that’s already building up we could see a defcon alert pretty quick then because of all that?

Tia: and that is quite possible. In fact when I leave here I’m going back to a meeting, I’m going back to a meeting with the Council of 12 where we’re going to sit down and discuss it. That’s where Omal went.

Russ: okay one last question is......

Tia: uh-huh.

Russ: on the earthquakes in the Pacific rim, we’ve had one major one in Turkey and one major one in Taiwan, hasn’t that relieved a lot of stresses on that particular plates and we might not see anything for a while?

Tia: they’re not connected to the Pacific plate. The one in Turkey is the European plate, the one in Taiwan is on the……..oh what’s that?

Russ: it’s not the Japanese plate?

Tia: yet it’s on the Japanese plate that’s not on your side however, not being fully versed on the theory behind it I can assume that even though it’s released pressure in that area, that the movement is building up pressure elsewhere. Where I don't know.

Skip: oh okay.

Russ: tectonics or something I'll have to look into myself.

Skip: I was going ask.

Tia: now if it slides gently than that is not a problem, I really don’t know, I’m not a……

Skip: because it couldn’t be building up pressure on this side of the Pacific

Tia: uh-huh or it could be building up pressure further along down there. Anyway, anymore questions?

Skip: no honey.

Tia: okay, I've got to go.

Skip: thank you

Russ: thanks Tia.

Tia: I can’t take his body with me can I?

(we both laugh)

Skip: good night sweetheart. 
