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(We get the details from Kiri on the programming she had done with the robot bunny and all the little tricks she was able to make it perform. Some, like taking off the sunglasses when it got dark and puts them in a pouch is ingenious.) 

Kiri: you haven’t picked up your Christmas present have you?

Russ: you know, I’ve been wanting to.

Kiri: it’s not that big, it only stands about yea tall.

(Ed. Note: the infamous Energizer Bunny she made a life-size robot of for Christmas)

Russ: I’ve got to find it first.

Kiri: I’ll make sure she’s finds it.

Russ: yeah I’ll just go up, turn it on, play with it for a while and watch it wander around.

Kiri: uh-huh, oh it does a few other things besides bang the drum and go around in circles and drive around.

Russ: oh, well I’ll have some fun with it.

Kiri: yeah it will stop and puts the drum down is one of the things that it does and it puts on sunglasses.

(Russ laughs)

Russ: you are a genius.

Kiri: uh-huh and then it picks up the drum and off it goes. And as it gets darker and darker it will stop, take off the sunglasses, put the sunglasses into a pouch and then pick up the drum and off it goes again. We had hours of fun with it in the lab.

Russ: I'll bet you did.

Kiri: uh-huh. And then there is a thing where if you’re not authorized or it’s not activated to you right and you pick it up right? It will play dead, it will go totally limp and you put it down, as soon as you put it down it grabs the drum and runs and hides. It has little microprocessor that gives it a random program of what it can do.

Russ: oh my God.

Kiri: uh-huh. It’s a little bit like Mark’s cyber rabbit you’ve heard about, his cyber rabbit?

Russ: yeah.

Kiri: uh-huh, it’s little bit like that on what it gets up to. What’s another program that I have running in there that you have. Okay there’s one that if you grab it by its ears right?

Russ: uh-huh.

Kiri: it will fight like crazy and the harder you grab the harder it fights until you grab to the point where it becomes critical on the ears and then it shuts down right? And it shuts down until you put it down. As soon as you put it down or its feet touches the ground it will go off again but I think the sunglass routine is quite funny.

Russ: I look forward to that one.

Kiri: uh-huh.

Russ: all right, well I’ll give it a full workout here next time I come on up there.

Kiri: oh yeah but I’ll find out where it’s from. And I just found out which....

(The recording ends at that point)
