(Tia explains the
properties of the 4th and 5th dimensions and
describes the place at the bottom of the base by
the gravity generators which is used for
training purposes to learn how the 5th dimension
operates. The trick to the 5th dimension is that
there isn't a trick to the 5th dimension.)
okay, what's in the
fourth and fifth
Tia: the fourth is
time, pure time.
Karen: the fourth is
Tia: uh-huh. Think of
all the possibilities
that can happen from
one event, that is
time and all of them
happening at the same
time. Fifth is space
but not space as in go
out there above your
planet's atmosphere.
It is......how would
be the best way to
explain it? Omal used
the analogy of having
a matchbox and putting
cases of wine in
there. Another way to
explain it would be,
let us say you wanted
to get to the pizza
box that you put up in
the kitchen right?
Karen: actually no
it's laying at your
feet practically.
Tia: oh it is? Okay,
that's better yet. Now
let us assume you
wanted a piece of
pizza right?
Karen: uh-huh.
Tia: you get up and
you take one step.
Karen: right.
Tia: and it's just as
far away as it was
when you started. You
take five steps and
it's still just as far
away as it started.
You take a hundred
steps and it is still
just as far away as
when you started. You
turn around, you walk
towards the door and
let us say you assume
that you can get to
the door, you do. You
open the door, you go
out, you walk all way
around, come back in
and you step in the
box as you come down
the steps. Oops. But
that's the way the
fifth dimension works.
Or, I should say it's
what, about five steps
Karen: it's maybe
about two.
Russ: two steps.
Tia: okay let us say
that you're sitting
there and you decide
you want your piece of
pizza, you get up and
take one step and
you're right there
Karen: uh-huh.
Tia: the properties of
the fifth dimension
are never constant.
It's.....things do not
appear as they are.
For example, let us
say that Russ wanted
to get to that box
right? And let us say
we go through all the
grief and aggravation
of explaining taking
steps directly towards
it. Russ turns around,
walks up across the
ceiling, across the
wall, down the other
side and picks up the
Russ: what controls
the fifth dimension or
is it an uncontrolled
Tia: it's
Karen: so it's
unconditional space?
Tia: correct. For
example, let us say
you wanted to go to
Mars from your planet.
Normally it would take
about six months to a
year to travel with
your current
technology right?
Karen: uh-huh.
Tia: but in the fifth
dimension you could
never reach it or, you
can hop in a Boeing
747, take off and land
on it. All very
confusing isn't it? So
it's never constant.
Karen: right.
Tia: there's a part of
the base right down at
the very bottom, right
against the energy
generators that we use
as a training tool for
people that need to
learn their lessons of
the fifth dimension.
We take them down
there, we set up a
table and we set up
food on that table, we
set a chair up about
ten paces away, we
switch off the field
within that contained
area and ask them to
have dinner.
Karen: and they can't
get to the table.
Tia: or they get the
table straightaway and
the instructions are
quite clear. Every
time you grab a piece
of food, you must only
take one item, you
return back to your
seat. And we
Russ: getting back to
the seat might be just
as much trouble as
getting to the table.
Tia: there you go, you
Karen: in other words,
you don't eat until
tomorrow so class is
over. Now the time is
all time everywhere?
Or is it.....I mean
is.....I mean how
confusing is is that?
Tia: all time relevant
to you. For example,
Mark uses the analogy
of you're driving down
the road right? Your
car makes left turn, a
right turn, keeps
going, backs up, rolls
over, has a flat tire,
runs into somebody,
stops dead, has a flat
tire in the front
tire, has a flat tire
in the back tire and
so on, you see all the
Karen: hmmm.
Tia: the engine
explodes, the car
catches fire, all
these things happen at
the same time and if
you were to look into
the fourth dimension,
you would see them
happening all at the
same time. You'd see
all the possibilities.
Karen: I see..... oh,
I see what you're
Tia: uh-huh.
Russ: what I don't
understand is how all
these channelers can
channel beings who's
saying that they all
exist on the fourth
dimension and we're
preparing us to make
that transition up to
the fourth dimension.
Karen: why would you
want everything
happening to you the
same time?
Russ: and I don't see
how we could live
there anyway even if
we could and since we
can't, why are these
channelers getting it
all wrong? Is this
intruding on the
Tia: correct. Certain
amounts yes. Those
that you find that
explain it, that you
cannot live in the
fourth or the fifth
are true trance
channelers. The
majority are conscious
Russ: who can't
believe that any
information coming
through saying that
they're going to live
on the sixth could be
Tia: correct.
Russ: they reject it
and insert their own
Tia: correct.
Karen: well I asked
I had mentioned about
the sixth dimension.
Tia: uh-huh.
Karen: and somebody
came back and asked me
and says, "well what
about....you skipped
right over the fourth
and fifth."
Tia: uh-huh.
Karen: and I said,
"well" I said, I'll
find out about the
fourth and the fifth
and I'll get back to
you tomorrow night."
Tia: now you have the
Karen: now I've got
the information.
Tia: uh-huh.
Karen: so maybe
they'll understand.
Tia: uh-huh. Another
analogy that is useful
is to tell somebody to
get a box that is an
inch high right?
Karen: uh-huh.
Tia: and a box that is
a foot high. Hold them
side-by-side and tell
them which is the
bigger and they will
tell you the one that
is a foot high.
Karen: right.
Tia: and you tell him
to take the box that
is a foot high, take
it all the way across
from one corner to
another, stand it in
the far corner. You
stand in one corner,
the box is in the
furthest corner. You
hold out box that is
an inch high. Now,
which looks bigger?
Karen: the little guy.
Tia: correct,
perception you see?
Karen: this is like
the leaning room
Russ: Knot's Berry
Karen: Knot's Berry
Tia: at where?
Karen: Knot's Berry
Russ: they had
something similar set
Karen: it's like
it's........kind of
like crooked so you're
walking sideways.
Russ: I never did
figure out how they
did that either where
they have a pool
Karen: but you're
walking sideways and
you're actually
standing up straight
but it looks like
you're walking
Tia: uh-huh.
Karen: I mean you
could be looking at
your....at Mark and
he'd be coming to you
needing a V-8.
Tia: yeah.
Karen: I mean he's
just leaning to one
side and you're like
"wow" or the pool
table that gets the
ball and put the ball
on the table and it
goes not the way the
table's leaning but in
the opposite pocket.
Tia: uh-huh, it's all
Russ: I never got how
they did that, mirrors
Tia: no, it's very,
very simple. Okay you
have the room leaning
actually one way
right? And you set the
table up so it's
leaning in the
opposite way with more
lean right? But, with
the tilt, it looks as
if it's flat.
Russ: hmmm.
Karen: no, the table
actually was leaning.
Tia: uh-huh, the table
does lean. Okay, next
question. Oh well,
better put on the next
Russ: okay.